Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


"Taylor Daniels! What was all that about?!" Ginny stormed into the dorm that herself, Colette and Taylor shared at Hogwarts.

"What are you talking about?" Taylor asked, sitting up on her bed.

"You know full well what I'm talking about! Why did you go off at Hermione like that?" Ginny asked, sitting across from Taylor on her bed.

"It doesn't matter Gin. Seriously." Taylor shrugged.

"Yes it does, you really upset Hermione, she thinks that she's done something wrong." Ginny sighed.

"She just doesn't see what's right in front of her, only the bigger picture!" Taylor cried, lying back down on her bed.

"What do you mean?" Ginny asked, moving over to Taylor's bed and sitting on the side of it.

"I'm not going to tell you Ginny." Taylor rolled her eyes.

"What?! I'm hurt, I tell you everything!" Ginny cried, holding her hand to her heart mockingly.

"Fine....IsortalikeMcLaggenbuthelikesHermione." Taylor murmured quickly.

"What?! I didn't get a word of that!" Ginny cried.

"Fine! If you really must know....I sort of like McLaggen but he likes Hermione." Taylor sighed.

"What?! I never thought I'd see the day! Taylor Daniels has finally fallen for somebody!" Ginny cried.

"I wouldn't say fallen for him Gin! I only like him, jeez, calm down!" Taylor rolled her eyes.

"I can't believe this Taylor! Hermione doesn't actually like Cormac you know?" Ginny laughed.

"I know but he likes her and he'd never see anything in me." Taylor sighed.

"Then you need to show Cormac that you are worth more than Hermione is too him. Show him that Taylor Daniels is the girl for him!" Ginny fist pumped the air.

"You're alright telling me to this Gin when you won't actually do this for yourself with your own loverboy." Taylor smirked, rolling her eyes.

"All boys are different Taylor, and Harry is just a working progress. I'm not giving up on him, I'm just going a different way around it. Besides I'm with Dean now." Ginny shrugged.

"Only for the time being. You love Harry Ginny, you can't just throw him aside because you're trying to play happy couples with Dean." Taylor sighed.

"Tay, I'm not throwing him aside, I'm working on Harry whilst I'm with Dean. It's so much easier to become his friend rather than trying to become his girlfriend first. He won't go out with me yet anyway. With everything that's happening with You-Know-Who, Harry hasn't got time for a relationship with me." Ginny smiled.

"Okay. I'll try with Cormac." Taylor sighed.

"Yes!" Ginny grinned "You're gonna be fine Taylor." Ginny smiled hugging her best friend.

"Thanks Gin." Taylor laughed out nervously.

Ginny smiled and walked back over to her bed, grinning madly. She couldn't believe that Taylor has finally been caught by the charm of a boy. Ginny couldn't believe that that boy was Cormac McLaggen. Out of everybody that Taylor could have dated in the school, she chose Cormac McLaggen.

To say that Ginny was surprised would be an understatement.


A couple of weeks later, Ginny walked down to the Great Hall hand in hand with Dean whilst Colette and Taylor walked at the sides of the couple.

"Dean why do you need to walk her down to breakfast, it's a little weird?" Taylor asked.

"Taylor!" Ginny hissed. Ginny had always wandered how Taylor could be so rude to people and not have a care in the world.

"It isn't against the law to walk down to breakfast with my girlfriend Taylor." Dean rolled his eyes.

"But it's weird." Taylor groaned.

"I think it's romantic." Colette grinned at Ginny and Dean.

"It's far from romantic." Taylor said.

"Taylor! You don't have to be so rude." Colette sighed.

"See you later Dean." Ginny laughed as they reached the spot where Harry, Ron and Hermione were sat at the table.

"See you later love." Dean smiled, then walked further down the table where Seamus and a couple more of his Gryffindor friends were sat.

Ginny took a seat in between Harry and Hermione whereas Taylor and Colette sat at the opposite side of the table with Ron. Ginny sighed and rolled her eyes at Ron's face. He had a look of disgust plastered on his face that was aimed at Dean who was laughing at something Seamus had said.

"Oh I wish you'd grow up." Ginny sighed.

"He's the one that needs to grow up! He's needs to go after someone that's his own age!" Ron cried.

"Ron leave them both alone, the poor souls like each other. It shouldn't matter about your age if you like the person." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Oh yeah I forgot that you went out with Krum." Ron spat at Hermione.

"Ron! Don't speak to Hermione like that!" Ginny cried. Ginny knew that Hermione had feelings for Ron that were building up, so she knew that when Ron said things like that, they generally hurt Hermione.

"Come on Harry! Tell him, don't you agree that age doesn't matter?!" Hermione cried at Harry. Hermione seemed to have a sort of smirk on her face as Harry turned red and stuttered a little.

"I-It is sort of true Ron. A-Age shouldn't really matter." Harry stuttered.

"Whatever!" Ron cried slamming down his spoon and storming out of the Great Hall.

"Well. That was pretty streamy." Taylor shrugged.

"Steamy?" Colette asked in confusion.

"Yes steamy." Taylor nodded, secretly looking between Harry and Ginny.

"He's just impossible! Don't listen to a word he says Ginny. If you're happy with Dean, be happy!" Hermione cried.

"I will be Hermione, don't you worry." Ginny laughed.

"Good. Then that's all that matters."


This is such a rubbish chapter. Sorry guys.

I'm nearly at a thousand reads though. Thank you so so much! It made me so happy! Thank you for reading and voting! Keep being amazing!:*

Natalie :) xxx

Perfectly Imperfect (Book 1: A HP/Ginny Weasley FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now