A Real Date

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Connie P.O.V

"I wanna take you on a real date." Joel says to me as he takes my hand, and we lay on the sunbeds, taking in our last two days of a luxury hotel in Australia until we have to fly back home again.

"I thought we had already gone on a 'real' date!" I laugh as I put air quotes around the word real.

"No, I don't class 'real' as a trial in the middle of the jungle when we're joined by cockroaches and mealworms and other live creatures." He tells me.

"What did you have planned then?" I ask.

"You'll see." He says as he stands up from the sun bed and looks down at my body.

"Can you meet me at the entrance of the hotel at 6 tonight?" He asks me.

"Yeah sure." I laugh as he smiles and walks away.

"Wait, Joel?" I shout as he walks off. He doesn't hear me as he disappears into the hotel lobby.

I just smile and lay back down on my sun bed, placing my sunglasses over my eyes. After a while of tanning, I sit up and look at my phone.

2:15 pm. I've got quite a while, but I don't know what to wear or anything.

I place my sun cream back in my leather bag with my phone and sunglasses. I then stand up and walk in the lobby. There's a few people around who I don't recognise, just people staying at the hotel and some of the crew, as well as some of the campmates  friends and family.

I go to the canteen and get a bite to eat with Scarlett and Martin. I sit down with my ham and cheese panini and drink of coke.

"I can't believe how quick the past three weeks went." Scarlett says.

"I know right. I can't believe I'm sat here with the queen of the jungle." Martin pipes up as I just laugh to myself.

"And a little bird told me that the queen has a date this evening." Scarlett smiles over to me, as Martin just looks over pulling a shocked impression.

"Maybe." I tease. "How did you know?"

"Secret." Scarlett tells me. "Want me to help you get ready?" She asks.

"Yeah. I'd love you too. I don't know what to wear or anything. I don't even know what we're doing." I say.

"Yeah. You and Joel seem really happy." Martin says. "So, he was very, sexually, tense. Is he over that?" He asks me cheekily.

"I think so." I smile.

"And did you help him with that?" Martin laughs, as he pretty much wants to know if we made love.

"Yes, yes I did." I say. Scarlett and Martin just laugh and tease me about it as I take another bite of my baguette.

"Details please?" Martin says.

"Martin!" Scarlett exclaims as we all just laugh. "Have you seen Joel to ask him what to wear?"

"No, I haven't seen him." I say. "I haven't seen any of the other campmates actually."

"That's good then." Martin says naturally.

"What?" I question.

"Nothing." Martin says as him and Scarlett smile at each other, but I decide to just leave them to it.

We all finish our food and me and Scarlett head up to my room. My room is a bit of a mess, but I guess you can see the floor, which in my terms means it's clean.

I jump in the shower for about 10 minutes, washing my hair with the scented shampoo that smells like raspberries. When I get out, I wrap myself in a towel and walk into my bedroom, where an outfit is layed out on the bed for me.

Joel Dommett - Jungle Love (I'm A Celebrity Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now