The Bad Breakup

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Reya's POV

I walk out of the girls dormitory and start looking for Lily. She sees me and rushes over "Is he going to be okay?"

"Is who going to be okay?" I ask her


"Wait, what? What happened?!?"

"He got smacked around by the whomping willow."

"Why would he even go over there? I mean it's called the WHOMPING willow for a reason!"

"I don't know Reya, maybe you should go talk to him."

"Good idea, will you come with me?"

She nods and we make our way to the hospital wing.

"Madame Darlene, where's Scorpius?"

She gestures to a bed on the other side of the room. And I run over with Lily on my heels. He wasn't moving. I hold his hand but he doesn't give me any reaction. I sit down in the chair next to him and put my head in my hands. Why would he go near the willow? What was going on? Was he meeting someone? I shake my head, he probably just forgot. "Please wake up." I whisper in his ear."

I stand up and walk over to Lily, "Thank you for coming with me Lily, you can go if you want."

"I better go work on my potions essay, see ya later Rey."

I sit back down in the chair again. Why was all this happening to us?!? I slip my hand back into his and I feel him give it a small squeeze back."Scorpius!""

He opens his eyes and frowns "I need to talk to Brynlee."

Wait, what?! BRYNLEE!?

"Huh?" I ask loosening my grip on his hand

"I need to talk to Brynlee."

"What does she have to do with anything?"

"I just need to talk to her, right now."

"That's the first word you say after you wake up again?! BRYNLEE?!"

"Reya, please let's just talk about this later please. I need to talk to her!"

"Why. Whatever you need to say to her you can say to me!"

"No Reya I really can't please."

"We aren't supposed to keep secrets from each other!" I yelled getting mad now

"Please Reya, I don't want to talk about this now! I'm sure you have kept secrets from me too!"

"Only one, because it would break your heart. But were done! So I'm going to tell you that I kissed Albus!"

"You what?!" He yelled, now sitting up in bed

"I kissed Albus! And I liked it! And you know what?! We're DONE!"I yelled and stormed out of the door

"Reya, wait please!"

I didn't answer and just kept walking. I slammed through our dormitory door and locked myself in the bathroom.! A tear slips down my cheek I can't believe this! Why is this happening?!

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