Chapter 30

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Chapter 30


March had turned into April, and April into May and nothing had changed between Harry and Ginny. No matter how many times that Hermione tried to encourage them both to talk about things, neither of them would. Also because Harry had many detentions due to his attack on Draco Malfoy and because Ginny was too busy revising for her OWLs, they had hardly seen each other.

Today was the final match of the year against Ravenclaw, however Ginny wasn't playing as Chaser today, she was playing as Seeker and standing captain because Harry wasn't able to play due to his attack on Draco Malfoy.

Ginny took a deep breath and called the team around. She hadn't actually realised how difficult it was to be Captain of a Quidditch Team, they hardly ever listened.

"Right, I'm just going to say what Harry usually says to us all, so just play to the best of your ability and just remember that by winning this game, we win the house cup. Good luck everybody." Ginny smiled.

Ginny stepped in front of the team and slowly walked out on to the pitch. The crowd screamed as the team walked out.

"And here are the Gryffindor Team! At the front we have reserve Seeker and standing Captain Ginny Weasley! Behind her we have the Beaters, Ritchie Coote and Jimmy Peakes. Then we have our Gryffindor Chasers! Katie Bell, Demelza Robins and reserve chaser Dean Thomas! Then finally we have the Keeper, Ron Weasley!" The announcer introduced the Quidditch Team.

"Ok then, captains of the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw team step forward please!" Madame Hooch called them over to her. Ginny quickly stepped forward and shook the hand of Cho Chang.

"Good luck." Ginny told her, even though she hadn't ever really liked Cho.

"You too." Cho smiled sweetly, but Ginny could tell that it was fake.

"Ok! Mount your brooms!" Madame Hooch called.

Ginny skipped back over to her broom and picked it up. She quickly mounted it and waited for her signal to go.



Ginny flew forward, taking down everything in her path. She could see it. The snitch was so close, and Cho hadn't even realised that Ginny had seen yet. Ginny stretched her hand forward and closed her hand around the snitch. She caught it, Gryffindor had won the house cup.

"Ginny Weasley has caught the Snitch! Gryffindor win!" The Announcer called.

Ginny grinned and flew to the ground, holding the snitch up for the team to see.

"Well done Ginny!" Katie Bell cried, throwing her arm's around Ginny's waist.

"Well done Ginny!" Ron cried.

"Well done to you too, you played so well today, all of you did." Ginny congratulated the team.

"I can't believe we've won it!" Dean grinned.

"This calls for a party!" Jimmy Peakes grinned, running up the hill after his friends.

Ginny nodded and followed the rest of the team back up to the Gryffindor Common Room with the House Cup enclosed safely in her hands.

Inside the Gryffindor Common Room, the party had already started and people began to cheer when the Gryffindor Team walked in. Ginny slowly placed the House Cup on a table where everyone could see it, then walked over to sit on the sofas with Colette, Taylor and Hermione.

"Well done Ginny." Hermione smiled.

"Yeah, well done." Taylor smiled.

"Congratulations Gin." Colette smiled.

"Thanks guys." Ginny smiled, sitting down and breathing out a sigh of relief.

"Has any of you seen Harry?" Hermione asked, looking around the Common Room.

"No I haven't." Colette shrugged.

"Me either." Taylor replied.

"I haven't seen him since breakfast." Ginny told her.

"Hey Ginny! Come over here! We're having a team photo!" Demelza shouted from across the Common Room.

"Ok, I'm coming." Ginny laughed, standing up. "I'll see you all later."

Ginny walked over and smiled at the camera for the team photo. A picture of the team each year went up on the wall even if they hadn't won the house cup. Ginny smiled at the team and was about to rejoin Hermione, Taylor and Colette when a hand touched her arm.

"Well done, you played really well Ginny." Harry smiled from behind her.

"No where near as good as you usually play." Ginny laughed, turning to look at Harry.

"You probably played better than I usually do." Harry laughed.

"No way. You always play amazingly." Ginny smiled.

"No all of the time, sometimes-" But Harry was cut off as someone pushed him accidentally from behind and suddenly his lips were on Ginny's.

However, what surprised Ginny was that Harry didn't pull away from Ginny, instead he carried on kissing her. Ginny soon responded and it was like everything around them had disappeared for Ginny. Ginny could still hear the whoops of people, and the wolf whistles that people were aiming at them.

It was the "Oh my god Hinny!" And the thump that sounded like someone dropping to floor that made Ginny pull away. Ginny turned around to see that Taylor was thumping her fists excitedly on the floor, but also groaning at the same time. It looked like she had fell off of the back of the sofa. Ginny's laughter dropped however when she took in the look of disgust on Ron's face.

"I think he's going to be a problem." Ginny turned back to Harry who was gazing down at her and grinning like mad.

"Does that mean that you're mine now then?" Harry asked, grinning and blushing at the same time.

"If you'd like me to be." Ginny smiled.

"I'd really like you to be." Harry grinned.

"I still think Ron's gonna be a problem though." Ginny shrugged, looking back at her brother.

"He'll just have to deal with it." Harry shrugged.

"If you say so." Ginny laughed. The two slowly walked over to Hermione, Ron, Taylor and Coletge hand in hand.

This was everything that Ginny had ever wanted.


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