Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


A couple of days later, the Weasley's had retuned to Hogwarts, much to Ginny's dismay. She had wanted to stay at home with her mother, but Mrs Weasley had forced them to go back to Hogwarts now that Mr Weasley was no longer in a critical condition.

"GINNY!!!!" Ginny rolled her eyes as Taylor came bounding down the Great Hall towards her, followed by Colette who clearly refused to run.

"TAYLOR!" Ginny cried as Taylor knocked her too the floor.

"I missed you my little Ginny-bear." Taylor grinned, jumping up and pulling Ginny up afterwards.

"One, don't ever call me that again, and two, I was only gone for two days Taylor." Ginny rolled her eyes, taking her original seat next to Hermione.

"Two days was too long Ginevra. I like Ginny-bear, it's cute. It's like Colly-flower." Taylor shrugged, shoving a large spoon of cereal into her mouth.

"Neither me or Lette like the names you've given us Tay." Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Welcome back Gin, how's your dad?" Colette asked, looking at Taylor in disgust as she shoved cereal into her mouth, spitting bits out in the process.

"He's not in a critical condition anymore, which is good. We wanted to stay at home a little while longer but Mum forced us back to school because the Christmas holidays are soon." Ginny shrugged.

"Ooh! Harry's organised a meeting for the defence group soon!" Taylor whispered in excitement.

"Cool, when is it?" Ginny asked.

"Ask him." Taylor shrugged. Ginny rolled her eyes, then turned to Hermione.

"When's the meeting?" Ginny whispered to Hermione.

"Thursday, we'll tell you the meeting details nearer the time." Hermione smiled. Ginny nodded and turned back around to face Taylor who was poking Colette on the face.

"How's your Dad Gin? Ron wouldn't tell us a thing." Hermione asked, looking over at Ron and wrinkling her face up in disgust.

"He's doing good. He's in a stable condition." Ginny smiled.

"Oh that's good." Hermione smiled. Ginny nodded again and peered over at Harry who was sat at the table with his head rested on his fist and he was playing absentmindedly with his food. Hermione had told Ginny a couple of weeks ago that Harry had been extremely distant and that when he did speak, he usually lashed out at somebody. Ginny knew that something was definitely wrong, well most people that looked at Harry knew that there was something wrong with him.

"Gin, are you coming to Charms?" Taylor tapped Ginny on the arm.

"I suppose." Ginny sighed taking her eye's off of Harry. There was nothing she wanted to do more than comfort him.

Ginny walked along to charms class with Taylor and Colette talking in excited whispers about the Defence Class.

"Ginny!" Ginny turned around at the call of her name. She smiled a little when Michael Corner came running up to her, leaving his friends behind him.

"Hey Michael." Ginny smiled. They both began to walk as they had the same class that period.

"I haven't seen you for a couple of days, I just wandered where you were." Michael smiled politely, but obviously trying to pry in on Ginny's business.

"Oh I went home for a couple of days. Family business." Ginny shrugged, not wanting to tell Michael why she was actually at home. It would ruin poor Harry's reputation even more.

"Oh I hope everything's alright." Michael smiled.

"Yeah it's fine now." Ginny shrugged.

"Oh that's good. How have you been then?" Michael asked, coming to a stop outside the Charms classroom.

"I've been good thanks, you?" Ginny smiled.

"I've been good." Michael smiled.

"That's good." Ginny smiled. They both fell into silence as Professor Flitwick ushered them inside the classroom.

"See you later Ginny." Michael waved as he went to sit next to one of his Hufflepuff friends. Ginny just waved in reply and took her usual seat next to Taylor.

"What did Mick Corner want?" Taylor asked.

"Mick?" Ginny asked.

"Yeah, it's short for Michael?" Taylor looked at Ginny like she was crazy.

"Taylor, I don't think he will appreciate being called Mick." Ginny rolled her eyes and pulled her charms book out of her bag.

"Why, it'a cool." Taylor shrugged.

"Tay, it's not 'cool' Colette hates her nickname that you've given her." Ginny sighed.

"She doesn't!" Taylor cried.

"Whatever Tay." Ginny rolled her eyes then turned her attention to Professor Flitwick who was demonstrating a new wand movement for the charm that they were learning that day.


Ginny, Taylor and Colette quickly made their way down the corridor that lead to the Room of Requirement. Tonight was the night the first meeting of the Defence Group that Harry, Hermione and Ron were organising and apparently, Neville Longbottom had stumbled across the Room of Requirement, so Hermione had decided to hold it in there.

Personally, Ginny had never heard of the Room of Requirement. She didn't even know that it existed. According to Hermione, the Room of Requirement would only appear when a person who was desperate for somewhere to go was thinking of the place that they needed, and it would immediately appear for them.

"I don't like this corridor Gin, it's scares me." Taylor whispered from behind Ginny.

"Taylor, you're such a wimp. Look, there's Fred and George, they're diverting Flich if he comes up here." Ginny replied, pointing down the corridor where Fred and George stood looking for any signs of teachers, Umbridge or Filch.

"I'm so excited about this. Harry's gonna be a great teacher." Colette grinned.

"He will be a great teacher, he just doesn't believe in himself." Ginny smiled, thinking about how nervous Harry would be at this moment.

Ginny, Taylor and Colette slowly made their way inside the Room of Requirement where many people were already looking around and talking excitedly. In the corner of the room stood Harry, Hermione and Ron who were whispering quietly.

"Ginny, Taylor, Lette! Thanks for coming." Hermione smiled.

"No need to thank us, it's gonna be great!" Taylor grinned.

Shortly after, Hermione began the class and everybody got into pairs. Much to Ginny's dismay, she got partnered with Taylor. Ginny sighed as Taylor began waving her wand around.

"Come on Gin, fire at me!" Taylor danced around.

"No thanks." Ginny sighed.

For the rest of the evening, Ginny tried different spells on Taylor, knocking her down every time. After that, Ginny, Taylor and Colette all made their way back to the Gryffindor Common Room and went straight to bed.


I'm sorry I haven't updated for ages, I've been so busy! I'm so shocked by the number of reads I have on this story! It's great! Thank you so much!

Thank you for reading :)

Natalie xxx

Perfectly Imperfect (Book 1: A HP/Ginny Weasley FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now