Chapter 16

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'Bad new's buddy' I hear Ash through the pack telepathy. ' What! Is it Jayce?! Is she hurt?!' I start to panic frantically looking for an answer. 'No she fine I'm with her but we found something you're not gonna like.' He replies. 'What?' I growl.

"Hunters." Ash breaths as he enters the room.

"Hunters ?!" I question as I walk forward pulling Jayce into my arms as a protective instinct after she was put down off of Ash's shoulder.

"We heard them there a couple miles out of the easy border." Jayce said turning to me a look of concern etched onto her face. I help her tightly as if saying 'it was gonna be ok.'

"They've haven't been this close for years" Ashton noted and concern look painted over his face as well.

"I want everyone put on high alert!" I started

"Yes sir" Ashton responded

" And I want constant guard teams on duty!"

"Yes sir"

"And at all cost, our Luna is to be protected!!" I finished the most important factor to me being Jayce would be protected.

"What-Michael -hey!" Jayce struggled against me as I held her tightly to my chest. I know she doesn't feel that she needs to be looked after but she is our Luna and she will carry the heir to the pack one day, she is the love of my life I would die if I lost her.

"And that means no more perimeter runs for you." I said looking down at Jayce, who continued to struggle not happy with my decisions. "Go get working on guard teams and alert the pack!" I said looking back up to Ashton. He nodded and I continued. "Rally the guys and get them up to date and working I want this all effective immediately!" I said and turned going upstair after throwing Jayce over my shoulder.

I need to call an Alpha meeting.


These about an hour until the other Alpha and his betas get here for the meeting. God, I'm so nervous I've been pacing Michael's and I's bedroom for the past 20 minutes. The threat of hunters is serious, they have wiped out entire packs before and they are so close to ours. I don't want to think what would happen if they found us.

I walk down the stairs to the kitchen to see Gia cooking "What are you doing?" I ask. since when does she cook?"I cook when I'm stressed." I didn't need to hear anymore I understood. I walked around the lower level of the building to see the other two doing things to keep their mind off the hunters but I couldn't. I'm responsible for this pack and if anyone were to get hurt and I could have stopped it I'll never forgive myself.

I felt two arms wrap around my waist and pull me into a chest. I knew by the scent it was Michael and leaned my head back onto him trying to relax. "Everythings going to be fine. You'll see." He whispered in my ear trying to comfort me. I slowly began to relax as he continued to whisper sweet nothings in my ear.

Suddenly Ashton burst into the room yelling for me. I detached myself from Michael and ran to him asking what was wrong, "Cara" was all he said before grabbing my wrist and leading me to the lounge room where Cara was huddled up in a ball crying. "She - she had a breakdown." Ashton said worry evident in his eyes and face. "I-I don't know what to do" he spoke again.

"Don't worry Ash, it's ok" I said putting a comforting hand on his arm before walking towards Cara. It's sad that Ash can't comfort her right now we all know Ash, he would have tried. Especially since they have been doing so well with their relationship lately. "Cara, honey, what's wrong. Tell me, I'm here." I said wrapping my arms around her pulling her close to me. Holding her and rubbing her back comfortably as she continued to cry on my shoulder slowing down slightly, starting to calm down. My motherly instincts always come out around Cara. I treat her as if she were my own child but I guess that's how a Luna looks at her pack. As if they were her children and she needs to protect them at all cost.

"I'm scared." She started in a small voice. "I don't want the hunters to hurt you or me or Ash or any of us, I love our family, it's the best family I've every had." She said before bursting into tears again. I signal for Ash to come over. He put his hand gently on her back. "Hey, I would never let anyone hurt you. Ever." He said looking deep into her eyes.

"But who will protect you?" She questions. Tears still running down her cheeks. "We protect each other" I answered for him "No one's going anywhere. You're stuck with us." I said with a small smile.

"Promise?" Cara questioned.

"I promise you" I smiled at her as I leaned her into Ash's arms where she cuddled into him.


Hey guys! Here's a slightly longer update. Just so you know how lazy I am I wrote this is an hour or two this morning after my friend called me and woke me up she was then shocked when I texted her that she had woken me up. Author of the year over here.{she said her voice laced with sarcasim} I'm weird.


Comment and vote because I get excited when you comment and I care what you think so tell me I'm a good writer or a shit one, just tell me what you think





My Alpha Mate // Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now