Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


"Well if it isn't Ginerva Weasley." A familiar voice spoke.

"Taylor!" Ginny cried, she quickly gave her best friend a hug.

"Who is this random stranger that is hugging me?!" Taylor cried.

"Don't be stupid." Ginny rolled her eyes.

"I haven't seen you all summer Ginny! Don't use that tone with me!" Taylor grinned as she walked inside a compartment and sat down.

"Mum would hardly let us out Tay." Ginny sighed.

"More like you've been spending too much time with your new boyfriend." Taylor winked.

"Actually I haven't seen Dean all summer." Ginny defended herself.

"Well, well arguing already. A great start to our fifth year." Another familiar voice spoke.

"Collyflower! Ginny's being mean!" Taylor cried, jumping at Colette who was stood in the doorway of the compartment.

"I'm sure she isn't, it's probably just you Taylor." Colette rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. You're both meanies." Taylor sulked.

Ginny grinned and got her Pgymy Puff, Arnold out of his cage. Ginny had got Arnold to keep her company during her fifth year. If she needed to sit down and think things through, she had Arnold with her. Ginny placed Arnold in her lap and peered out of the window at the passing fields. She couldn't believe that she was already starting her fifth year at Hogwarts.

"Aw! He's so cute!" Colette cried, looking wide eyed at Arnold.

"Thanks." Ginny laughed.

"What's it called?" Colette cooed.

"Arnold." Ginny grinned.

"Aw! Why does everyone have a Pgymy Puff and I don't." Colette sighed.

"I don't have a Pgymy Puff!" Taylor cried.

"Yeah well you don't count." Colette shrugged jokingly.

"So nasty!" Taylor cried.

"Aw! I want him Gin." Colette cried.

"Sorry Colette, but I'm spoken for." The familiar voice of Dean Thomas filled the compartment.

"Shut up Dean!" Colette rolled her eyes.

"NO! YOU CANNOT TAKE MY GINNY AWAY FROM ME!!" Taylor jumped up and tackled Ginny down on to the seat.

"Taylor! Get off of me!" Ginny laughed, trying to push Taylor off of her.

"NO!" Taylor hugged Ginny tighter.

"We really need to play match maker Gin." Colette rolled her eyes, picking Taylor and putting her back in her chair.

"Nearly fifteen years old and she has temper tantrums." Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Go! Have fun!" Colette cried as Taylor began to squirm again.

"See you later. Behave Taylor." Ginny warned, following Dean out of the compartment.

"You and Colette are like Taylor's parent's, I swear that there's something wrong with her." Dean laughed.

"I think that every day." Ginny laughed.

"How was your summer then?" Dean asked as the two walked down the corridor to stand outside a compartment. Ginny was careful to make sure that they weren't stood outside Harry's compartment.

"It was great thanks, yours?" Ginny asked.

"Fantastic. It was beautiful up at the boat house." Dean grinned.

"Oh lovely." Ginny smiled. They finally came to a stand still and talked for the rest of the journey to Hogwarts. Luna interrupted them once, asking if they wanted a Quibbler and admiring Arnold.


Ginny sighed in frustration as Ron took get another bite of his pudding, jam smeared around his mouth.

"Ronald! Your best friend is missing and all you can do is eat!" Hermione cried.

"Hermione's right, you should be more worried!" Ginny rolled her eyes.

"This is Harry that we're talking about, he'll be fine." Ron replied. Ron took another bite and a smidge of jam flew on to Hermione's shirt.

"Will you stop eating!" Hermione cried, hitting Ron's arm.

"Stop it you toss pot, turn around." Ron said, pointedly looking over Hermione's shoulder.

Ginny and Hermione followed Ron's gaze to see Harry walking towards the, holding a tissue to his face and blood was smeared around his nose.

"He's covered in blood again. Why is it that he's always covered in blood?" Ginny sighed.

"It looks like it's his own this time." Ron shrugged.

"Where have you been? We've been worried sick?!" Hermione cried, watching Harry as he took a seat next to Ginny.

"It doesn't matter." Harry shrugged it off.

"Whatever." Hermione rolled her eyes.

Ginny watched as Harry tried to wipe the blood from around his face, failing miserably every time. He just kept smearing it everywhere instead of wiping it away.

"Here, let me do it." Ginny rolled her eyes, holding her hand out for the tissue.

"Oh, thank you." Harry smiled. He moved a little closer to Ginny so that she could wipe the blood off of his face.

Ginny looked out of the corner of her eye to see Hermione grinning down at the table, like she had just discovered something magnificent.

"Oi oi! What's going on here? Harry Potter! Ginny is spoken for, I thought you'd know better than that!" Taylor's voice came out of nowhere.

"Oh good lord." Ginny rolled her eyes. She could feel herself starting to blush a little. Harry laughed a little at her reaction, which definitely made her blush.

Taylor took a seat between Harry and Ginny, which made Ginny roll her eyes again.

"Yes Taylor, of course you can have that seat. I was trying to clear the blood off of Harry's face or anything!" Ginny sighed.

"Thanks Gin!" Taylor grinned, grabbing a chicken leg from the middle of the table.

"That means move Taylor!" Ginny cried, pushing Taylor out of the seat and moving into it to inspect Harry's face again.

"Well! There was no need for that!" Taylor gasped, standing up and walking over to sit by Colette who had took a seat next to Hermione on the opposite side of the table.

"Of there was every need for it. She pushed me off of the train earlier Gin, she told me that I wasn't being quick enough!" Colette cried.

"Always so violent Taylor." Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Violence is the way forward!" Taylor cried, fist pumping the air.

"Actually Taylor, it isn't. You should always think before you act." Hermione told her matter-of-factly.

"Be quiet Hermione." Taylor said, trying to budge Hermione off of the seat.

"Taylor! Hermione didn't do anything wrong!" Ginny rolled her eyes.

"She did everything wrong." Taylor said, giving Hermione dead eye then hopping away out of the Great Hall.

"What did I do?" Hermione asked, sounding a little upset.

"You didn't do anything Hermione. That's just Taylor for you." Colette waved it off.

"Yeah. That's just Taylor." Ginny agreed. However, she knew that there was something wrong with Taylor.

And Ginny was determined to find out what it was.


Perfectly Imperfect (Book 1: A HP/Ginny Weasley FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now