Piggy Back Races

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Connie P.O.V

We all disperse back into camp when we arrive, but I decide to head up to the bush telegraph. I need to go up their anyway for an interview with ITV2, so hopefully I should get some inkling what the public may think of me.

"Hello Connie!" A voice recording answers. "You are live on ITV2 and we are here to ask you some questions!"

"Bring it." I joke.

"Hailee37 asks, how are you enjoying jungle life so far?" the recording booms.

"Amazing. Everything is incredible. The people, the challenges and just the amount of fun we are having together. The fact we all get along so well I think is the best though."

"This questions is from Tay6Smith. They ask, what is Joel like as a boyfriend?"

"Oh my god." I answer. "Joel is incredible. His personality, looks and just how cheeky he is. He's a bundle of joy to be around. He is for sure my rock in here and to be able to be so close to him, I don't know how I ever got so lucky."

"Kathryn asks, when are you and Joel going to have a first date?" The voice recording asks.

"Hopefully when we are out. I mean, you can't really have a date in the jungle, but hopefully we will stay together on the outside." I say.

"And finally, 698Melanie.lol asks, out of all the girls, who are you closest to?"

"Wow that's a tough question." I say. "Everyone is so close and Lisa leaving this morning was a massive heart ache, but if I had to pick one girl, I think it would have to be Sam. She's so fun and we have so much in common, so yeah, she's brilliant really."

"Thank you Connie! Have an amazing day." The voice announces.

"Thank you." I say joyfully and wave towards the camera.

I walk back down to camp with a new laminate that I was given.

"Everyone." I say as I arrive back at camp.

I read from the laminate, "celebrities, the public have been voting for who they would like to take part in the next trial, 'pick and crits'. The celebrities that they have voted for are, drum roll please." I say as everyone claps on their knees. "Adam and Martin!" I reveal.

They both stand up and give each other a hug.

"No no no!" Martin exclaims. "It's eating! I know it's eating! Sorry guys but we ain't getting any food tonight." He says as I go over and embrace him in a hug.

"You've got this Martin. Do it for us. Think if Kirsty and your kids." I say, patting his shoulder.

I link my fingers into Joel's as Martin and Adam both run underneath our wedding tunnel and up the hill in the direction of the clearing.

Joel laces his hands around my back and pecks my lips. He smiles as he pulls away, and I just smile back.

"You've got the cheekiest grin ever you know." I say to him. "What are you smiling about anyway?" I ask softly.

"I just know that I'm so lucky to be able to kiss a girl like you." He says, embracing me in another hug. I feel his abs through his shirt as I rest my head on his chest.

"Your so sweet." I tell him.

"Do you guys wanna do something whilst we wait?" Scarlett asks.

"Yeah sure. I have an idea." Sam asks.

"Piggy back races around camp." I say, and she nods. The rest of the camp just look at us as we've read each others minds, but at the Olympics, all the girls used to have piggy back races all the time. It became a regular thing.

Joel Dommett - Jungle Love (I'm A Celebrity Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now