Chapter 51

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Chapter 51


Everywhere spells were being fired and people were being thrown all over the place. Ginny had jumped over a couple of bodies but not many. Maybe that was a good sign.

"Ginny duck!" Ginny heard a voice call. She ducked just in time to miss a killing curse that flew right over her head.

"Stupefy!" Ginny pointed her wand at a Death Eater that was winning his battle with Luna. He wasn't winning now.

"Thanks Ginny." Luna cried, running up the steps the opposite way. Ginny soon came across a Death Eater that started a battle with her.

"Bombarda!" Ginny pointed her wand at the floor where the Death Eater was stood. The ground exploded, causing the Death Eater to go flying back into a pile of rubble. Ginny ran on and blocked a Cruciatus curse from hitting what looked to be a fourth year student and stunned the person that had shot the spell.

"Ginny! Neville!" Ginny crashed into Neville and Harry on the stairs. "Are you alright?"

"Excellent, I feel like I could spit fire!" Neville cried. "You haven't seen Luna have you?"

"Luna?" Harry asked.

"Yeah! I'm mad about her, I think I should probably tell her because we'll probably both be dead by dawn!" Neville cried, running off down the steps.

Harry and Ginny looked each other and kissed each other once before pulling away. To others it would just look like a quick kiss but for Ginny it meant so much more. It was her way of saying be careful and good luck to Harry. Harry looked at her with a look that Ginny knew all too well. It was the look that said be safe and I love you.

"I know." Ginny answered. Harry nodded once before taking off down the steps where Ginny had just come from. Ginny took off up the steps the opposite way and carried on shooting spells at eachother.


"If you continue to resist me, you will all die, one by one. I do not wish this to happen. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a loss and a waste....I command my forces to retreat immediately. You have one hour. I speak now.....Harry Potter.....directly to you. I shall wait for one hour, in the forbidden forest. If, at the end of that hour, you have not come to me, have not given yourself up, then battle recommences. This time, I shall enter the fray myself, Harry Potter, and I shall find you, and I shall kill every last man, woman and child that tries to conceal you from me. One hour."

Ginny held her head in pain as she finished listening to Voldemort's speech. As the Death Eater's apparated out of the castle and presumably to the Forbidden Forest. Ginny sighed and helped Katie Bell carry an injured girl down to the Great Hall.

Ginny helped Katie put her down then looked around the hall for her family. The hall was full of dead bodies, injured people and people that were fine. Ginny spotted her family down the other side of the Great Hall. They all seemed to be crowded around something and Ginny immediately thought the worst.

"Ginny, I'm really sorry." Hermione sighed once Ginny walked closer.

"What do you me-?" But Ginny cut off as she noticed Fred laid on the ground. His skin was extremely pale and Ginny immediately knew what had happened. Ginny placed her hand over her mouth, hot tears were dripping down her cheek's. She sat next to her Dad and cried into his shoulder. He was also crying, but he was making no noise.

"Ginny, I suggest you come over here." Parvati Patil told Ginny.

"What's wrong Parvati?" Ginny asked through her tear's.

"You should just come Ginny, I can't explain it." She looked down at the floor.

Ginny sighed and followed Parvati along the line of bodies until they stopped. On the floor crying over what looked to be a body was a familiar blonde haired girl. Ginny had a horrible feeling that she knew who Taylor was crying over.

"She died at the same time as Fred did. The building fell on them and there was nothing that we could do." Seamus cried.

"Taylor?" Ginny asked. Taylor looked up and confirmed Ginny's suspicions.

The girl that lay dead on the floor was Colette.


I'm sorry guys! I had too! I can't keep both Taylor and Colette. For the sequel I needed one of them to die and Taylor is the person that adds a small section of humour to my story, so I had to keep her.

I'm so sorry guys! R.I.P Colette Reynolds!

Thank you for reading!

Natalie xxx

Perfectly Imperfect (Book 1: A HP/Ginny Weasley FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now