"I'll teach you"

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Wayne P.O.V

Joel and Scarlett disappear through the clearing as I lay down on the yoga mat by Carol's bed.

Connie walks over and sits by Carol who is led on her bed staring into space. Connie's bright blue eyes turn to me, and she smiles as she picks up I'm staring.

"Connie?" I ask as she diverts her attention from Carol towards me.

"Yeah." She replies.

"Can we try that dirty dancing thing that you and Joel do?" She looks at me confused. "You know, that thing where he lifts you in the air?" I assure her.

"Oh yeah! Ok!" She exclaims jumping up and standing in front of me. I place my hands on her hips and she leans forward. I obviously haven't got the nick of it like Joel does, because as soon as I lift her, she falls by down by my side.

We both start laughing hysterically. All the campmates attention flares towards us as we roll across the floor laughing.

Sam comes over and tries it. Connie lays where I was and tries to lift up Sam. Connie obviously knows what she's doing, as she lifts Sam up and Sam flares her arms at the side.

Sam jumps off Connie's legs as she feels herself falling. Connie looks up at the other side of camp with a smile, as I follow her gaze to see Joel and Scarlett coming back through the clearing.

We all jump up and join them around the fire. It gets a little breezy and I turn to see Connie shivering, so Joel wraps his arms around her, planting a kiss on her head. They are actually really nice together and I've never seen Joel like this before. When he does his comedy acts, he's never really this sensitive.

"Ok guys," Joel says letting Connie go as she walks over beside me and Sam. Joel picks up the blackboard and gives it to Scarlett as she starts to read off of it.

"Ok guys, so I really hope that you like what we've picked. Um, ok so the chefs are Larry and Sam." Scarlett announces as Joel shoots the a look to say, 'are you ok with that?' I look over and they seem fine, so Scarlett moves on.

"Ok, camp cleaners are Connie and Danny." she says. "Which means that washing up is Wayne and Carol, maintenance, Martin and Adam. Finally, the dungy and other cleaning is and Jordan and Lisa."

Great! Washing up! I guess that that would be ok.

Joel P.O.V

After the meal of five stars that were shared throughout the blue team, the day slowly turns night time, and we all end up around the fire telling stories and such.

I end up telling a story about skype that I'd rather not elaborate on! I sit next to Connie and Sam, as they explain how they met each other.

"When I went to the Olympics for the first time in 2012-" Connie starts, "-they had a party for all the athletes for team GB before we went to London. It was great, but I didn't really know anyone. One sport I've always loved though is hockey, so when I met the hockey team, it was amazing. I mean, the hockey team and my friend Jasmin-" (Carlin) "- were always by my side. I think we all worked our butts off really, but I never thought that in my first Olympics at the age of 18, I'd bring home a gold medal. And then when I did it again this year, and so did the hockey team-" Connie says pulling Sam in for a hug,"- it was just incredible!" Connie explains.

"When I was small-" Carol starts,"-Countdown put an ad in the paper looking for someone who was good enough to answer the math questions. My mum actually signed me up, and when I started to do the show, I loved it!"

"Did you know I have pi tattooed on my arm?" I say pulling up my sleeve. "When I was small, I memorized pi to 100 places."

"Wow, that's amazing!" Connie says as she traces the number on my arm carefully with her finger and starts to read it. "You need the dash at the end." She jokes. She stands up from the fire and announces that she's going to bed. I grab her hand as she stands and pull her close, pecking her lips goodnight as her bright blue eyes loose contact with mine and she heads off to bed.

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