Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


"You should really try to differentiate the difference between dreams; and reality Potter." The voice of Lucius Malfoy filled the corridor.

"You." Harry gasped out.

"Yes, now Potter, we won't hurt anyone if you just give me that Prophecy." Malfoy snarled.

"What do you want with it?!" Harry asked.

"HAHAHA! He knows how to play, itsy, bitsy, baby, Potter." Bellatrix Lestrange stepped out from behind Malfoy.

"Bellatrix Lestrange." Neville breathed.

"Ah, Neville Longbottom, is it? How's mum and dad?" Bellatrix smirked.

"Better now they're about to be avenged!" Neville cried, pointing his wand at Bellatrix, ready to attack her. Harry and Ron quickly held him back.

"Now, now, let's just all calm down." Malfoy spoke calmly. Ginny could hear the malicious tone behind his calm voice. He was evil through and through.

"What is it that Voldemort wants with this?!" Harry asked more harshly.

"How dare you speak his name?! YOU FILTHY HALF BLOOD!" Bellatrix's voice echoed off of the walls in the Hall of Prophecies. Ginny grinned when Harry didn't even flinch at the sound of Bellatrix shouting at him. She had always admired Harry's courage.

"Calm down Bella." Lucius warned.

"If you give me the prophecy I can tell you everything that you want to know." Lucius tried to bribe Harry.

"I've waited fourteen years." Harry sighed.

"I know." Lucius faked sympathy in his voice.

"I guess I can wait a little longer. NOW!" Harry cried.

"STUPEFY!" The groups voices cried out in tandem.

Ginny ran following the rest of the group as they ran back towards the door. She could feel the presence of the Death Eaters around her as they flew through the air, shouting spells at the six. Suddenly, a Death Eater blocked the way which meant that they split up into pairs. Ginny followed Harry whilst Neville went with Luna and Ron with Hermione.

"Keep running Ginny!" Harry cried.

"Expelliarmus!" Ginny cried, knocking the wand from a Death Eater.

Ginny and Harry came to a stop however when bodies smashed into theirs. Ginny let out a sigh of relief when it turned out to be Ron, Hermione, Luna and Neville.

"Are you all ok?!" Harry asked frantically.

"We're fine Harry." Hermione said, gasping for breath.

"Good." Harry breathed.

Ginny quickly spotted the Death Eater's floating towards them at a high speed. She quickly raised her wand and cried "REDUCTO!"

Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville and Luna all turned around, watching as the orbs all began dropping off of the shelves, quickly picking up speed. Harry turned to run, followed by Ron, Hermione and Ginny, then eventually Neville and Luna.

The orbs were getting closer, dropping behind Ginny's feet. Harry raised his wand above his head, attempting to deflect the orbs that were falling on their head's.

Finally, the door was in reach. Hermione wrenched it open and stepped through followed by the rest of them. It took Ginny a couple of seconds to realise that she was falling. She waved her arm's out in front of her, trying to find a way to stop her from falling. The ground was getting closer. Ginny closed her eye's when she suddenly stopped in mid air, then fell the short way to the ground with a thump.

"How did we get in here?" Ron asked, standing up and looking around.

"The voices, what are they saying?" Harry said, walking towards the archway in the middle of the room.

"There are no voices Harry. We need to get out of here." Hermione stated, looking for an exit.

"I hear them too." Luna said, slowly following Harry, her eyes on the archway.

"We need to get out." Hermione said again.

Harry quickly looked up and heard them coming. He moved quickly away from the arch and towards the group again.

"Get behind me." Harry ordered. They all scrambled around and stood behind Harry.

Ginny's head began to spin as the blackness took over them all. The Death Eaters flew through them, making them all fall to the floor. Ginny screamed a little as she was grabbed from behind.

Ginny was basically blind until her vision was cleared and she was being held by her hands from behind her by a Death Eater that she didn't recognise. Hermione, Ron, Neville and Luna were also being held hostage around the walls by various Death Eaters. Harry was left standing in the middle, the Prophecy still clasped in his hand tightly. Lucius Malfoy was closing in on him, his hand outstretched. Harry looked around at his five friends and looked down at the prophecy in his hand.

"Don't do it Harry!" Neville yelled.

"Shut up!" Bellatrix yelled at him. She pushed her wand further up into his neck.

Harry slowly placed the prophecy in Lucius' outstretched hand. Lucius raised it above him and smirked at it.

Ginny watched as light suddenly filled the room, and in came Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Mad-Eye Moody, Arthur Weasley and Sirius Black. Sirius stepped up to Harry and Lucius and snarled at Lucius.

"Get away from my God-son." Sirius warned. All of a sudden, he punched Lucius in the face causing the prophecy to go flying out of his hand and it crashed to the ground. Lucius cried out as it broke into tiny pieces.

Lucius suddenly began to duel Sirius and Harry. Ginny smiled as her Dad dueled the man that was holding her hostage. She quickly jumped out of his grip. She quickly moved behind a rock where Hermione, Ron, Neville and Luna were.

Ginny watched as Sirius dueled Lucius. Suddenly, the unthinkable happened. Ginny watched wide eyed as the life left Sirius, and he drifted slowly through the archway. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion.

Hermione gasped and so did Ron. Neville and Luna just watched in horror as Harry cried out in pain. A small tear escaped from Ginny's eye as she listened to Harry cry out. She hated hearing him suffer like he was at the moment, it felt like someone had stabbed her in the heart.

Harry suddenly ran from the room, breaking free from Remus' hold on him. Bellatrix had killed Sirius so there was no doubt that he was running after her.

By now, all of the Death Eaters had left because there was nothing else to be there for. Everybody gathered together and began to head out of the Department of Mysteries.

Ginny sighed and looked behind her at the Archway. Sirius Black was no more.


Perfectly Imperfect (Book 1: A HP/Ginny Weasley FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now