Chapter 48

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Chapter 48


"Luna! Oh my god! You're okay!" Ginny cried, running forward and pulling Luna into a hug as she descended the ladder.

"Of course I'm ok, and I'm so glad you're ok! Harry's stressing out about you like mad!" Luna told her.

"You've seen him? You've seen Harry, Ron and Hermione?" Ginny asked, sitting down on the floor with Luna. A lot of people began to crowd around, listening to Luna's story.

"Yes of course! They saved me, Mr Ollivander, Dean and Griphook the Goblin from Malfoy Manor." Luna told her.

"Malfoy Manor?! Oh my gosh, what happened?" Ginny asked. She knew that this story was going to get worse as it went on.

"After I was taken from the train I was taken and imprisoned at Malfoy Manor. I was beat up a little bit by Bellatrix, but nothing too major. I was taken because they didn't like the things that daddy had been writing in the Quibbler. He was writing things that supported Harry, obviously the Death Eaters didn't like this so they took me. Anyway, I was there since September until two weeks ago when Harry, Ron and Hermione were captured by Snatchers and brought to Malfoy Manor. Hermione had used a curse on Harry's face which made sure that he didn't look like Harry, but they had the sword of Gryffindor." Luna explained.

"The sword of Gryffindor?! How did they get that?! Neville and Ginny went to steal it from Snape the other day?!" Taylor asked.

"Be quiet Taylor, listen to Luna." Colette warned her.

"Anyway, Bellatrix tortured Hermione for information, apparently the sword had been in her vault. To cut the story short, Ron and Harry were brought into the prison where we were being held, and Dobby the house elf turned up. He could apparate into Malfoy Manor whereas others couldn't. He took myself, Mr Ollivander, Griphook and Dean to Ginny's brother, Bill's house and Dobby went back for them. Ron and Harry made it out of the prison and went to help Hermione. Dobby met them there and they apparated away with the sword and to where we were staying." Luna smiled.

"Oh my gosh! How on earth did they manage to get caught by Snatchers?" Ginny ran her hand through her hair.

"The same as I did." Dean shrugged.

"Dean where did you go once you'd left?" Colette asked.

"I don't even know what happened with Dean?" Ginny said.

"Well Ginny, whilst you were being tortured down in that dungeon, I came to try and rescue you one day. I was caught by the Carrow's, but I managed to run, so I ran away, once I was out of the grounds I apparated to the Forest of Dean where I was captured along with Griphook and Ted Tonks." Dean explained.

"How did they find you there?" Ginny asked.

"It turns out that You-Know-who's name is tabooed, if somebody says it then Death Eaters or Snatchers apparate straight to that area and catch you. That's what happened with Harry, Hermione and Ron. Once I told Harry that it was true, that you wrote being tortured he went mad and tried to come here but I told him it was a trap, I said that you would be fine." Dean smiled.

"Thank you Dean." Ginny smiled.

"That's alright." Dean smiled.

"What do we do now?" Taylor asked.

"What do you mean 'what do we do now'?" Neville replied.

"Well we can't just sit around and do nothing!" Taylor threw her arm's up in the air.

"What do you suggest we do Taylor?" Ginny looked over at her best friend.

"Create more trouble for Snape and the Carrow's." Taylor grinned evilly.

"Not at the minute Tay. We just got Luna and Dean back, we don't want anyone else to be held in those dungeons." Colette told her.

"What else are we meant to do though?" Taylor sulked.

"I don't know." Neville shrugged.

"I hate this." Taylor sighed.

"I wandered how long it would take for you to become impatient." Colette rolled her eye's.

"I'm not impatient! I'm just bored!" Taylor cried.

"With you Taylor, impatient and bored technically mean the same thing." Ginny shrugged, agreeing with Colette.

"No they don't! Tell them Mattie!" Taylor turned to Mattie.

"Don't bring me into this!" Mattie held his arms up, walking away.

"Charming." Taylor tutted, folding her arm's over her chest.

"At the minute all we can do is stick to what we're doing. A lot of people are going missing by the day and Hogwarts is losing all it's students because they're in here with us, hiding away from the Carrow's. People will get even more suspicious." Neville told them.

"So you're saying that we should just sit in here doing nothing?" Lavender Brown asked.

"No. I suggest that most of you go back to your lessons, make up some excuse. Obviously myself, Ginny, Luna and Dean can't because we'll just be tortured again, but the rest of you have no excuse." Neville announced to the group.

"But Neville, we don't want to go back into lesson!" Seamus argued.

"You have no choice Seamus, you have to do it, or the Death Eaters are going to take over Hogwarts completely. I know that none of you want that!" Neville told them.

"Neville's right. We have to do this." Colette agreed.


"He stresses out too much doesn't he?" Luna whispered to Ginny as they sat reading in the Room of Requirement.

"Not as much as me. Trust me, I'm forever worrying about Harry, Hermione and Ron. Neville just worries about Hogwarts and the DA." Ginny shrugged.

Ginny watched Neville has he was sat listening to the latest broadcast of Potterwatch. Today, the rest of the DA were in lessons apart from Neville, Ginny, Luna and Dean. It seems that despite their disagreement to attend lessons, they all actually followed Neville's order's.

It was now late April, and nothing seemed to be improving at Hogwarts or in the Wizarding World. Harry, Ron and Hermione had been gone for nearly eight months and Ginny noticed that people were beginning to give up hope. She noticed it from Potterwatch broadcasts and some of the DA were starting to loose hope. Aberforth Dumbledore was the worst. He didn't even believe that the good side could bring the Dark side down.

Ginny knew that if anybody could prove them all wrong, it would be Harry, Ron and Hermione.


I'm sorry guys, this is such a rubbish chapter. I didn't even know what to write for this one, so I sort of wrote it off of the top of my head.

I hope you enjoyed it anyway:)

Thank you for reading.

Natalie :) xxx

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