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I snap my head in the direction the sound came from in fear Jayce was hurt and I see one of the warriors pointing to the other side of the field. I look to see an archer... aiming right....... at...... me.

I watch as he shoots before I am able to move. The arrow that gleams in the light of the sun for unknown reasons shoots through the air. I close my eyes waiting for impact...but I don't feel it. Instead, I hear a loud whimper that belongs to one person....Jayce.

I open my eyes to see her in front of me, on the ground. Oddly she's not bleeding out but she's barely conscious. I sniff at the arrow and smell a rare variety of wolfsbane that doesn't kill. But the recipient will pass out and wake up hours later. It is also quite painful. Dying of any other wolfsbane would be far less painful.

I whimper at the pain I feel for her and transform back to my human form. As I go down to pick Jayce up she was snatched away from my grasp. My head shoots up so fast I should have been dizzy.

I see a human running away with my precious Luna in his arms, barely holding on to the real world. I can feel how much pain she is in. In a split second, I turn into my wolf lunging after him.

He will not get away with my Luna. She is MINE!

Out of my peripheral vision, I see many other hunters stopping their attacks and going after me. 'Guys a little help' I mind link the boys to help me. I can't stop and fight them I need to get to Jayce. The man carrying her held her tightly and jolted her around roughly. I grew very angry very quickly at the way he treated her and ran at him faster. I could tell how scared she was but she was too weak to fight back. She could barely keep herself from flopping.

I caught this person. Who in the FUCK even is he??

After tackling him to ground with Jayce flying away and landing on the ground hard a few feet from us. I clawed at him and ripped his head from his body.

He deserved it.

I turned to walk to Jayce but she was gone. She had started crawling her way back to the house. I could feel the agony she was in and before I got more that a few feet towards her she collapsed in front of me. Her body was screaming from the immense pain she was in and trying to move made it agonizingly worse. I ran to her as fast as I could but I was too late.

Someone took her in their arms and ran to a car that had pulled up a few feet away and drove away before I could reach it. I wasn't fast enough to catch it.

Someone had taken my Luna and I didn't even see his face. I growled angered that any human would do this and as a hunter came near me I ripped his head from his body in one swift movement in complete rage. But as much as I wanted to I couldn't rip them to shreds. They might know something so I instantly mind linked for their to me no more killing. Every last hunter from then on was captured and thrown in the hole to be questioned.

I will find my Luna and she will be safe in my arms once again.


Update 1 of 2 for today.

My Alpha Mate // Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now