The Freak

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Ruby's POV

I woke up to the sun shining through the border up windows. The shrieking shack was a small room with dusty wood floors and only a few pieces of furniture. I stood up and brushes myself off. Standing up, I could now see that the window had been broken through, did I get out of the shack last night? I checked the door, I guess Professor Mcgonagal had already unbolted the door. I slipped through and crawled up the tunnel. Pressing the knot on the whomping willow, I crept out from under the branches. My hand splashed into a sticky pool of crimson liquid. I guess I went hunting, sometimes I accidentally escape from the shack and catch deer, once even a unicorn (I felt really bad about that.) But there was even more blood, leading up to a dark shape that was laying motionless on the ground.

My breath caught in my throat. I dropped to my knees.

"No." Blood was seeping out of his side where four, very deep gashes were dug into his side.

Tears streamed down my face "No! Logan!" I cupped his face in my hands, he was limp and cold.I pressed my hand to his side, trying to stop the blood. His pulse was weak, but still there. "Logan, please don't die on me. It's going to be okay. Everything's going to be okay." I was sobbing now "I'm sorry. Please don't die on me!"

There was only one figure besides Logan and I in the courtyards. Noah. He was walking towards the main doors.


He ignored me and kept walking.

"I'll be right back, don't worry everything's going to be okay." I whispered to Logan, not knowing of he could hear me or not.

"Noah!!" I said grabbing his shoulder

"What?!" He snarled at me, but his face softened at seeing me distraught

"I need your help! Please!" I sobbed "He's going to die! I don't know what to do!"

"Ruby, what is going on?!"

"He's dying! Please! Just go get someone!"

He knew this was serious. I'm good at hiding my feelings, he'd never seen me this desperate.

I ran back to Logan's side. His pulse was fluttering. I guess he had been here all night, I can't imagine what that had been like, a very similar thing had happened to me the bite that turned me into a werewolf but I lost consciousness soon after the attack, and Reya found me soon after.

"I love you." I whispered to him. Noah was back. The professors lifted Logan up on to a stretcher. There was so much blood, pooled around him, dripping from the hole in his shirt. In a matter of hours everyone would know that a 3rd year was attacked and almost died. By what, no one knew. That is except me. This is all my fault. I swayed on the spot, everything was blurry.

"RUBY! It's just me! It's okay, your going to be okay! Ruby!" He crumpled to the ground. Blood pouring out of his side. I sniffed at the air, there's better things to hunt. With that I stalked back into the dark woods, unaware I was leaving Logan alone to die.

I heard his scream again, smelled the metallic odor of blood, and then everything went black.


"Ruby! Please wake up! Everything's gonna be okay! No one blames you!"

I slowly sat up, my head throbbing. Where am I? And then it all came flooding back. I threw the quilt off my legs.

"Ruby, just wait a bit okay, you just woke up." Reya tried to tell me

I ignored her protests and stepped out of bed. Dizziness over came me and I staggered forward. Scorpius caught me.

"Ruby, sit back down, it's okay."

"Stop it!" I squeaked out, my vision becoming blurry again "You don't understand! It's all my fault!!"

Reya held me steady. "At least tell me how he's doing!!" I exclaimed

She sighed and told me quietly "He's in a coma."

Tears streamed down my cheeks "I almost killed him! What I'd he doesn't wake up?!" I sobbed "This is all my fault, I'm a murder!"

"No your not Ruby, he'll be okay, he's gonna wake up."

"Where's Riley? And Matt? Are they here? Where's Logan? I need to see him!"

Riley stood up from behind Reya "He's in St.Mungos."

"Now they all know! I'm a freak and everyone knows it!" I cried into Reya's shoulder

" Ruby... You aren't a freak. You didn't mean for this to happen. "

"What if I did?! I don't remember anything!"

" Exactly!! You don't remember! You don't remember because the wolf inside you took over! If you remembered you would know that you wouldn't do that! You love him, Ruby! He loves you. "

More tears leaked out "He's gonna hate me! I almost killed him!"

" He isn't going to hate you! He loves you, Ruby!! You... He isn't going to die!"

"You don't know that!"

" But I do!! Logan... Figured it out... He asked me if I knew. I said yes and he said he would be back! I tried to stop him. " She wipes a tear off her cheek. " I couldn't stop him. "

"How did YOU know?! I never told you!"

She looks down. " I'm your best friend. You honestly think I wouldn't figure it out? "

I sighed "I know..... But who else knows?"

" Um.. That I know of? Brynlee, Scorpius, Reya of course, uh.. I didn't tell Matthew if that's what your asking." She sighs. " That's all I know. "

"Good, but you might as well tell him. I mean, everyone else has figured it out."

" So what if they have?! It doesn't matter! This was an accident!"

"Was it?"

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