Chapter 3

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Ginny sat on the top of her trunk and reached down to fasten it, making sure it didn't pop back open. This year her trunk for Hogwarts seemed more packed full than ever and she wasn't quite sure why. 

Today was September 1st and finally she, Hermione, Ron, Fred, George and thankfully Harry who had been told he was no longer expelled after his hearing at the Ministry of Magic, were returning to Hogwarts. Ginny was beginning her fourth year this time and she couldn't wait to get back and see her friends again. It meant that she could finally get out of Grimmauld Place. 

"Ginny! Have you packed all of your things?!" Mrs Weasley yelled up the stairs.

"Just finishing off mum!" Ginny lied, automatically getting herself out of helping her mother with yet another job. Summer was over now so that meant no more chores. 

"Ok, hurry up because we'll be going soon!" Mrs Weasley replied. Ginny smiled and moved her trunk to near the doorway. 

"You definitely did that to get out of helping Ginny." Hermione gave her an amused look as she scooped up Crookshanks from his bed and placed him in his cage. 

"I'm fed up of doing chores now, i'm going back to Hogwarts for a break." Ginny laughed.

"I doubt it'll be much of a break." Hermione laughed. 

 Minutes later Fred and George burst into the room smiling proudly at their levitated trunks. Hermione rolled her eye's and pulled her trunk behind her and in between the two boys.

"Someone's going to get hurt." She sang in a know it all voice.

"We're trained wizard's Hermione not going to happen." Fred sang back mockingly. 

"Mums not going to be happy with you." Ginny told them with an amused smile and a raised eyebrow. 

"But it's so much easier." George motioned to his trunk and moved aside so that she could walk ahead of the them. 

"If you say so brother."

Ginny began to drag her trunk down the corridor, rolling her eye's and laughing as Hermione and Ron argued about Ron forgetting one of his school text books. They were like a married couple rather than friends and they argued all of the time; she didn't know how Harry put up with them sometimes. Ginny grinned at Harry as he turned around and rolled his eyes at her, gesturing towards Hermione and Ron. It was good to know that he was thinking the same as her.

She then slowly lifted her trunk down the stairs and came to a stop at the bottom to place it on the floor again so that she could pull it behind her.

"Ginny! Look out!" Harry tried to warn her but it was too late. She felt two heavy objects fly into the back of her, causing her to fall forwards and trip over her own trunk. She laid groaning as the two objects lay on her back.

"Ginny are you alright?!" Ginny could hear Harry but she couldn't see him. 

"Fred and George Weasley! Get those trunks off of your sister right now! How could you be so irresponsible?!" Mrs Weasley's voice boomed throughout the house. Of course it was Fred and George. She was mad. Really mad.

"Sorry Gin." Fred helped her up after they had lifted the trunks off of her back.

"Yeah sorry Gin." George gave her a guilty look. Ginny stretched her back out and groaned a little, it would probably bruise but she'd be okay.

"I can't believe you two sometimes! Are you okay dear?" Mrs Weasley cried, pointing furiously at the door for them to leave the house and putting a hand on Ginny's back.

Perfectly Imperfect (Book 1: A HP/Ginny Weasley FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now