Chapter 33

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Chapter 33


Ginny sighed and looked over at the table where Taylor was sat still flirting with Cormac McLaggen and his friend's. It had been nearly over two weeks now and nothing had happened between Taylor and Ginny, in fact, their relationship had worsened.

"Ginny, you need to stop feeling bad about this Taylor thing. It wasn't your fault." Hermione told her, squeezing her hand across the table.

"She's just lost her parent's Hermione and now she's going to have her heart broken again by Cormac McLaggen." Ginny fumed, banging her hand down on the table.

"Gin, calm down. Taylor is going to be fine. As soon as she realises that McLaggen is a big headed idiot, she'll come running straight back to you and Colette." Harry comforted her.

"Well I hope that it's sooner rather than later." Ginny scowled.

"It probably will be sooner, I saw McLaggen outside Potions the other day kissing Romilda Vane. At least she moved on from Harry." Colette shrugged.

"Bloody hell, she gets around!" Ron stated.

"That's Romilda, you're forgetting that I used to have to share a dormitory with her." Ginny snarled. She hated Romilda Vane with everything in her. Ever since Ginny found out that she was the main reason behind Ron being poisoned, Ginny had been trying to hunt her down, but she never found her. Ginny had a feeling that Romilda was trying to avoid her deliberately.

"Ginny, you can't let this put you off your exams though. Think of all the revision you've been doing for it!" Hermione sighed.

"I'm not Hermione, usually once I get into an exam I'm fine and I'm focused but once I come out, I go like this again." Ginny sighed.

"Well what do you expect, you and Taylor have been best friends for five years and you're probably feeling a bit lost without her. I've only been best friends with the two of you for nearly two years and I feel lost without her." Colette sighed.

"I suppose I do."


Later that evening, Ginny was sat in the Common Room doing revision alone. She wouldn't usually sit alone but Harry had gone somewhere, and Ron and Hermione were waiting for him. She didn't know where they had gone because they wouldn't tell her, something about work for Dumbledore. Also, Colette was somewhere with Seamus, she swore that the two of them were in a secret relationship.

Ginny sighed and finished the last page of her Charms revision when she overheard a conversation. Ginny sat back into the sofa more so she could listen to what was being said.

"What is it with that Taylor girl following you everywhere Cormac?" Ginny could make out that this was a voice that she didn't recognise. Probably one of Cormac's friend's.

"I've no idea, she won't leave me alone. She thinks I'm listening when she talks to me but I'm not. I think she's fell out with that fit chick that you see with Seamus and the Weasley girl. I must say that Weasley girl is pretty fit. I'd talk to her, but she's with Potter." Ginny definitely knew that this was Cormac's voice. She turned her nose up in disgust at what he had said.

"She is pretty fit. Cormac do you think that you should be leading her on, you know, now that you're with Romilda?" The voice of the other boy asked.

"I'm just having a bit of fun with her Mattie, don't worry. Taylor will be fine." Cormac snorted. Mattie, so that was the other boy's name. She finally figured out who it was, Mattie Windsor, he was in Ginny's year.

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