Chapter 37

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Chapter 37


Ginny couldn't believe how quickly time had passed since the last summer that she had been sat in her bedroom window looking out over the fields and observing the little bit of a view that she had of Ottery St Catchpole. A lot of things had changed since the last summer that she was sat in the very spot that she was sat in now. She had dated two people in the space of that time, she had witnessed yet another death, and also Voldemort was getting stronger and stronger by the day.

Ginny grinned as Fred flew up to her window on his broom and grinned at her, slipping a small note through her window. All summer her brothers had been trying to get her to cheer up a little, but they had been unsuccessful so far. Ginny had been practically locked up in her bedroom all summer as a couple of days after she and Harry broke up, it actually hit her that they were no longer together.

Ginny opened up the piece of crumpled paper and read it carefully. It read:

'To Our Dearest Sister Ginny,

Please please please come outside and play Quidditch with us all. You are probably the best player out of all of us and we really want you to come and enlighten our game.

You shouldn't be torn up about Harry, you know his reasons and we think that he has a valid point, and we know that you think that too, but you're still upset. Come outside and we'll cheer you up.

Lots and lots of love from your dearest big brothers,

Fred, George and Ron.'

Ginny laughed at the note and placed it beside her. Fred, George and Ron were right. Ginny knew that Harry had a valid reason for breaking up with her and she did accept it, but she was still torn up because she missed him.

This year, Harry, Ron and Hermione wouldn't be returning to Hogwarts because they were 'going to finish whatever Dumbledore started', that's what Ron had told them. Mrs Weasley had been the worst out of them all. She obviously knew that whatever they were going to do was going to be dangerous, so she was doing whatever she could to stop them. Ginny knew she'd be even worse when Harry and Hermione arrived. She didn't want any of them to go.

Ginny sighed and walked downstairs to get a drink where her Mum, her older brother Bill and his new fiancé Fleur were sat at the Kitchen table. Fleur Delacour had took part in the Triwizard Tournament nearly three years ago and Bill and Fleur had met at work at Gringotts. Bill had been asked to teach Fleur better English and according to them it was 'love at first sight'.

Ginny winced a little as she observed the new scar on Bill's face. During the attack on the night of Dumbledore's death, Bill had been attacked by Fenrir Greyback which had left him with scar a massive slash down his face. Bill had nearly died from the attack because Fenrir Greyback was a werewolf, and he was known for attacking people. Ginny knew that her eldest brother was brave.

"Ginny, are you ok dear?" Her Mother asked. Ginny knew that her Mum had been worried about her after what had happened between her and Harry.

"Yeah I'm fine Mum, I think I'm gonna go outside and play Quidditch for a while with Fred, George and Ron." Ginny answered, gulping down her drink and placing her empty glass in the sink.

"Oh that's a good idea! Those three have wanted you to play for ages." Mrs Weasley smiled.

"Yeah." Ginny nodded. She slowly made her way out of the Kitchen and into the garden, fetching her broom out of the broom shed. She held it in one hand then shut the shed door with the other and then she made her way over to the field where the family usually played Quidditch.

Perfectly Imperfect (Book 1: A HP/Ginny Weasley FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now