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Reya POV

"Scorpius, I think I'm gonna throw up."

Were sitting across from a lovey-dovey Brynlee and Albus moment.

"Oh shut up, she's probably thinks the same thing."

"Their just so sappy, why aren't we sappy?"

"I dunno."

I shoot a glare at him

"What?!" He says throwing his arms up in defense

I smile looking at him "Can we be sappy?"

"Sappy it is." He says bringing his lips to mine.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Noah's POV

She's staring up at the enchanted ceiling, her face resting in her hands. I wish I had the guts to tell her. I feel terrible about what I said, and I would do anything to take it back.

I think I love her. This is uncharted territory for me. I'm not sure what to do anymore, how to act around her. I wonder if she feels the same way. But this is selfish of me. She loves Logan, and she's happy. That's all that matters. It's official, I'm never going to tell her. As long as she's happy I'm happy.

Ruby's POV

"Hey Ruby...." He says walking over to me

"Hey Logan..."

He intertwines his hand with mine "Are you alright? You've been acting weird lately."

"Uhh.... Yeah I'm fine."

"Okay..." He says smiling

I just sit there, looking at him. I don't know what to do.

"You know..." He says cupping my face in his hands "I don't believe you."

I just shrug, still looking into his deep brown eyes

He kisses me, "Better?"

He brings his lips to mine again, I kiss him back half heartedly. Eventually I break away. "Worse now actually." I jump off the bench and walk briskly into the hall

"Ruby?" I hear him call after me, but I don't stop.

I slump down on a bench, in a part on the castle that I've never been to before. Why can't I pick one?! It would be so simple is Logan was the only one in the picture. I take a minute to actually look around the room I'm in. It's circular walls are painted a beautiful forest green. A huge window looks over the grounds. It's quite nice up here. But the peaceful quiet always has to end. I've got a long day of classes ahead of me.

I try to pay attention in class, but my mind wanders. I wonder if Noah's thinking about me. No, I still don't think he fully forgives me, no matter what he says.

"Miss Mogans."

My head snaps up "Yes?"

"What is the wand motion to get your frog turned into a toadstool?"

What?!?! "Ummmm... Swish and flick?"

Reya's POV

"Reya!" I hear someone call after me. I turn around to see Rose bouncing towards me "Hi! You wanna come to my party? You can bring Brynlee and Scorpius too, but just 5th, and 6th years, okay?"

"Sound good." I tell her as she hands me an envelope

"Ok! Bye Reya! See ya later!"

And with that, she was gone.

Someone grabs my hand and spins me around. "Scorpius! What are you doing?"

"So, are you going to come to the party?" He says without answering me

"I dunno, do you want too?"

He nods his head "Let's go, it'll be fun."

"When is it?"


"Thank goodness it's Friday then."

* Aaannndddd sorry that chappie is so short, but we wanted to get started on the next one. Thanks again for 1.7k!!!!! Please comment and stuff 😋 * ~Jenny

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