Potter's Place

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Brynlee's POV

I was sitting in a compartment with Alice, Lily, Reya, Scorpius, and Albus.

Reya has been really quiet lately. And she has been jumpy too. And her and Lily keep exchanging weird looks.

Did... Did Reya tell her and not me?? I mean.. I already know but Reya doesn't know that!! Does Reya not trust me???

Uggghh I don't know...

" Brynlee... You ok? You've been quiet..." Albus squeezes my hand lightly.

Everyone but Reya was looking at me.

" Yeah... Just a little.. Tired... I'm gonna go say bye to my brothers and sister real quick... Wanna come Reya? " I ask.

I know I shouldn't have!! But.. I did..

She gives me a confused look and shakes her head no.

" Are you sure? I know Riley would want to tell you bye. And Baylor...... And Sam. " I tell her.

She gives we a weird look again and sighs "Okay, I guess"

We walk a couple compartments down and go in.

" Hey familayy!! " I smile. " We just wanted to say bye now and that we will see you after break! "

Sam and Reya were giving each other looks. They would be cute together.. And Reya could become part of the family...

And Scorpius... I don't really know about him yet... He hasn't really proven himself to me yet....

" Bye Sis! " I hug Riley tight.

" I'll miss you sissy... " She hugs back then we let go.

" Bye Bay... I'll miss you" I hug Baylor tightly.

" Bye baby sis.. It won't be the same without you. I actually think it'll be a good thing... Think they'll adopt ya? " He jokes.

" Bay!! " I laugh and playfully hit his shoulder.

I turn to Sam. I take a deep breath. " Bye Sam. " We hug then I look at Reya.

" Ready to go? " I ask.

" Umm.. I'll be out in a second. " Reya says.

" K.. " I go out and hide.

She comes out a few seconds later and takes Sam into an empty compartment.

I come out from my hiding spot and eavesdrop.

This is what I hear, "Sam, I just want you to know that that kiss didn't mean anything to me."

"I'm sorry Reya, I just really like you, I don't know why I didn't realize it sooner."

"No Sam, this isn't going to happen, I love Scorpius!" I heard Reya yell and she burst out of the compartment.

I quickly run to our compartment before she saw me and say down panting.

" Why're you panting? " Lily asks.

" Nothing... " I say as Reya bursts into the compartment.

Reya sits down by Lily and sighs.

Lily looks at her and mouths something.

Reya just shakes her head an takes a deep breath.

The train stopped. We were at Kings Cross.

" Let's go guys.. I can't wait to see your house Albus.. I bet it's wonderful. " I smile.

" Oh it is. Trust me. It's better than Malfoy Manor! " Scorpius says.

I laugh. This was going to be fun.


" Wow.... " Reya and I say at the same time.

I was in front of the most beautiful building I had ever seen. And I've been EVERYWHERE. Haha...

" Brynlee! Reya! " It's so nice to meet you. " A very beautiful Ginger says.

" You must be Mrs. Potter. It's nice to meet you too. I'm Brynlee. " We shake hands.

" Please call me Ginny. And you must Reya. " She says turning towards Reya.

" It's nice to meet you. " They shake hands.

" James go find you're father and tell them that everyone is here. " Ginny tells James.

" Momma! " Lily hugs her mom. I can see where she gets her looks from.

James comes out with the famous Harry Potter.

I take a deep breath. I have always wanted to meet him. But I was nervous. I was meeting him as his sons girlfriend... What if he doesn't like me?? I fumble with the locket that Albus gave me.

I ALWAYS wore it.

" Hey, I'm Harry. It's nice to meet you." He shakes hands with Reya.

" Nice to meet you. I'm Reya. " She introduces herself.

" You must be Brynlee. You're more beautiful than my kids told me you were. It's great to meet you. Both of you. " Harry says.

We shake hands. " Nice to meet you too sir. "

" Please. Don't call me sir. Call me Harry. " He says

I look down and see I was holding hands with Albus and I blush.

He smiles at me and he squeezes my hand lightly. I squeeze back and I kiss his hand.

Harry and Ginny smile at us. They kiss then usher us all in to Potter Manor.

Ginny told us that James would have his room alone, Albus and Scorpius would be in Albus's room, and Reya and I would be with Lily in her room.

Reya and I put down our stuff in Lily's room.

I look at Reya before I go to Albus.

" My parents love you. " He smiles.

" Really? " I bite my lip.

" Yes.. Positive. " He leans down and kisses me.

I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist pulling me closer to him.

After a few seconds we pull away.

Harry was standing close by smiling. " You chose a good one Al... Don't let her go. "

" Trust me dad. I definitely won't. " Albus smiles and pecks my lips lightly.

" Dinner will be ready in 15 minutes. " Harry says before disappearing down the stairs.

I sigh. " I think this will be the best break ever. "

" Me too. " Albus says as we put our foreheads together and smile.

" I love you Albus Severus Potter. "

" I love you Brynlee Alana Anderson. "

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