Chapter 43

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Chapter 43


Two months had passed since Ginny had returned to Hogwarts, and things just seemed to be getting a lot worse. The DA had now set up their own HeadQuarters in the Room of Requirement, and a passage had been made from the Room of Requirement and into the Hogshead Pub, where Aberforth Dumbledore was keeping guard and letting people through it if they needed to get into the school. Neville had also managed to make the Room of Requirement so that nobody can find a way of finding there way in whilst the DA were in there. So that stopped the Carrow's and Snape from trying to get in.

Today was the day that Taylor would be writing the message on the wall that was opposite the Great Hall to finally start the work of the DA. This is what they had been planning for for the past couple of months.

"I'm not sure if I'm the right person to do this. I might get caught and then I'll end up getting us all caught. You know what I'm like." Taylor told the group nervously.

"Shut up and get on with it Taylor, me and Mattie are staying guard so if somebody's going to walk past, we'll warn you. Stop being a cry baby." Colette rolled her eyes.

"Wow that was a bit harsh. But I suppose Lette's right. You're perfect for the job Tay. I know that you can do it." Ginny smiled.

"That wasn't inspirational at all Ginny, but I suppose I can do it." Taylor shrugged.

"That's the spirit Taylor!" Seamus grinned, patting the top of Taylor's head.

"Get off of my head or I'll feed you to the giant squid." Taylor threatened Seamus. Seamus held his hands up in innocence and sat back down next to Dean on the other side of the circle.

"Yeah you'll be fine Tay. Me and Colette will think of a noise we can make if someone's coming and we'll tell you so you know when to run." Mattie suggested. Colette nodded in agreement.

"Ok. What time shall we do it Neville?" Taylor asked.

"Before dinner. That way everyone can see it when we go into dinner." Neville grinned wickedly.

"That's a good idea actually, that way we know that most teachers will be teaching." Ginny agreed.

"Exactly!" Neville grinned in triumph.

"Ok, in lesson time before dinner. Got it." Taylor nodded nervously.


"Sit down and get your books out. Today we will again be learning about the importance of having pure magical blood and having half magical blood. Now could you please raise your hand if you are from a pure blooded Wizarding family?" Alecto Carrow asked the class, grinning evilly.

Ginny raised her hand and looked down at the table. There was only a couple of people that had raised their hand's, including Neville and Ginny. The rest were all half-blood because all of the muggle born's had been placed in Azkaban or were being tortured at the Ministry. It was against the law at the moment to have a wand if you were Muggle born.

"Excellent, excellent. However, I expected more of you to say that you were a pureblood. If you are a half-blood, you can stay for ten minutes detention after this lesson." Professor Carrow ordered.

"What?! That's outrageous. You can't do that! You can't keep a person for detention just because of what blood type they have!" Neville cried. Recently the seventh and sixth years had been merged together as there weren't many seventh years or sixth years. Probably because their families had gone into hiding or something similar to that.

Perfectly Imperfect (Book 1: A HP/Ginny Weasley FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now