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Reya's POV

Brynlee and Scorpius came to visit me when ever they could, and in a few days I was out of the hospital wing.

All of the cuts disappeared except for one that ran from my throat to my shoulder.

I had just woken up to Brynlee shaking me awake, "Reya! Get up we have Quidditch tryouts!"

"Oh my gosh, I forgot!" I exclaimed and ran into the bathroom to get ready

In a matter of minutes Brynlee and I were walking down to the Quidditch Field

"Alright everyone" spoke James "Everyone I need seekers over here, beaters over there, keepers on the others side of the field, and chasers over here. Now remember , just because you made the team last year does not mean you will make it this year, understand?!" James shouted over the exited whispers of the people who were trying out

After watching each of us play James decided that Brynlee was the new seeker, I was one of the beaters along with James, Albus took Frank's spot as keeper and Scorpius, Alice, and now Frank were the chasers.

After the tryouts ended, Brynlee and I walked back to our common room and collapsed exhausted on to one of the couches.

"I'm so exited!" Cried Brynlee "This is going to be so much fun!"




"Well aren't you exited?"

"Yes I am very exited just exhausted because it's not easy to fly and hit other flying things with a bat!"

"Yeah. You haven't been talking to Scorpius a lot lately, what's up?"

"I don't know I really, I need to, he is my boyfriend after all"

"Speaking of Boyfriends...... Albus is mine now!"

"Congrats! Scorpius told me, And I love that locket"


"I still don't trust him"

"I know Reya, but he's better now"

"Whatever you say....."

" Well I am going to go to lunch, want to come?" Asks Brynlee

"No, I'm going to go spend some quality time with my boyfriend." I reply

"Okay Reya, see you later!" Bryn says walking out of the portrait hole.

I to walk out of the common room and to Hogsmeade, I find Scorpius in the Weasley's shop.


"Hi Reya"

"Do you want to go to The Three Broomsticks with me?"

"I would love to" he replies putting down a canary cream

He grabs my hand and we walk out of the shop and into The Three Broomsticks

I slide into a booth and he goes to get us 2 butter beers, just like our first date

He comes back with two mugs of the hot buttery liquid and sits down next to me

"Did you hear? Natalie was expelled"

"Really?!" I replied

"I told professor Mcgonagall and she kicked her out!"

"Good, now I can do this with out her cursing me" I lean in and he does the same, I wrap my arms around his neck and he moves his so it's around my waist, pulling me closer. We snog for a bit longer until I pull away and whisper in his ear,

"I love you"

"I love you too" he replies brushing my hair out of my eyes and behind my ear.

I smile and and take a sip of my butterbeer

We finish our drinks and walk out of The Three Broomsticks

It's starting to get dark so we head back to the castle

Once inside the common room Scorpius kisses my cheek and retreats to his dormitory. I walk up to Brynlee and Albus who were snogging in the corner

"Brynlee, take a breath can we talk?"

She breaks away "Ill be right back Albus" she says.

"Yes Reya?"

"I see you too have gotten very close over the last few days"

Brynlee just smiles and returns to Albus.

'Should of gone with James' I think to myself 'Broke your heart once, what makes you think he won't do it again?'

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