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Joel P.O.V

I am so happy that they've brought back the full 10 stars. I know this is only the start, but I feel as if I've lost loads of weight already.

Its starting to get cold at dusk. The sun is retiring for the day, and the animals of the night are starting to appear. I lay in my hammock looking at the stars that are coming out of hiding. You have lots of time to just think out here. Larry finally got the fire going with lots of applause afterwards. He's definitely the boss in here, I mean, I ain't going to mess with him!

I see Connie come back through the gap in fresher, cleaner clothes and soaking hair as she goes and sits next to the fire with Lisa. It's amazing how she gets along with everyone so well. I see Adam go over and swipe a leaf on her shoulder as Connie just brushes it off. Adam does it again and I look over to Larry as he looks back, and we try not to laugh and give the game away.

"What keeps having a go at my shoulder, stupid bugs." Connie says to Lisa as she notices Adam. Adam tickles the other side of her neck now with the leaf, and Connie quickly brushes it off again.

"What are these stupid things. This jungle is full of pests!" Connie exclaims. I see her look over her shoulder and spot Adam squatted there with the leaf in his hand.

"Oh my god Adam! Talk about pests!" She laughs as she looks down in embarrassment. The whole camp starts laughing at Adams antics as Connie gets up and walks towards the hammock beside me.

"Everyone." Sam says as she walks into camp with a laminate in her hand.

"The public have been voting for their first president who will assign chores to everyone. Only they have the privilege of sitting in the red chair, and them and their chosen vice president will not be set any of the chores. The first president is, drum roll please..."

Everyone hits their hands on their knees as Sam announces the new president. "Larry!  And for this once only, the public have picked the vice president... Scarlett!" Sam reveals as she runs over to the black board.

"You two need to go down to the pool and assign chores for the rest of us." Sam says handing Scarlett the blackboard.

"I cant believe this!" Scarlett says as she takes the black board from Sam and runs down the pathway, Larry following slowly behind her.

I look over to Connie as she's led in the hammock next to me.

"I am so hungry." I moan as I look over to her.

"Me too. If you could eat anything, what would you eat?" She says as she looks over to me.

Oh, I know what I'd eat!

"Chocolate cake."

"You too!" She exclaims staring up at the sky.

Sam P.O.V

I walk over and sit with Carol and Wayne around the fire. There is something I wanted to ask them, as I don't think it's just me who see's it.

"Hey guys and girls." I say as I sit down.

"Hey Sam." Carol says to me as Wayne starts his own conversation with Jordan who has just sat on a different log.

"I just wanted to ask you something." I tell Carol. "Don't you think that Connie and Joel are getting on really well?"

"Yeah, it's really sweet." Carol says as she looks up at them laying and chatting in separate hammocks at the top of camp.

"Hopefully something happens, I mean, they are both single and perfectly suited!" Carol adds on quietly. I just smile and nod.

Joel P.O.V

I look down to see Sam and Carol looking back at us.

"What you giggling about you two?" I shout down to them, gaining the attention of the other camp mates.

"Oh nothing." Carol shouts back as they go back to their conversation.

Scarlett and Larry walk back into camp with the black board in their hands. "All stand for the president." I stand up as I think she is being serious, but end up falling in the process, and all I hear is Connie giggling to herself. Everyone crowds and stands around the campfire.

"Ok everyone, we have assigned the roles for chores. Um, I really hope that everyone likes what they are doing and who they are paired with. We paired up people who maybe one of them is experienced and the other wants to learn so we hope this is fair." Scarlett explains.

"Firstly, camp chefs who are responsible for cooking all the meals in camp, Lisa and Jordan. Camp cleaners, and I'm really sorry about this, are Adam and Joel!"

"Brilliant." I tell Adam. " We can use our brushes and become members of stomp!" Which earns a chuckle out of him as we both start stomping on the floor.

"Ok so washing up, is Connie and Sam." Scarlett says as Connie and Sam both smile at each other and give each other a high five. "Which leaves maintenance to Carol and Wayne!" Scarlett announces as she puts the black board by the fire.

"If you all complete your assigned chores for the day, then your camp cash account will be credited with 10 dingo dollars! You can use these dollars to buy treats later on!" Larry announces as we all cheer.

We all sit around the campfire as dusk turns to pitch black. We chat about are jobs and families, why we came in and play games in between. We also take a few group trips to the dungy which is fun but I find a little weird.

The brown basket is lowered into the camp slowly on metal cords.

"Finally!" I shout as Larry picks up the laminate and reads it out.

"As a result of Sam, Connie, Jordan and Scarlett winning 10 stars in todays trial, you have Kangaroo Loin!" Larry reads on the laminate.

Connie P.O.V

"Kangaroo loin! That's... unusual!" I comment to Carol as I sit with the rest of the girls on one of the beds.

"Do you wanna know what's even more unusual?"

"What?" I question Carol as she points over by the fire. I follow her finger to see she's pointing at Jordan cutting the meat. It is funny the way he does is, and I end up giggling even more at the girls laughing, so we all just end up laying across each other in fits.

"Are you girls laughing at me? Its not funny alright!" Jordan addresses as I just hold by head in my hands laughing.

Dinner turns out to taste amazing as we all thank Lisa for the incredible kangaroo. I sit and eat dinner with Sam and Joel next to me around the fire. Its weird. Everyone keeps shooting me and Joel looks and then grinning to somebody else. I just look over to Joel confused as he shoots me the same look. When we hit eye contact, we just end up smiling anyway.

After a long day, we decide to hit the sack. I lay in my hammock as I hear the snoring and whistling of the jungle. I can't sleep. Its cold and the bugs are alive when you sleep, so that's another thing to worry about.

"Connie, are you awake?" Joel whispers to me from the opposite hammock.

"Yeah, are you?" I ask.

"Well if I wasn't then I wouldn't of just asked if you were awake would I?" Joel says back to me.

"Oh yeah!" I laugh.

"Do you want to go and sit by the fire?" Joel asks me.

"Ok." I whisper swinging my legs round and standing up slowly. The hammocks really are not the most comfortable, but they are an improvement to the beds I guess.

I place myself on a log opposite the fire and stare at it as my mind goes blank. Joel comes and sits next to me and hesitantly places his arm around my back, rubbing small circles into my arm.

"Is this ok?" He asks about his arm looking down at me wearily. I nod and move his floppy brown hair from his face with my finger. I then just rest my head into his neck, and shut my eyes feeling the warmth of the fire and Joel's body making me drowsy.

"This has been amazing so far." And I feel Joel look down at me. "Your.. amazing, Connie." I hear Joel say, but I'm too tired to reply, so I just end up falling asleep in his arms around the fire smiling.

Joel Dommett - Jungle Love (I'm A Celebrity Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now