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Connie P.O.V

My eyes open slowly. I feel different. Comfortable. But lonely. I look over to see Adam and Sam asleep, Wayne sat on the middle throne staring into the fire.

"Morning." I whisper, not moving from the comfortable bed.

"Morning Connie." He smiles, "sleep well?" he asks caringly, coming over and sitting on the edge of the bed. He places his left hand over my legs, leaning backwards slowly.

"So well. This bed is amazing." I comment, sitting up against the back board.

"It's weird not being with the rest of camp though." I say, staring down at my nails. Joel isn't here, but other than him, I couldn't pick 3 better campmates to stay with.

"I know. You think, people will start to leave soon. Camps gonna be so small." Wayne comments as I swing my legs round reluctantly and we both walk and sit on our thrones, trying not to wake the other two royals.

"So, do you know what your gonna do as soon as you get out of here?" Wayne asks me, his bright blue eyes catching me silent for a few seconds. But then I remember Joel's eyes, and Wayne's dim down a little.

"No idea, but it's gonna be crazy I think." I say as Adam opens his eyes and looks towards us.

"Morning." I whisper over towards Adam. He looks over towards us and smiles before shutting his eyes again.

"The wrap party's gonna be great." Wayne says as we both just think about it. Me, the girls and Joel and Wayne and Adam on the dance floor. And a buffet. My stomach growls.

"I really need food." I say as Wayne just looks towards me and sniggers. I get up and grab the phone, ready for breakfast. I hold it to my ear, and press dial for camp. I hear it ring as a mopey voice sounds across the phone.

"Hi." I hear Martin say.

"I'm a royal now Martin! You address me as one!" I joke.

"Sorry, wrong number." He says and the line goes out.

Joel P.O.V

I lay in my hammock, staring at the sky, Jordan standing next to me whilst Martin is pretty near with the phone in his hand. We nominated Carol and Martin for todays duty, so I can't pick up the phone.

Martin puts the phone down abruptly and walks out the box.

"Martin, you can't put the phone down to them like that." Jordan comments. Carol asks him who it was.

"It was Connie." And the sound of her name makes me pay more attention. My eyes widen as Jordan grins at me at the sudden shock.

The phone rings again and I go to get out of the hammock, before realising I can't speak to her. Martin walks up to the phone and starts talking again before he puts it back down.

It rings again, making me laugh as I can tell Connie is doing it to wind him up. Carol runs past Martin, picking the phone up and talking down the line, before a  few minutes after, she puts it down and walks over to me.

"Connie says she's thinking of you." Carol informs me. I feel my eyes widen, a smile emerge and the butterfly's appear.

"Martin, we need to take breakfast for the royals." Carol gestures, taking the rice and beans, and both trekking down the long path to the next camp.

As soon as they're back, we all emerge back around the fire. Carol walks in, laminate in hand.

"It's the final chance to knock a royal off their throne. Please pick two subjects to face two of Connie, Sam, Adam or Wayne in the next trial, gates to hell. After you have picked, please can your chosen two subjects leave camp immediately." She reads, placing the laminate back down by the fire afterwards.

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