Two lines mean positive

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Joel P.O.V

Me and Connie have been married a year now. We went on our honeymoon to Switzerland, skiing through the alps and enjoying every single minute together, trekking through the ice and snow.

Connie's finally retired, so she's at home most of the time unless she's away hosting or commentating for sporting events.

I'm away sometimes, but not nearly as often as I was. Me and Connie spend so much time at home together, and we go out and do different activities as well.

But now Connie's retired, and I'm not to busy, there's something we've considered. We're financially stable, and we have a big enough house for a new addition. Not a puppy, but another human.

Me and my beautiful wife have tried for a while, but even with no hope so far, we aren't giving up.

I sit on our sofa in the glass plated room, staring at the floor and scraping my nails together in nervousness. I wait for Connie, and even though she's been a minute, it seems like days and years.

"Joel." Connie says as she walks in.

"Hey, have you looked?" I ask, gesturing towards the pregnancy stick she's holding faced down.

"No, I wanted to find out with you here." She tells me as I wrap my hands around her waist, resting my head on her shoulder.

"You ready babe?" She asks me.

"Yeah." I say as she flips the pregnancy test over.

One line.

"One line is positive or negative?" I ask again, just to clarify.

"Negative." She tells me as she kisses me and walks into the bathroom, chucking the electronic stick in the bin.

"It's weird to think I'm getting so excited about something you peed on." I say as she lets out a small laugh.

We've tried lots of times, and every time I look at a negative pregnancy test, my heart sinks.

"I'm sorry I'm not a good baby maker!" She tells me as she walks back in. "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure." I answer. "Any specification?"

"Nothing scary!" She shouts as she walks back into the bathroom to let her hair down and brush it out.

I flick through Netflix as I hear a loud scream from Connie in the bathroom.

"Oh my god!" She shouts as I press the right arrow on the TV remote.

"I know, having to pay for Netflix is a real travesty!" I joke.

"Joel, come here!" She shouts again.

"Are you dying?" I ask, not making an attempt to get off the sofa. I hear Connie walk in beside me, and I hear the pop of a plastic lid.

"So your not dead then?" I ask, still flicking through the Maze runner films.

"Joel, look." My wife says as she shoves a piece of plastic in front of my face. I take it from her, seeing it's the pregnancy test. I look at the screen.

Two lines.

"Two lines means positive!" She squeals as I stand up and chuck the remote onto the sofa beside me.

"Are you one hundred percent?" I ask. She nods and I pull her into a massive hug, absolutely speechless.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" I whisper in disbelief to myself.

"Were having a baby Joel." She reassures me. I pull her in for a hug again, holding her tight but not to tight.

"Our child is in there." I say as I place my hands on my wife's stomach.

"And they will be in your arms in about 8 months." She tells me.

5 months later...

It's been five months, and after the first trimester of my poor wife suffering from morning sickness, as well as it being over the news, it's the day we find out the gender of our baby.

My wife lays on the leather bed, her top pulled up to show her rather large baby bump. A plastic monitor is placed on and moved around her stomach by the doctor, who has moved the screen away from us as we've said we want it to be a surprise.

"Mr and Mrs Dommett. I've come across a slight abnormality. Everything is totally fine, but is it ok if you can just excuse me and Dr Robson for two minutes." The doctor says as we give them reassurance and they leave the room.

I squeeze my wife's hand as a stressful and horrible feeling washes over us. Worry.

"Everything will be ok baby." I tell my gorgeous wife as I kiss her and move her hair away from her face.

The doctors walk back in a few seconds afterwards with printed out scans that they study at their desk.

"Mr and Mrs Dommett. We have some news." Mr Robson tells us. "There's no need to worry, it's good news."

I feel a weight off of my shoulders, and I let out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding.

"Congratulations. Your not just having one baby girl, but two." He says.

Sorry this is quite a small chapter! The next one should be up pretty soon xxx

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