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I get up for the first time in forever. I've been unable to move for the last few hours as I just wrapped myself in her blanket giving myself some kind of warmth and comfort from her scent.

I keep the blanket tightly around me as I ascend the stairs, not bothering to fix my appearance first, everyone knows I'm broken and empty.

When I reach the kitchen I hear quiet whispers coming from the living room. I stick my head around the corner enough to see who's there but not enough for them to see me.

"It's gonna be ok" Calum whispers to the distressed Gia who is sitting cuddled up in his lap. "We'll find her soon" a tear trickles down my face. Calum is back from the search but doesn't have my Luna with him.

"How do you know? She's not here. You couldn't find her. Michael can't contact her" she says her chest moving more rapidly. "I know because I can feel it. We will find her. We'll go back out and we'll bring her home with us. I promise" Calum says pulling Gia closer to him as she snuggles in more. " I will bring her back, for you, for Michael, for all of us," he says softly before kissing her head and letting his head rest on hers.

That's when I leave. If I were to stay any longer they would hear my cry's and I would interrupt their moment. Even though I'm sad and unhappy and missing the one that I love more than anything in the world, I want my friends to feel happy. Even if they could feel a tenth of what I had with Jayce, one moment like that would fill you with happiness for a lifetime.

"Mikey!" Ash calls from across the room.

"I know," I say glumly.

"We'll keep looking. We won't stop until we find her. I promise." He says putting his hands on my shoulders looking me straight in the eyes. I nod back.

All of a sudden I feel immense pain flow through me as if I were being electrocuted.


I search the room as I am awoken by a loud scratching sound. We've been stuck here for I don't know how long, and haven't been touched. No one has come in or out. We have been stuck in suspense fearing the worst.

I look to the corner of the room as light starts to shine through as a tall man enters. He wears a long white lab coat and closes the door before speaking. "Hello ladies I am doctor Alderman and today is the start of our beautiful adventures." He stops to look around the room. "Together we will conduct a series of experiments to see all about you," he says ending up in front of me and bopping my nose. I growl back at him. "Feisty aren't we. Hopefully, that will help. Today we start with you" he says staring me down. I mind link the others as I figure out what he wants 'whatever happens, don't turn' I say sternly and I look at them to see them nod back. I try to relax but before I can I feel the excruciating pain of electricity flowing through me and I scream out in pain.


Hey, guys sorry for the lack of updates I've been sick and getting back to school. Anyways I should be back now. I hope you enjoy the updates and I hopefully will be posting this weeks update before Monday but I don't think I'll be able to update tomorrow because I'm having a scan where they inject dye into you so I'll be radioactive and I'm not sure whether I'll be around around technology.

Anyways you know the drill

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My Alpha Mate // Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now