Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


"Knight to E7." Ginny told Taylor. Taylor cursed under her breath as Ginny's Knight knocked Taylor's pawn out of the way.

"Gin! You're so mean!" Taylor cried, throwing her arm's up in the air.

"Tay, I told you that there was no point playing against her, she's too good. Ginny always wins." Colette rolled her eyes, looking up from her book and Ginny and Taylor.

Ginny looked around the Common Room and sighed.

"It's so quiet!" Taylor cried, standing up and taking the seat next to Colette.

"That's because most people are doing exams Taylor. All the fifth years are in the Great Hall taking one of their OWL exams." Ginny rolled her eyes.

"I know that! I just don't like it being so quiet all of the time!" Taylor cried.

"Tay, it's the same every year when exam time comes around." Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Taylor, shouldn't you be revising for your Divination Exam tomorrow?" Colette asked Taylor.

"Colly-Flower, I never revise for Divination. It's so bad!" Taylor rolled her eyes.

"Tay, you should still be revising even if it is for Divination." Ginny sighed.

"You have the same exam Ginny!" Taylor cried.

"I've already done revision Taylor." Ginny laughed.

Suddenly, Fred and George came bounding down the stairs, followed by their best friend, Lee Jordan. They had their brooms in their hands, and loads of what looked like fireworks.

"What are you three up too?" Ginny asked her brothers suspiciously.

"Ginny. We are leaving Hogwarts." George told Ginny proudly.

"What?!" Ginny cried, tripping over the Wizard Chess Board that laid on the floor.

"Me and George have decided that our academic purposes lay far outside of Hogwarts so we are leaving, today." Fred grinned.

"And we're gonna go out with a bang!" George grinned.

"Mum's gonna kill you when she finds out." Ginny told them.

"Mum'll get over it." Fred shrugged.

"What are you going to do? Ginny asked them, eyeing the brooms and fireworks in their hand's.

"Watch." George winked. With that Fred, George and Lee all ran out of the Common Room.

Ginny took one look at Taylor and Colette, then got up and ran after her twin brother's, Taylor and Colette following closely behind.

The three came to the top of the stairs that lead down to the Great Hall and came to a stop as they watched Fred and George mount their brooms. Suddenly, Lee lit a firework that took off down the stairs and boomed inside the Great Hall. Ginny listened as the unmistakeable sound of Umbridge's heel's sounded against the floor, coming to a stop at the bottom of the stairs.

Fred and George then kicked off and flew over Umbridge's head and into the Great Hall. Ginny, Taylor and Colette followed Lee as he ran down to the entrance to the Great Hall. Umbridge had gone back inside where she watched Fred and George whizz around her head, letting off fireworks here and there.

"Oh my god." Ginny gasped as students who were previously taking their OWL exam cheered for Fred and George.

"Your brothers are pretty amazing Ginny." Colette clapped along with the rest of the students.

Perfectly Imperfect (Book 1: A HP/Ginny Weasley FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now