Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


Ginny sighed and slammed the cover of her Charms book shut. It was April now, and Ginny's OWL exams were next month and she was beginning to get stressed out. She ran her hands through her hair and opened up the Charms book again, but nothing was going in.

"Ginny, you need to stop stressing. If you stress to much, your hair will fall out." Colette stated, sitting on the sofa behind Ginny.

"Right now I don't care, I just really want to pass my OWLs." Ginny sighed.

"We all do, but you're getting like Hermione. Do you remember what she was like last year?!" Colette said.

"Yeah I suppose. I think I've done enough for tonight." Ginny shrugged, taking a seat next to Colette.

"That's the right answer." Colette grinned.

"Where's Taylor?" Ginny asked, surprised to see Colette without Taylor.

"I have no idea." Colette said, turning her head around to see if Taylor was somewhere in the common room. However, she was no where to be found.

"Hey." Hermione smiled, sitting down on the sofa across from them, followed by Ron.

"Hi you two, have either of you seen Taylor?" Ginny asked them.

"No sorry, but have either of you two seen Harry?" Hermione asked, she seemed a bit worried.

"No not since breakfast sorry." Ginny answered.

"No me either." Colette shrugged.

"Fantastic." Hermione sighed.

"Why what's wrong?" Ginny asked.

"It's just that we haven't seen him all day and it's a bit worrying." Hermione said.

"I told her that he'd be fine. He's probably gone for one of his meetings with Dumbledore again." Ron shrugged.

"But what if he's not?" Hermione fretted.

"Ron's right Hermione, Harry can take care of himself." Colette agreed.

Suddenly Harry walked into the Common Room looking as white as a ghost. He sat down in the armchair between the two sofas and looked at the floor, not saying a word.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Hermione asked, leaning forward worriedly.

"I-I think I nearly just killed Malfoy." Harry gasped.

"What?!" Hermione cried, nearly falling off of the sofa that she was sat on.

"How Harry?" Ginny asked quietly.

"It was a spell...f-from the book, but it didn't quite say what it was. I performed and suddenly Malfoy was on the floor, covered in blood. He was bleeding out of his stomach." Harry whispered.

"Oh my gosh Harry! I told you that book was trouble!" Hermione cried.

"Hermione! Save the lecture for later! Harry's just been through traumatic experience!" Colette accused.

"No, seriously though Harry, Hermione's right. You need to get rid of that book." Ginny agreed.

"They're both right mate." Ron told him.

"How though?" Harry asked.

"The Room of Requirement, I'll go with you if you like?" Ginny asked.

"Ok." Harry smiled looking up at her.

"Ok, we'll go after dinner." Ginny smiled. Harry nodded and smiled at his feet. Ginny noticed that he was slightly starting to regain the colour to his face, and he looked happy after Ginny had said that she would help him.

Ten minutes later, the six headed down to the Great Hall for dinner. Inside the Great Hall, most of the students had already gathered together and the food was starting to appear on the tables. Ginny hurried down to a spot that wasn't taken and sat down, followed by Colette, Taylor, Harry, Ron and Hermione. Ginny smiled and started helping herself to the food in the middle of the table.


"Ginny, where are you actually planning on hiding the book?" Harry asked as the two walked up to the Room of Requirement on the seventh floor.

"If I told you Harry, you'd go looking for it in there, so I'm not telling you." Ginny laughed.

"That's probably a good idea." Harry shrugged. The two reached the wall where the Room of Requirement usually appeared, and Ginny watched as Harry paced three times in front of the wall with his eyes closed, thinking about what he needed the room for.

The great wooden door to the room slowly appeared and Harry and Ginny slowly slipped inside so they wouldn't be noticed by anyone. The last time that Ginny had seen the Room of Requirement, it had been a gigantic room that was virtually empty, except for books that helped the DA learn about the Dark Arts whilst they used it for DA meetings the previous year. Now, however, the room was piled high full of junk. Junk that obviously people had just chucked in there like wardrobes and tables.

A noise from a cabinet at the far side of the room made both Ginny and Harry stop in their tracks and whirl around to see where the noise was coming from.

"What was that?" They both asked each other at the same time.

"I think it's coming from that cabinet over there." Ginny told Harry. The two walked over cautiously, looking around to see if there was anybody watching them. Harry slowly outstretched his arm and quickly wrenched open the cabinet. Ginny gasped and ducked as a small bird flew out of the cabinet.

"You find some strange things in here." Harry muttered.

"Right then, give me the book. I'm going to hide it somewhere where you won't ever find it." Ginny told him. "Close your eyes so you won't be tempted." Ginny dropped her voice to a whisper.

Ginny quickly stalked off into the room and she eventually found the perfect place to hide the book. She quickly placed it down and quietly walked back over to where Harry was stood. Ginny suddenly had a reckless urge to kiss Harry. At this moment in time, she didn't care what her head was telling her, she had to follow her heart for once. Ginny slowly stepped forward and placed her lips on Harry's briefly, then she stood back. Harry still had his eyes closed, but a small smile was appearing on his lips.

"I can stay hidden up here too if you like." Ginny told him. Harry laughed and little, his eyes still closed. Ginny quickly made her way out of the room, as if she'd hidden herself from him. It would probably be an easier option.

She walked down the steps with a spring in her step and a grin on her face. She had only one thing on her mind now.

She had just kissed Harry Potter.


I know that in the book Ginny and Harry actually share their first kiss in the Gryffindor Common Room but I decided to go with the film version of their kiss because it is probably one of my favourite scenes ever.

Thank you so much! I have over one hundred votes on this story now! It is absolutely amazing!

Because I've been asked if I could maybe do a sequel on this story, I've been thinking about it, and I may write a sequel if I have an idea for it.

Thank you for reading :)

Natalie xxx

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