Chapter 4

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Ginny -

"Ginny!" She turned around and smiled at the blonde girl posing in the doorway of the compartment. 

"Hey Tay." Ginny laughed, standing to give Taylor a hug. Ginny had been best friends with Taylor Daniels ever since the first day of Hogwarts. They had been sorted into a house together and therefore shared a dormitory. As soon as Ginny walked through the door Taylor had tripped her up and sent her falling towards the ground; she had looked up shocked for a second and then they both started laughing.

It was probably what had made them look so mad to all of the other girls in their dormitory and from that moment on they had basically been joined at the hip. 

"How's HP doing?" Taylor winked as she sat down threw her feet up on the seat next to her so that her back was leaning against the wall. 

"Really Taylor, HP?" Ginny laughed and rolled her eye's. 

"Come on! I want details!" Taylor cried, shoving Ginny's knees with her hand.

"Taylor! Nothing's happening as usual. He had a hearing at the Ministry the other day to actually keep him from getting expelled and he's still got a lot going off with what happened last year. Besides, he likes Cho anyway." Ginny shrugged thinking of the girl that Harry quite clearly had a thing for. 

"Cho?! Cho Chang?! Are you actually serious?! I actually can't stand her." Taylor cried leaning back in her seat and rolling her eye's.

"Taylor, Ginny, hi!" An annoying voice filled the compartment. Ginny didn't even have to look at the compartment door to know who had addressed them. 

"Hi Romilda." Ginny gave a fake smile to the girl who had squeezed her way into the compartment. Romilda Vane was a Gryffindor student who was in the year below Ginny and Taylor and she was incredibly annoying. She was horrible about other girl's and was always putting people down and she had had about six boyfriends and she'd only been at Hogwarts for two years so far. 

For some reason she thought that Ginny and Taylor were best friends with her and her two friends Lizzie and Hillary. It could've been down to the fact that Taylor invited them to sit with them in the common room one time, since then they'd not left them alone. 

"How was your summer?!" She squealed, crossing her leg's and sitting forward as if they were in deep conversation. 

"It was great thanks how was your's?" Ginny asked politely. She wasn't really interested but she had to be polite.

"It was amazing! My parents took me to America, to California and there were some amazing boys there! All just friends of course." She winked as if Ginny knew what she meant. She really didn't.

"That sounds......interesting." Taylor trailed off and gave Romilda a questioning look. 

"Wait until you hear about Romilda's plan this year! Guess who's in her plan this time?!" Hillary cried looking so excited. 

"Well this year, and maybe next year, this could take some time he's a difficult one. I'm going to make Harry Potter mine!" Romilda grinned as if she had just said the best thing Ginny and Taylor had ever heard. Ginny felt her heart drop into the bottom of her stomach. Why did she have to go for Harry?!

"Isn't it amazing?!" Lizzie gushed.

"Harry Potter, really Romilda?" Taylor asked, sighing.

"Yes, have you seen the boy Taylor?! He's so dreamy!" Romilda squealed.

"Romilda, you know that Ginny likes Harry." Taylor spoke no emotion on her face. She looked like she was ready to attack her. 

"Oh well! Ginny doesn't mind, do you Gin? Besides, I think I have a bit more chance than Ginny." Romilda smirked, tucking her hair behind her ear. Ginny's eye's widened, she couldn't believe Romilda had just said that. 

Perfectly Imperfect (Book 1: A HP/Ginny Weasley FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now