Chapter 1

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Ginny Weasley peered out of the dingy window of her bedroom at number 12 Grimmauld Place and sighed; everything about the house gave her the chills. She and the other members of the Weasley family had been staying there since the start of the summer holidays as the Order of the Phoenix had become more established and Professor Dumbledore, her headmaster and member of the Order, had thought that it would be more convenient and safer for them to stay at Grimmauld Place. She understood exactly why they'd been asked to stay there, she just wasn't extremely fond of the idea. It was supposed to be the summer holidays and they should have been outside having fun and playing Quidditch. Grimmauld Place was just boring. 

The past school year had definitely been one to remember. However, the past three school years that Ginny had spent at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had been far from ordinary so it wasn't really a surprise. Nothing was ever simple in the wizarding world. 

"Oh I hate this!" Hermione Granger stomped into the room in a huff. Hermione was friends with Ginny's brother Ron and she had been staying with them for the past few weeks. Even though the house was fairly large, there wasn't a room for every single person so Ginny was currently sharing with Hermione, but she didn't mind. She got on extremely well with her.

"Hate what?" Ginny asked, not wanting to tear her eyes away from the window. It was the only connection she had to the outside world at the moment. 

"Not being able to tell Harry what's going on. It's generally all that he asks in his letters and Ron and I have had to reply with 'not a lot' or 'nothing', I know that Dumbledore gave us strict rules, but it just seems very unfair on Harry to be kept in the dark like this!" She huffed in reply, sitting down on the edge of her bed. 

"Well like Mum said, Dumbledore means well and if he doesn't want Harry to know anything, then he doesn't, we just have to listen to what he says." Ginny shrugged in response. She knew that there wasn't really anything she could say to make Hermione feel better about the current situation. 

"But it's alright for you! You don't have to write to Harry!" Hermione cried. Ginny shot her a look and then climbed down from the windowsill to sit down on her bed that was positioned parallel to Hermione's. 

Harry Potter. He was the third member of Ron and Hermione's friendship group and one of the most famous wizards in the wizarding world. Ginny had harboured feelings for Harry since being ten years old. She had first met him on platform nine and three quarters when her mother had taken her along to Kings Cross train station in London so that Ginny's elder brother's Percy, Fred, George and Ron could catch the train to Hogwarts. Since then she hadn't been able to get Harry Potter out of her mind. She was absolutely crazy about him and most people knew it, apart from Harry himself of course. She could never tell him, she wasn't that brave. 

"That was a low blow Hermione." Ginny gave her knowing look. Hermione sighed and sat down on the edge of Ginny's bed, a sympathetic smile on her face.

"I know i'm sorry I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I wish you'd just tell him Ginny." 

"You know I can't. Harry has so much going on in his life at the moment, what with Cedric's death and Voldemort's return. Imagine if I told him now he'd probably have a breakdown." She explained. Ginny knew that having a relationship right now was the last thing on Harry's mind and she knew that he had feelings for Cho Chang during the last school year so he probably still had them. 

"That's true." Hermione nodded once after taking into consideration what Ginny had said. 

In the last school year Harry had been entered into the Triwizard Tournament that was hosted at Hogwarts unwillingly. It had involved two other wizarding schools, Durmstrang Institute and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, who had travelled to Hogwarts and throughout the year the student chosen by the goblet of fire from each school took part in three life threatening challenges. However, two students from Hogwarts had been chosen due to one of Voldemort's Deatheaters, Barty Crouch Jr, bewitching the Goblet of Fire. Harry was one of these students and during the last challenge he and Cedric Diggory, the second Hogwarts student, were transported by portkey to a graveyard where Lord Voldemort was reborn. 

Perfectly Imperfect (Book 1: A HP/Ginny Weasley FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now