Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


Ginny grinned as she woke up to the sound of excited voices downstairs. Today was one of Ginny's favourite days of the year. It was Christmas Day. Ginny quickly got dressed and ran down the stairs. Hermione hadn't come to the Burrow this year for Christmas because she felt that it would be too awkward for her because her and Ron were still not on speaking terms. So Ginny was the only teenage girl in the house for Christmas.

Ron and Harry were already sat at the table eating breakfast and talking quietly between them. Mrs Weasley was stood at the side of the kitchen, holding her wand above various different frying pans and cooking breakfast in them.

"Morning everyone." Ginny smiled, taking a seat across from Harry and Ron and grabbing the carton of Orange Juice from the middle of the table.

"Morning dear. Merry Christmas." Mrs Weasley smiled.

"Morning Ginny, Merry Christmas." Ron smiled.

"Merry Christmas Ginny." Harry smiled.

"Merry Christmas." Ginny replied to them all.

"Oh Ginny! I didn't tell you the amazing news! Bill and Fleur are getting married in the summer!" Mrs Weasley cried in excitement.

"Oh fantastic." Ginny rolled her eyes. She wasn't really awfully fond of Fleur Delacour.

"Ginny don't use that tone! Besides, Fleur has asked you to be their Bridesmaid Ginny. That's lovely!" Mrs Weasley cried.

"She asked me?" Ginny said in shock.

"Yes of course." Mrs Weasley smiled.

"Well that's a bit of a......shock." Ginny said truthfully.

"Don't be silly Ginny." Mrs Weasley rolled her eyes.

"Merry Christmas Weasley's, and Harry. Where's Fred and George?" Mr Weasley walked into the Kitchen, smiling at everyone in the Kitchen.

"Merry Christmas Dad." Ginny replied, smiling.

"Yeah Merry Christmas." Ron smiled.

"Merry Christmas Mr Weasley." Harry said.


Ginny smiled at the gifts that she had been given by everyone. It had been such a lovely day. All day Ginny had been thinking for solutions for her problem, and finally she had thought of something that would benefit her.

She had decided to stay with Dean for as long as it lasted, which Ginny figured would not be long because the two had started arguing a lot lately. After her relationship ended with Dean, she was going to take slow steps with Harry, to see where it would get her.

"Ginny! Could you come down here please!" Her mother called up the stairs. Ginny rolled her eyes and walked on to the landing.

"What do you want Mum?" Ginny shouted down the stairs.

"Would you come a hand out some desserts please?" Mrs Weasley replied.

"I'm coming Mum." Ginny replied. She slowly walked down the stairs and into the Kitchen where her Mum was making dessert plates up.

"Would you take these round please Ginny?" Mrs Weasley smiled.

Ginny nodded and picked up the plate. Firstly, she took it to Tonks who was at the other side of the kitchen. She took the plate out to her Dad in the garage and then she walked into the sitting room where Remus and Harry were sat. Ginny walked forward and sat down next to Harry, smiling at him. Remus got up and slowly and Harry and Ginny were suddenly alone.

"Mince Pie?" Ginny offered Harry a mince pie from the plate in her hand.

"No, I'm fine thanks." Harry smiled.

The two sat in silence for a while, just staring into each other eye's. The two began to lean in slightly when Ron came walking into the room holding another tray of Mince Pies. Ron sat between Harry and Ginny, smiling. Ginny moaned and got up and walked from the room.

She slowly made her way back up to her room and changed into her nightwear. It was getting late now, at least eleven pm. After about thirty minutes, Ginny began to walk downstairs when she met Harry on the second floor landing.

"Has Ron gone to bed yet?" Ginny asked Harry as she bent down to fasten his lace.

"Not yet." Harry replied. Once Ginny had finished tying Harry's lace she stood back up and just then she noticed how close she and Harry were stood together.

"Merry Christmas Harry." Ginny said, her voice nearly a whisper. She couldn't take her eyes off of Harry's beautiful emerald green eyes.

"Merry Christmas." Harry replied. Ginny noticed that the two were closing in again when a loud noise came from outside. Harry quickly looked out the window, and Ginny followed his lead. There was a ring of fire around the Burrow and two Death Eaters who Ginny recognised as Bellatrix Lestrange and Fenrir Greyback, where laughing. They both took off into the air. Ginny turned to look at Harry and realised that he had gone.

Ginny quickly raced down the stairs and jumped through her parents and the gap through the middle of the ring of fire. Ginny could faintly hear the distant cries of her mother, but she ignored them and kept on running, looking for Harry.

Ginny stopped suddenly as she heard a rustling coming from the bushes. Ginny raised her wand and cautiously looked around.

"Harry, is that you?" Ginny asked. Ginny gasped as she saw the grinning face of Fenrir Greyback. Harry then came running out of nowhere and stunned Greyback.

"Ginny, what are you doing?" Harry cried as they stood back to back with their wands pointed at the bushes.

"I came after you." Ginny answered.

Bellatrix suddenly shot a spell at Ginny. Harry quickly blocked it for her, whilst Ginny sent a spell back which Bellatrix had also deflected. Greyback suddenly popped up again, and now Harry and Ginny were in a full duel with the two Death Eaters.

Remus, Tonks and Mr Weasley came and joined in the duel, protecting Harry and Ginny behind them. The Death Eaters stopped and looked at each other, then took off into the air. Ginny kept her wand raised a little, looking for any signs of other Death Eaters, but suddenly a roaring sound of fire sounded from the distance.

Ginny whipped around to see that the Burrow was totally up in flames. Ginny watched in awe as her beloved family home burned.

"Molly." Ginny heard her Dad say. He quickly ran off towards the house, followed by Remus and Tonks. Harry and Ginny slowly followed.

Once they came to the clearing, they realised that everyone was out of the house. Everybody just stood and watched it as it burnt.

The Burrow was no more.


Perfectly Imperfect (Book 1: A HP/Ginny Weasley FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now