Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


Ginny rested her chin in her hand, sighing as she watched Harry. It was a strange thing, love. Ginny knew that for as long as she lived, she would never understand it. It was a hard word to define as it held so many meanings. Some people would say that Ginny was too young to even know what love was, never mind to be in love. Being young and in love was definitely not a good mix in Ginny's opinion, but one thing she knew was that she was in love with Harry Potter, more than people actually thought she was.

"Gin, who are you staring at like that- oh my god! That's Harry Potter!" Colette gasped, peering over Ginny's shoulder.

"Yeah it is." Ginny smiled, not taking her eyes off of the green eyed boy.

"Wow, I didn't even realise he went to Hogwarts!" Colette said, astonished at the sight of the famous Harry Potter.

"Yeah, he does." Ginny answered absentmindedly.

"Hey Gin, why are you staring at him like that?" Colette asked. "It's almost as if you want to eat him."

"Collyflower, are you seriously that blind? Ginny likes Harry, she has done for about five years now." Taylor rolled her eyes and took Ginny's bread roll off of her plate without Ginny noticing.

"Aw! That's so cute!" Colette squealed, looking between the two.

"Seriously Ginny, you need to stop staring at him like that, people are starting to look and he's going to notice." Taylor warned. Ginny just replied with a shrug resulting in Taylor pulling her back by the shoulder's, causing her to fall into Colette's lap.

"Taylor! What was that for?!" Ginny scowled at Taylor as she sat up out of Colette's lap and grabbed another bread roll from the middle of the table.

"You needed to stop staring at Harry like that Gin, it was like he was a piece of meat!" Taylor hissed so that only Ginny and Colette could hear.

"I'm sorry, sometimes you know that I can't help it. He has certain days where he draws me towards him and it's scary, I'm starting to think that maybe we have some kind of bond that he hasn't actually noticed yet." Ginny shrugged, taking a bite from her bread roll.

"Oh Ginny, that kind of thing only exists in fairytales." Taylor rolled her eyes.

"Oh Taylor, you are so clueless! There are actual bonds that can bond a wizard and witch together, my mother and father have one. The bond they have makes them stay with each other all of their lives and they are completely in love with each other. They named my eldest sister Aphrodite because they wanted to name her after the godess of love. Thank god I got Colette and my youngest sister got Liberty." Colette rolled her eyes.

"Oh my god! That is so cool! Is everyone bonded to someone then Collyflower?" Taylor asked Colette.

"No Taylor, not according to my parents anyway. They told me that Aphrodite, the godess, not my sister, choses a rare few witches and wizards to be bonded for life, and it turns out my parents were one. My mum said she wouldn't be surprised if either me, Aphrodite or Liberty got granted a bond as well." Colette shrugged.

"Just think of it Gin! If you and Harry had a bond, you'd be together for life!" Taylor gasped.

"Yeah, that's probably not going to happen Taylor." Ginny rolled her eyes.

"You never know." Taylor sang, sitting back up straight in her seat.

"Good morning ladies, what were you talking about?" Seamus asked, sitting down across from the three girls.

Perfectly Imperfect (Book 1: A HP/Ginny Weasley FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now