Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


Ginny smiled at her fellow Quidditch Team Members as they flew around the pitch for warm up. Harry had picked a great team for this year. The only thing that shocked her was that Harry had picked Ron over Cormac McLaggen. Obviously Harry had chosen Ron because he couldn't stand Cormac, just like Ginny really. He was so cocky. Ginny really didn't know what Taylor saw in him.

"You've picked a great team this year Harry. Wood would be proud." Ginny smiled at Harry.

"Wood would probably be having a heart attack if he knew that McGonagall chose me as Captain." Harry laughed, referring to the old Quidditch Captain, Oliver Wood.

"He probably would to be fair." Ginny laughed. Ginny winced as Ron flew full pelt into one of the goal posts, nearly falling off of his broom.

"If Cormac wasn't so cocky, he'd definitely be Keeper." Harry sighed, watching Ron.

"I thought that that might be the reason that you didn't choose Cormac to be Keeper." Ginny chuckled.

"The thing is, he's good and he knows it, so that makes him cocky." Harry sighed.

"Yeah he is. I don't know what Taylor sees in him." Ginny said. She clapped her hand over her mouth when she realised that she'd just told Harry that Taylor liked Cormac.

"Taylor likes Cormac McLaggen?!" Harry cried.

"Sssh! Don't tell anybody! I wasn't meant to! Colette doesn't even know!" Ginny cried, clapping her hand over Harry's mouth.

"Ok! Ok! I won't tell anyone." Harry laughed.

"Harry, I think you should seriously consider Ron's place on the team." Katie Bell flew down, landing next to Harry and Ginny.

"I already have Katie, it's either Ron or Cormac, and I don't think we should have Cormac McLaggen on the team. You know how cocky he is." Harry sighed.

"I suppose. Maybe we should think about giving him extra training sessions or something. It could help." Katie suggested.

"Yeah, you're probably right." Harry nodded. Katie smiled and flew back up into the air to join the other Gryffindor Chaser, Demelza Robins.

Ginny looked up to the stands to see Dean watching Harry and Ginny with beady eyes. Ginny gulped and gave him a short wave, then jumped back on to her broom and took off back into the air. She noticed Dean give her a small wave back, but then he went back to watching Harry. Great. Jealousy was the last thing Dean and Ginny's relationship needed.

After practice, Ginny followed the rest of the team into the cloakrooms. She took off her red and gold Quidditch Clothes and put them back into her locker. She locked her broom in the broom shed, then made her way outside where Dean was waiting for her.

"Hey, good practice?" Dean asked.

"Yeah it was good. We have a good team this year." Ginny smiled.

"I noticed you talking to Potter, what were you talking about?" Dean pressed. Ginny rolled her eyes and took his hand in hers, backing against the wall.

"We were talking about Ron's position on the team. You don't have to worry." Ginny smiled.

"I know, it's just that sometimes I worry." Dean shrugged.

"Well you shouldn't." Ginny grinned as she noticed that their faces were getting closer. Dean suddenly closed the gap and then they were kissing. Ginny knew that she didn't feel sparks in the kiss, she knew that it probably wasn't going to last with Dean. But she had to make the best of it whilst it lasted.

"OI! Get your hands off of my sister!" Ginny heard the distinctive angry voice of Ron. Ginny pulled away from Dean and wiggled out of his grasp.

"Mind your own business Ronald!" Ginny cried.

"No I will not mind my own business! You can't kiss my sister in public! In front of me!" Ron cried, walking over to them.

"Ron! He wasn't kissing me in front of you! You weren't even here when we started!" Ginny yelled.

"Still you're in public!" Ron cried.

"Just go away Ronald! It's a free country! Come on Dean." Ginny sighed, taking Dean's hand and leading him back up to the castle. She looked behind her once and saw Harry watching them. Ginny looked at his face and was confused to see that he looked, hurt. Why was he hurt?

Ginny shook off the image of Harry's face and carried on walking back to the castle. Right now, she couldn't concentrate on Harry; she had to focus on her relationship with Dean if she wanted it to work out.

Taylor and Colette were sat with Hermione in the Great Hall when Ginny and Dean arrived there. They seemed to be in a deep conversation because they were leant towards each other and they were talking in low whispers. Dean went to sit with Seamus, and Ginny took a seat next to Hermione.

"What are you all talking about?" Ginny asked as she sat down.

"Oh, hey Gin, we were talking about how Romilda Vane is planning on giving Harry a love potion." Hermione sighed.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that Romilda liked Harry. She likes to sabotage me because she knows that I like him too." Ginny rolled her eyes.

"You like Harry too? Ginny, you're in a relationship with Dean!" Colette hissed.

"I didn't meant to say that!" Ginny blushed. It was exactly what she had meant to say.

"You're such a liar Ginny Weasley. We know you like Harry." Hermione rolled her eyes, giving Ginny a knowing look similar to the looks that Taylor and Colette were also giving her.

"She is. I totally ship Hinny!" Taylor cried.

"Taylor! Keep your voice down!" Ginny hissed.

"Hinny?" Colette turned her nose up.

"Yes, as in Harry and Ginny." Taylor nodded proudly.

"I know what is means Taylor, but why Hinny?" Colette giggled a little.

"Because I like the name. From now on, I shall refer to them as Hinny." Taylor nodded her head once.

"Please don't." Ginny rolled her eyes.

Ginny scowled however when Ron and Harry came sauntering into the Great Hall. Ron took one look at Ginny, then went to sit at the opposite end of the table, Harry following closely behind.

"What did we do?" Taylor asked, holding a hand to her heart, mocking that she was hurt.

"Ron blew up in my face about kissing Dean. Him and Harry caught us around the side of the Changing Rooms just now. I think we've fell out." Ginny shrugged.

"That boy is so inconsiderate. Dean's your boyfriend you have the right to kiss him!" Hermione cried.

"Well according to Ron, we don't have the right to." Ginny rolled her eyes.

"That's outrageous!" Colette cried.

"That's Ron." Taylor shrugged.

"Just because he's never been kissed in his life!" Ginny huffed.

"True." Hermione nodded in agreement.

After dinner, the four girls slowly made their way up to the Gryffindor Common Room and up into the Girls Dormitories, carefully avoiding Ron and Harry because Ginny knew that he would probably start yelling at her again. The four sat on the floor and talked for a while, launching plan, stalk Romilda, into action.

Ginny grinned to herself as she climbed into bed and Taylor turned out the light.

Romilda Vane didn't know what she had coming to her.


Perfectly Imperfect (Book 1: A HP/Ginny Weasley FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now