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Reya's POV

"Reya......." "Reya" "Reeeyaaaa!"

I slowly opened my eyes and sit part way up. "What Brynlee?"

"We need to talk."

"At 7:00?"

"Rey... It's important..... It's about... " She swallows. " Scorpius.... "

I sit all the way up "What?!"

" And Lily...... " She says slowly.


" They dated. In fourth year.... And Lily.... Kissed him.... And Scorpius and I yelled at each other... " She says sitting next down to me.

"She kissed him?! I thought she was my friend I mean we just broke up! What did you yell at him about? I mean I have no doubt hat he deserved it but....?"

" Yeah... And how he and Albus were more alike then he knew... And how girls aren't 'perfect' like they might want us to be. And how he let her kiss him and he said he or gave you for kissing Albus and Sam and I yelled even more.... I'm sorry Rey.... " She pulls me into a hug.

"You know what?! We're done, we broke up! I don't care!!!!! I put my head in my hands.


I take my head out of my hands and stand up. "You know what?! I hate him! I never ever want to get back together! Who goes and kisses one of your friends right after you break up?!? Albus and Scorpius, THATS WHO!"

" I'm so sorry Reya. " She sighs.

"Don't be! I am so over him!"

" Ok..... " She looks away.

"What's wrong with you?"

" Nothing... I know how you feel. "

"Bryn, tell me."

" You still like him Rey... You just think you don't... You're not completely over him yet... "

I flop back on to the bed "I'm SO not over him!"

She just nods and sighs.

"Brynlee, what happened? I thought you guys got back together!"

" We did. But what he did was terrible. And I don't know if I fully forgive him. But I do love him."

"It will be okay, just forgive him, he means well."

" I know... "

"Go hang out with him, I'll be okay."

" He's.... Hanging out with Scorpius... And Baylor chased me up here because he wanted the answers to the essay for transfiguration. I love him but seriously he knows this! He's being lazy! " She laughs.

"Oh my gosh, I almost forgot to tell you, someone brought me upstairs last night. I fell asleep on the couch and he carried me upstairs."

" Who?? " She asks quickly.

"I have no idea!" I say laughing.

" It could've been... Bay? He said he had detention for ' talking ' in potions, so he would of been up late. I swear Professor Thomas is evil! Bay was just asking for a pencil!! " She says staring at me laughing.

"I don't know! I wish I knew who it was! Do you really think it was Baylor?"

" Maybe... He probably saw it was you and thought you looked uncomfortable on the couch? So he was being polite and put you in your bed? Even though he wasn't suppose to be up here... " She giggles.

"I don't know? I guess he knows me so, he brought me up? This is so weird!"

She laughs. " He's just that sweet. " She smiles.

I feel my cheeks turning pink "This is still weird."

" WOAH! NO WAY! " She yells out of no where smiling like an idiot.


" YOU LIKE MY BROTHER!!! YOU LIKE BAY!! " She says, still smiling like an idiot might I add.

"What?! No!" I lied while trying not to smile

"REYA YOU SO DO!! You also liked him in SECOND grade!! You always acted weird around him! You thought he was a, and I quote, 'super, awesome, fantastic, cute, perfectest boy ever! ' " she laughs and doubles over on the bed laughing.

I blushed a deep red "There is no way I said that!" I say laughing

" Oh but you did Reya!! " She continues laughing with me.

"Okay, okay, your brother is super cute but that's it!"

" He might like you back! You never know!! " She says.

"Oh my gosh. I bet it was him! I'll be back!"

" Ok. "

I smile at my best friend and walk down the stairs to the common room. I see Baylor and sit down next to him. "Still working on that essay?"

" Yeah.... You? " He asks.


"Bryn told me you got detention, that sucks."

"Yeah.... I just needed a pencil!"

I laughed

"So......." He said breaking the silence "I was wondering, do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me?

"Sounds great." I say smiling "Tomorrow?"

"Perfect, how's 12:30?

"12:30, it's a date!"

Oh my gosh, I'm going on a date with Baylor! Oh no, what if Scorpius sees us?! You know what, to bad! IM OVER HIM! Baylor would never hurt me, I should know, I've known him forever.

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