Chapter 50

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Chapter 50


"Ginny! Oh thank god you're ok!" Mrs Weasley clambered down the ladder and threw her arm's straight around her daughter.

"I'm fine Mum." Ginny rolled her eye's.

"We haven't heard from you for weeks and weeks! We were worried sick!" Mrs Weasley cried.

"Hi Mum, I'm here too you know?" Ron rolled his eyes.

"And you! I haven't seen you since Christmas!" Mrs Weasley cried, running over to Ron and pulling him in for a hug.

Ginny watched as the rest of the Order climbed down the ladder, talking to either Harry, Hermione or Ron. Ginny was about to sit down when Tonks came skipping up to her.

"Ginny! You haven't heard the news have you? I had the baby last week!" Tonks grinned.

"Oh congratulations! What did you name him?" Ginny asked, smiling in delight.

"Edward or I prefer Teddy Remus Lupin, after my Dad." Tonks voice fell at the end of her sentence.

"That's a lovely name and I'm sorry to hear about your Dad." Ginny told her.

"At least he died fighting for what he also believed in. Even if he was a Muggle." Tonks shrugged. Tonks then skipped back over to where Harry was stood to join Remus.

"I'm glad you're alright Gin." Mr Weasley walked over to her.

"I'm glad you are too Dad." Ginny smiled, hugging her Dad.

"Charlie!" Ginny squealed, spotting one of her elder brother's over her Dad's shoulder. Mr Weasley chuckled and let Ginny go to talk to Charlie.

"My little Ginny! How are you?!" Charlie grinned as Ginny gave him a hug.

"I'm not so little anymore Charlie, I'm sixteen now." Ginny rolled her eye's.

"I know, Mum says that you've got a love interest. You're growing up Ginny! That means I'm getting old! What's it like dating Harry Potter then?" Charlie grinned.

"I don't date him at the minute Charlie, if you haven't noticed there's a war going on and Harry happens to be the Chosen One." Ginny rolled her eyes.

"I know! I know." Charlie rolled his eyes.

"Everyone! It's time!" Neville called from the door.

Ginny followed as everyone made their way out of the door and down to the Great Hall. All of the students were already inside, including Harry who had left ten minutes before everyone else had. Ginny stood with the Order as she listened to what Snape was saying.

"I suppose you are all wandering why I summoned you here tonight. Well, that's because earlier this evening Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade." Snape's drawling voice spoke.

At the mention of Harry Potter, quiet whispers of excitement spread through the Great Hall among the students.

"Enough! If any of you, student or teacher tempts to aid Mr Potter you will be treated as equally guilty. Now, if any of you has any knowledge of Potter's whereabouts, I'd like you to step forward....Now." Snape told the students.

Due to the gasps inside the hall, Ginny knew that he had presented himself to Snape.

"It seems that despite your exhaustive defence strategies, you still have a security problem Headmaster." Harry told him. That was when the Order burst through the doors and stood at the back facing Snape with their wands out. Ginny looked around the hall at the sight of the student's face's.

Perfectly Imperfect (Book 1: A HP/Ginny Weasley FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now