Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


Ginny had been back at Hogwarts for at least a month now and overall, everything was perfect. Except for the fact that her relationship with Dean had started to default a little. Ginny knew that the problem with their relationship was because they didn't spend enough time together. Ginny would much rather spend it with Harry, Hermione and Ron.

As a matter of fact, Ginny's relationship with Harry seemed to be growing. For once in her life, Ginny didn't feel nervous around Harry and she realised that she could talk to him rather than avoiding him and squeaking answers at him when he asked questions. Obviously Taylor had noticed the difference in the relationship between Harry and Ginny, so obviously she teased them at every opportunity that she got. Much to Ginny's dismay.

Today was Quidditch tryouts for the Gryffindor team. Ginny was delighted at the fact that Harry had been made captain seeing as there was hardly anyone there that was in the team the previous year. Fred, George, Angelina and Oliver Wood had all left which only left Harry, Katie Bell and Ginny herself. Ginny had played seeker the previous year for a while because Harry had been banned from Quidditch by Umbridge. But this year, Ginny was trying out for chaser. It had always been Ginny's dream position.

"So erm, hi." Harry said, his voice could barely be heard over the crowd. Ginny watched as no one listened to Harry and rolled her eyes.

"Shut it!" Ginny bellowed.

The whole group turned round to face her and fell silent, listening for what needed to be done. Ginny grinned in triumph. She actually got them to listen.

"Right, could you all please get into separate groups for the position that you are trying out for! Also, if you were on the team last year, it doesn't guarantee you a place this year, is that clear?" Harry asked. The crowd nodded and began getting into small groups. Ginny remembered that the Gryffindor Quidditch Team that Umbridge put together last year was awful. So she could see where Harry was coming from.

Ginny walked over to stand by the Chasers. There were many second year students that were bickering about who was better, making Ginny roll her eyes.

Ginny let out a breath after her try out. She knew that it had gone well compared to a lot of the other students that had tried out for Chaser. Now it was time for the keeper tryouts and Ron's tryout wasn't going so well. Cormac McLaggen was managing to save nearly every quaffle that was shot at him whereas Ron had only saved one so far, and his tryout was nearly over. Ginny knew that Harry would find it hard to turn Ron down if Cormac beat him.

Ginny watched Hermione out of the corner of her eye. She flinched every time Ron nearly fell off of his broom. During Cormac's tryout, Hermione had purposely used a Confundus charm to make sure Cormac didn't save his quaffle. Hermione had obviously thought that nobody had noticed but Ginny had noticed, and she thought that it was hilarious.

"Ok, thank you everybody that tried out today. I'll do some thinking about each tryout and the new Gryffindor Quidditch team will be posted on the notice board in the Common Room next week maybe." Harry smiled to the group. The group slowly wandered off of the pitch, carrying their brooms behind them slowly.

"Well done Harry. You did well today." Hermione smiled, walking on to the pitch.

"If it wasn't for Ginny, they wouldn't have even listened to me!" Harry laughed.

"They would have after a while Harry." Ginny laughed.

"They probably wouldn't have, most of them were too busy arguing about who was better, and most of them were rubbish. I think I already have who I want on the team in my head." Harry said as they walked back up to the castle.

"Really?! Who's that then Harry?" Ron asked.

"Ronald! Harry can't tell you who the team will be without telling anybody else because it's unfair on the rest of the people that tried out for the team!" Hermione cried, slapping Ron on the arm.

"But he's my best mate, you'll tell me won't you Harry?" Ron asked hopefully.

"I'm sorry mate, Hermione's right, it's not fair on everybody else if I tell you." Harry shrugged.

"What?! Of course it is. I won't tell anyone!" Ron cried.

"That's not the point Ronald." Hermione sighed.

"Fine. I'll wait." Ron grumbled.

The four finally made it to the Gryffindor Common Room where Taylor and Colette were sat talking. Taylor was stretched out over two seats on the sofa whereas Colette was sat in the arm chair across from her.

"Ooh! The warriors return!" Taylor cried, jumping up so that Ginny wouldn't sit on her legs.

"Warriors?" Ginny asked.

"Yes warriors! It's a brilliant name for you all!" Taylor cried.

"But why warriors, it doesn't exactly make sense?" Hermione asked.

"Because I like the name alright?!" Taylor snapped. Ginny gave Taylor a warning look. She had still been acting horribly towards Hermione because of her crush on Cormac McLaggen.

"What have you two been doing anyway?" Ginny asked Colette.

"Not a lot. I've been trying to get Taylor to revise for her OWLs but she won't do it." Colette shrugged.

"We've only been back here a month! I'm not revising yet!" Taylor cried.

"It is hard work though Taylor. Me and Ron only started revising a month before and it was really hard for us." Harry told her.

"I'm not that stupid. I'm not gonna leave until a month before." Taylor rolled her eyes.

"Hey! We're not stupid!" Ron cried.

"You are pretty stupid because of that. I agree with Taylor." Hermione shrugged.

"Well that's just plain nasty!" Ron huffed.

"Has anyone seen Dean today, I haven't seen him since breakfast?" Ginny asked the group.

"No Ginny! Shut up about Dean. We don't want to hear it!" Ron snapped.

"I never talk about him! I just asked where he was!" Ginny cried. She hated her brother's attitude sometimes.

"She actually doesn't. Your just in a huff Ron." Colette shrugged.

"Yes you are! Don't be so horrible to your sister Ronald!" Hermione cried.

"Right, why don't we go down to the Great Hall for dinner, it should nearly be time now." Harry said, standing up.

"I second that idea! I'm starving!" Taylor cried, jumping up and walking out of the Portrait Hole.

Ginny sighed at the retreating frame of her brother. He was such hard work sometimes.


ONE THOUSAND READS AND SIXTH VOTES!!!!! Thank you all so so much! I can't believe how well this story is doing and how Alia's Lullaby has done as well!

I seriously can't thank you all enough!

I'm aware that somebody has inboxed me on here, but neither my iPad or my computer will let me read it. So I'm sorry if you've inboxed me, and I haven't replied, I'm not being ignorant, it just won't let me read it.

Thank you so so much for reading and voting. I hope you're enjoying the story.

Natalie :) xxx

Perfectly Imperfect (Book 1: A HP/Ginny Weasley FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now