New Me

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Aurora's P.O.V.

I hear a loud knock on my door. "Honey, get ready for school", my mom says. I sigh. Another day of torture. Why can't I be homeschooled? Ugh. I absolutely hate school. That's where hell begins. Where everyone decides to make fun of me and push me, sometimes even hit face. I get up and go to my bathroom. I take a quick shower and brush my teeth. I throw on some black leggings, a white T-shirt and then a blue hoodie over. I brush my hair and throw it in a bun. I don't usually leave my hair out because it usually gets pulled on. Not that I don't throw on my hoodie anyways. I put some chap stick on and I'm done. And before you ask, no I don't wear make up. I get out my room and walk downstairs to the kitchen. "Good morning sweetie", my mom says. What's so good about mornings? "Morning", I say. "Breakfast is on the table", she says. I sit down and begin eating. I just eat a little of it because I'm fat. Well that's what everyone at school says. I get up and grab my book bag. "Bye mom, I'm leaving", I say. "Goodbye Hun", she says. I close the door and begin walking to school. I pull my hoodie over my head. I hear cheering behind me but don't bother to turn around because I already know it's the "popular" group in their car passing by. "Oh look, it's the fat bitch", I hear that annoying squeaky voice of the one and only Nicole Banks, the "it girl" at school. "Yep, looking the same as always", I hear Dawn say, the captain of the football team also known as the school jock. "Ugly as always", adds Steve, one of the members of their little group. I ignore them and walk faster. "Look she's walking faster", points out Britney, another member of their group. "Can't get away from us", Dawn laughs and they all throw thrash at me while they drive away. I take a deep breath and finally get to the school. I walk in the front door.
"Hey slut"
"Ugly as always"
"Need fashion help?"
"Know one likes you"
"Go to hell"
All the comments I get while walking down the hall. I quickly go to my locker and get what I need. The bell rings and I rush to my class. Someone pushes me and I fall to the ground dropping all my stuff. I pick my stuff up and get back up. I keep walking and soon reach my class. I sit right in front of the class. The seats soon start filling in and class begins. I hear whispering behind me as the teacher turns around and then a few paper balls hit me. I ignore them and try to pay attention. "Fat bitch", I hear someone say behind me. I sigh and close my eyes. When is this going to end? Soon the bell rings and I get up. Of course I get tripped up and fall to the floor. I pick up my stuff and keep walking. I rush to my locker and grab my books for my next class. I actually kind of, KIND OF, like this class. Just because Josh is in my class and he always sits right next to me for some reason. I have a small crush on Josh, okay maybe a big crush. He's so cute and he's actually nice to me. I walk down the hall and then someone shoves me in the rib making me wince. I quickly get in my class and sit down in the front roll. Students start coming in and soon Josh walks in cute as ever. With his dark black messy hair, bright bluish grayish eyes showing off his perfect tan skin. He takes a seat next to me and gives me one of his perfect smiles showing his perfect white teeth. I give him a small smile. Hate being so shy. I can't help it. "Hey Aurora", he says. "Hey", I say softly. He pulls my hoodie off. "I like being able to see your face", he says. I blush and smile. He's always so nice. "Okay hush now, class has started", Mr. Hills says, my history teacher. He's fat and bald. I don't get picked on as much in this class which is why I kind of like it. Josh always defends me though. Another reason why I like him, a lot. "Aurora", I hear someone whisper. I ignore it. "Pzz Aurora", I hear again. I face where it's coming from and then a paper ball hits me right in the face. I can't believe I fell for that. I quickly look away and feel Josh's eyes on me. I ignore it. He looks away. I take a quick glance at him and see him balling a piece of paper getting ready to throw it. He throws it at the boy who threw the paper ball at me and it hit him right in the me. "Man what the fuc-", the boy starts but Mr. Hills cuts him off. "What's that Mr. Hugens?", he asks. "Nothing", the boy says. He goes back to teaching. Josh looks at me and smiles which I return. The bells rings and we all get up. Josh follows me out the door before we go our separate ways. "See you in our next class", he says and I nod. Yep, that's right, we have the next class together too. Science. I rush to my locker and grab my things. Someone shoves me causing me to hit my elbow. I wince. I quickly start walking to my next class. I soon get pushed against the lockers. I look up and see Dawn. He slams my books on the floor and laughs while walking away. I bend down but someone kicks my arms making me fall face forward on the floor. I hit my face on the floor. Someone kicks my left leg and laughs. I quickly get up and pick my things up. I feel a few tears rolling down my cheeks as I run to the bathroom. I wet my face. Don't cry Aurora. Do not cry. I take a deep breath. My face is still a little red. I put my hoodie on, grab my things and rush to class. I'm already late. Ugh. I walk in the class and all eyes are on me. I look down. "You're late Ms. Stone", Mrs. Battle says. "Sorry", I mumble. "Sit down", she says. I walk to my table and sit down next to Josh. Yep, we're science partners too. I hide my face because I know he will be able to tell that I cried. I feel him watching me. "What's wrong?", he whispers in my ear giving me shivers. "N-nothing", I stutter. He looks down without saying a word. "So now you may begin working with your partners", Ms, Battle says. I feel my hoodie being pulled off. I look at Josh and he gives me a small smile. "So, what are we suppose to do?", I ask. "Um, mix some stuff up trying to find this chemical", he says pointing to the directions sheet. I nod. He hands me my goggles and I put then on. He puts on his too. He starts pouring in some liquids while reading the paper. I start doing the same. "Okay, now we mix our both tubes together", he says. We pour our tubes in the container together. It starts bubbling and shoots up squirting all over us. I gasp. He starts laughing and I soon join in. "I don't think we did that right", he says while laughing. I shake my head laughing. "Not so loud Mr. Pegens and Ms. Stone", Ms. Battle warns. "Sorry", we both say. "Okay, well that didn't go as planned", he says, "now what?". I shrug, "I'm not about to start all over". He chuckles, "me either". The bell rings and we get up. It's lunch time. The best part of the day, hear my sarcasm? I rush to my locker and put everything away. I walk to the cafeteria and get in line. I soon get my lunch and start walking. "You're actually going to eat?", I hear Nicole ask. "If I looked like that, I would stop eating, period", Britney adds. I keep walking. I see Josh sitting at his table with his friends and he looks up making eye contact with me. He smiles and I return it. I go to the back table where I always sit by my self. I begin eating, only a little. I feel someone sit in front of me. I look up and lock eyes with Josh. "Hey", he smiles. "Hey", I say. "I saw you back here by your self, I thought I'll join you", he says. "You don't have to", I say. "No, I wanted to join you", he smiles. I blush and give him a small smile. "Aren't you going to eat that?", he asks pointing to my tray. I shake my head, "I wasn't that hungry". "Come on, you have to be hungry", he says. "No, I'm good", I say. "I'm fat anyways", I mumble. "You're not fat", he says sternly. "Your perfect", he says so quietly I'm not even sure if I was suppose to hear it or not. Did he just say I'm perfect? No, of course not. Stupid Aurora. Why would he say your perfect? Your anything but perfect. "So what are you doing after school?", he asks changing the subject. "Not sure", I say. "Do you want to maybe, um, hang out?", he asks. I stare at him. Did he just ask me out? No of course not, you're just hanging out like friends. "Um are you sure you want to hang out with me?", I ask softly. "Of course, why wouldn't I?", he asks. I shrug, "most people don't hang out with me". "Well, I'm not like most people, now aren't I?", he says. "No you're not", I smile. "So is that a yes?", he asks, "you'll hang out with me?". I smile, "that's a yes". He smiles, "great". The bell rings and we get up. I throw my tray away and he walks with me. "Finally last class", he says. "Yeah", I say. "Well I'll see you after school", he says. I smile and nod. Sadly, we don't have the next class together. I rush to my locker, grab my things and rush to my next class. This time, I didn't get tripped or pushed or anything. Phew. I take a seat in the front row. Class soon begins.

