Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


"Ginny! Ginny! Wake up!" Ginny groaned at the sound of Taylor's voice. What was she waking her up for at this time in the morning?!

"Go away Taylor!" Ginny moaned, swatting her hand in the direction that she thought Taylor was stood in.

"Ginny! It's eight o'clock already! We need to go for breakfast!" Taylor cried, shaking Ginny. She opened her eyes and sighed, it looked like it was time to get up, not five in the morning like she had originally thought. Taylor had a messed up body clock, she woke Ginny up at all times in the morning.

Ginny slowly climbed out of her bed and trudged over to the bathroom to brush her teeth and hair. She hated Tuesday's timetable, it had to be the most boring day of the week for fourth years. After finishing in the bathroom, Ginny quickly got changed into her Hogwarts uniform and followed Taylor down the stairs so that they could go for breakfast.

"Morning Ginny!" Colette called from the sofa that she was sat on with Seamus and Dean.

"Morning Lette, are you coming to breakfast?" Ginny asked just before she reached the portrait hole.

"Yeah sure! See you later Seamus, Dean." Colette smiled, jumping up and following Taylor and Ginny out of the Common room.

By the time the three of them had made it down to the Great Hall, many people were already leaving as it was already half past eight, and lessons started at nine am. Ginny followed Taylor as she sat down at the Gryffindor table next to Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Morning guys." Ginny smiled.

"Morning Gin!" Hermione chirped.

"Morning Ginny." Harry smiled. Ron just gave Ginny a small wave because he was eating.

"Oh Ginny! Taylor! Colette! We have been doing some thinking and Harry's going to run a small defence class, meet us in the Hogs Head next Hogsmeade trip for details?" Hermione asked, lowering her voice.

"Of course, that sounds great." Ginny smiled, Colette nodded in agreement.

"Hell yeah! Count me in!" Taylor fist pumped the air.

"Taylor! Keep it down! We're meant to be keeping this a secret!" Ginny hissed.

"Alright! Keep your hair on Gin!" Taylor held her hands up in innocence.

"Not funny Tay." Ginny rolled her eyes and turned back to Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Do you really think it's a good idea Gin?" Harry asked, looking a little uneasy about the idea. Ginny's heart melted at the boy in front of her. To Ginny, he was so perfect in many ways, and he shouldn't let a witch like Umbridge rule his life.

"Harry of course! It's a magnificent idea. That way we can all be taught something and deal with Umbridge at the same time. Who's idea was this?" Ginny asked, looking between the three.

"Hermione's." Ron answered his mouth full of food. Ginny's groaned at how disgusting her brother was, then turned back to Harry.

"Well personally, I think it's a great idea Hermione." Ginny smiled warmly at the brunette girl who was searching furiously through her bag.

"Yeah me too." Colette agreed.

"Thanks guys." Hermione said from inside her bag. It was so quiet that Ginny hardly heard her. Hermione never failed to amaze Ginny in some way, shape or form.

"We better get to class anyway, see you later." Ginny smiled at Harry, Ron and Hermione, standing up from her chair.

"See you later Gin." Hermione waved.

Perfectly Imperfect (Book 1: A HP/Ginny Weasley FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now