Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


Ginny smiled to herself as she looked up at the beautiful blazing afternoon sun that was streaming in through her window. Ginny had always loved being at home. Sure, the Burrow wasn't that impressive to most people, minus Harry of course, but Ginny loved it and it's quirkiness.

It had been a couple of months since the battle in the Department of Mysteries, and now it was the summer holidays for Hogwarts students and Muggles. Summer was Ginny's favourite season because it meant Quidditch outside with her brother's, her older brother's Bill and Charlie always came to stay for a while. Also, by the end of the summer, Harry came to stay, which Ginny obviously loved.

Ginny hadn't stopped thinking about Harry all summer. According to Ron, Harry had been riding round on trains all summer to keep away from his Aunt, Uncle and Cousin. However, there was also the tiny perk that Ginny had a new boyfriend and that was one of Ron and Harry's classmates, Dean Thomas.

Ginny's relationship had started with Dean just before the end of her fourth year at Hogwarts ended. Dean had asked her out whilst she was in the hospital wing being treated. It took Ginny a couple of minutes to figure out what he had said to her, but after a while of thinking, she said yes. Ginny had had no idea why she had said yes, because she was obviously in love with Harry still. However, she also thought that her relationship with Dean could take away her feelings for Harry if she grew to like Dean. So far, it wasn't working.

Ginny smiled slightly as she read over her latest letter from Dean. She had to admit that it was pretty cute. He had always told her that he was head over heels for her in his letters. The latest letter from him had arrived this morning, but Ginny couldn't think of how to reply to it yet. After a while she agreed to read over the letter again. It read:

'Dear Ginny,

I hope that your summer is great so far. Only a week left now though. I can't wait to see you again, it feels like it's been years.

Me and my family are going up to a lake house that we own for a week, so I won't be able to write to you for a while because Mum says it's too far for our owl to travel.

I'll see you in a week when we get back to school.

I love you.

Dean xxx'

Ginny sighed down at her letter and climbed down from the windowsill to find some parchment and a quill. She sighed out in frustration when she realised that she hadn't got any in her draw.

Ginny quickly got up and hopped down the stairs and picked up a roll of parchment and a quill. She was about to go back upstairs when she spotted something out of the corner of her eye. It was Harry's owl, Hedwig, and his trunk and broom. Ginny walked back over to the stairs to shout her mother.

"Mum!" Ginny called.

"Ginny, what is it?" Mrs Weasley called from the first landing.

"I was just wandering when Harry arrived?" Ginny asked.

"Harry? Harry who?" Mrs Weasley asked.

"Harry Potter of course. His trunk and owl are in the kitchen." Ginny rolled her eyes.

"I highly doubt that dear." Mrs Weasley said just as Hedwig made a noise.

"Harry? Did someone say Harry?" Ron walked on to the landing.

"Yes, is he up there with you nosy?" Ginny asked.

"Of course not! I think I'd know if my best friend was in my room." Ron said sarcastically.

Perfectly Imperfect (Book 1: A HP/Ginny Weasley FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now