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Happy new year everyone! x

Connie P.O.V

After another long day of training, I walk home down through the streets of London beside the embankment and the London Eye. I walk home most days with Jazz, as we train at the same gym. But she's decided to train up again in Scotland for a few months where her parents are, even though sometimes we both go down to Wiltshire to train in the original swimming pool at the Link Centre where we're from.

But for now, since Jazz isn't here, I walk home with Adam. Adam Peaty, who is like a best friend and a little brother to me. We mess around so much during training, which can really annoy his coach, Andy, but we get the training done.

"You really pulled it out the bag today mate." I say as we walk through Regent Street and are followed by a few cameras which we always try to ignore.

"Thanks, and hey, you really nailed your diving entry today." Adam tells me as he stops at his massive apartment block with a black, solid door, and a modern look to the whole white structure.

"Thanks. I'll see you at the gym tomorrow then?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure. Leg day tomorrow." He tells me.

"Urgh." I moan. "Can't wait!" I say sarcastically as I feel the bright flashes of the camera shots in my eyes.

"See you tomorrow Con." He says as he hugs me goodbye, and enters his block of apartments. I walk to the nearest tube station, and reach my house soon enough.

"Hello?" I shout as I walk through the front door and lock it behind me.

"Hey babe." My fiancée shouts from the living room and I walk in to see him sprawled across the sofa.

"Comfy?" I snigger as I walk into the kitchen and get myself a drink of water.

"Oh, yes." He moans as I walk back in. I lean down and peck his lips before sitting down on the other couch.

"Don't you get sick of water. I mean, you swim in it all day." I just laugh at his comment, and we end up sitting on the sofas watching Strictly Come Dancing for the rest of the evening before we retire to bed.

The next morning...

I head down the same street that I walk every single morning and every single evening. Me and Adam end up at the gym, doing leg work and annoying Andy. However, no matter how many times Adam throws yoga balls at him, and tells him that I will tackle him if he doesn't shut up, he still makes us work so hard that I cant feel my legs at the end of the session.

"That was such hard work!" I say as Adam takes a sip of his protein shake, and we limp back down the street again.

"I know. At least tomorrow we are back in the pool again. I swear, if Andy shouts any louder he's getting pushed in." He complains. "Your coach is so nice. Mines so annoying!"

I just laugh at his comment as we walk towards his block of flats. He loves Andy really, but he's more strict than Thomas is. After a hug goodbye, I grab the tube back to mine and my fiancées house.

I unlock the door and walk inside the abode to silence. Joel's at a gig tonight, so he wont be home until around nine, meaning I have 90 minutes by myself.

I cook myself a nutritious meal and whilst I eat it, I check my Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. When I log into Instagram, I look at the comments on my last post, a picture of me and Adam hanging around with Andy and Thomas at the pool.

"Working hard with @AdamPeaty and our fabulousssss coaches. 2020 Tokyo here we come!" I read what I wrote yesterday when I posted it.

As soon as I see that I have thousands of comments on the photo, more than I do normally, alarm bells ring in my head. I leave my phone on the table and place my bowl in the sink, before rushing back to the table and scrolling through the comments.

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