Chapter 52

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Chapter 52


Ginny couldn't react to the deaths of Colette and Fred yet, to her it hadn't sunk in that they were truly gone. She knew that it would sink in later on and it would hit her like a tonne of bricks. But right now all that Ginny could feel was hatred. Hatred towards Voldemort and every single one of his Death Eaters. She wanted them dead to avenge Fred and Colette.

"Ginny apparently the Death Eaters and Voldemort himself are heading back up to the courtyard. Everyone's going outside." Ron walked over.

"Ok I'm coming." Ginny nodded. She quickly walked down to the courtyard where Neville was already in front of them.

The Death Eaters were all already stood waiting. Out of the corner of her eye, Ginny caught sight of Hagrid carrying someone's body in his arm's. She had a bad feeling about who's body that could be and her stomach suddenly dropped.

"Neville, who's that that Hagrid's carrying, Neville who is it?!" Ginny's voice was hoarse.

"Harry Potter, is dead!" Lord Voldemort cried.

That was it. Ginny's heart had shattered into tiny pieces by the impact of four words. It was the sort of news that Ginny had never ever wanted to hear in her life. Her breathing became rough and she all of a sudden ran forward.

"No! No!" Ginny cried, running forward to attack. Mr Weasley caught her by the waist so she couldn't run any further foward.

"Silence! You stupid girl. Harry Potter is dead and now you put your faith in me." Voldemort grinned. "Step forward and declare yourself, or die!"

Everybody was silent and nobody stepped forward to declare themselves. From the hurt that Ginny had suffered today, there was no way that she would join the Dark Side. Draco Malfoy had emerged from the crowd of people that belonged to the good side and joined the Dark Side, but that was no surprise. Ginny, however, wasn't expecting Neville to hobble forward towards Voldemort.

"Well I must say that I'd hoped for better." Voldemort told the crowd of Death Eaters who replied with a laugh. "And what is your name?"'

"Neville Longbottom." The crowd of Death Eaters laughed again.

"Well Neville I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks-" Voldemort stopped as Neville began to speak.

"I'd like to say something."

"Well Neville I'm sure we'd all be fascinated in what you have to say." Voldemort said, still humoured by Neville.

"It doesn't matter that Harry's gone-" Neville said.

"Stand down Neville!" Seamus interrupted.

"No! People die every day. Yeah we lost Harry tonight, but he's still with us, in here." Neville pointed to his heart. "So is Fred, Remus, Tonks, Colette...everybody! But they didn't die in vain! But you will because you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us! For all of us! And it's not over!" Neville cried pulling the sword of Gryffindor out of the Sorting Hat.

The crowd began to gasp however when Harry's body dropped to the floor and he got up and ran. Harry wasn't dead! He had fooled Voldemort! Ginny ran after her Father back into the castle just in time to see Neville fly over her head and into a pile of rubble. Ginny peered behind her to see that a lot of the Death Eaters had began to disapparate. They had given up now that they had found out that Harry was alive rather than dead.

The Battle was in full flow again, Ginny kept kept shooting stunning spells at random Death Eaters just to eliminate them from the battle for a while. Overall it looked like the good side had the upper hand from Ginny's point of view.

Perfectly Imperfect (Book 1: A HP/Ginny Weasley FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now