Blah blah blah... Skip this class....

The bell rings and I rush out. I go to my locker and grab my things. I turn around and bump into someone. I look up and see Dawn who's with Steve. "Watch where you're going brat", he snaps. "Sorry", I mumble looking down. He slams my things out my hands and pins me against the lockers. "Sorry won't cut it", he whispers in my ear. I feel my heart pounding against my chest with fear. "Hey! What's going on here?", I hear the oh so familiar voice of Josh. "I'll finish this later", Dawn whispers. "None of your concern", Dawn says. "I don't think she likes the idea of you on her", Josh snaps. He seems angry. I don't know why though. "Oh I'm sure she does", Dawn says, "don't you?", he asked facing me. I look down and ignore his question. "I'll take that as a yes", Dawn says. "Let's just go Dawn", Steve says, "wasting our time". "You're right, let's go", Dawn says and they leave. Josh comes up to me. "Are you alright?", he asks. I nod. He picks up my stuff and carries them. "Come on", he says. I follow him. "Do you need a ride?", he asks. "No that's fine, I'll just walk", I say. "No, it's not a problem, hop in", he says. I get in the passenger seat and he turns on the car. I show him where to go. "Thanks for the ride", I say. "No problem", he says, "oh and can I get your number so I know when I can come pick you up". I nod and give him my number. I get out and walk in my house. My mom is at work and my dad, well he passed away when I was a baby. I close the door and lean on it. I can't believe I'm going to go out with Josh. I feel myself blush just by thinking of him. Man, I really like him.

A/N- HII! Well this is the first chapter of "New Me". It was nice and long. This is my first story on here so go easy on me. I hope you like it. Please comment on what you think and maybe share it if you want to or like it whatever you do haha. hope you enjoy the rest of the story if anyone is actually reading this because I doubt.... Well that's it bye!

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