Chapter 34

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Aurora's P.O.V.

"I can't believe we have a project in history and science", Jayden says. We just came from science going to lunch. "I know, these teachers think we have nothing better to do", I say. "I don't know why I decided to come back to school", he says, "it's not like I have to pass this stuff". I laugh. "Hey guys", Austin says coming from behind us. "Hey Austin", I say. "Sup man", Jayden says and they fist pump. "Ya'll heard about Becky?", he asks. I furrow my eyebrows. "What about her?", Jayden asks. "She's missing", Austin says. "What? Since when?", I ask. "Two days ago", he says. "Damn really?", Jayden asks. "Yeah, last time anyone saw her was at a party. Then she just disappeared", he says. "That's odd", I say. "Really odd", Jayden says. "Well, we don't want to be late for lunch", he says and we all walk to the cafeteria. I sit at our table and see James, Isis, Jake and Brooke. "Hey", I say sitting down. "Hey", Brooke says. "Sup Aurora", Jake says. James gives me a "sup" nod. And Isis smiles. "What's up?", Brooke says. "Not much. Same old you know", I say. "Same here", Isis says. "Have you seen Jazmin?", Brooke asks. "I haven't see her all day", I say. "I think she didn't come today", James says. "You not going to get lunch?", Austin asks me. I shake my head. He gets up and goes in line. "How about Jackie?", Isis asks. "Oh, I saw her this morning", I say. "Heard my name", Jackie says sitting down. "Oh hey", I say. Everyone else greets her. I see Josh walking over here with his tray. "Hey babe", he says sitting down next to me and kissing me on the cheek. I smile, "hey". "Sup Josh", James says. "Hey", Josh says and gives him a bro hug. He does the same with Jake. Jonah and Jayden sit down followed by Austin. "This food looks horrible", Jonah says. "Food is food", Noah says sitting down. "I'll say", Austin say. "Hey Aurora, Brooke, Isis and I are going to the mall", Jackie says, "come with?". "Sure", I say. "Great, after school?", she asks. "Yep", I say. "Oh, so now your going to steal my girlfriend", Josh says. She sticks her tongue out. I laugh. "I'll get you tonight then", he whispers in my ear and winks. I slap his shoulder. He laughs. "Ya'll heard about Becky?", Jayden asks. "Yeah, heard she's missing", Isis says. "She probably just found a cute guy and went with him. Like come on, it's Becky we're talking about here", Brooke says. "She's for a point", Jackie says. "It's been two days though", Isis says, "she'll have to be crazy to go with a guy for that long". "She is crazy", Austin says. We laugh. "Anyways, ya'll heard about the party Friday?", James asks. "Yeah, at Bryan's house", Brooke says. "The football captain right?", I ask. "Yep", Jackie says, "also known as the schools jock". "He's not that bad though", Brooke says, "once you get to know him". "Yeah, Bryan's my mans", Jake says. "Are ya'll going?", Jackie asks. "Hell yeah", James says, "Bryan makes some sick ass parties". "I'll go", Isis says, "with Jackie". "O, you're making me come?", Jackie asks. "Yeah, it's not like you have anything to do on a Friday night", Isis says. "She could have a date", I say. "Exactly", Jackie says. "But she doesn't", Isis says, "I would have known". "True", I say. "How about ya'll?", Brooke asks us, "ya'll going?". "We'll go", I say referring me and Josh. "Yeah us too", Jayden says, "right Jonah?", he asks bumping into Jonah's shoulder. "Whatever", he says. "Noah is going of course. Nothing he can do better then party", Jayden says. "Oh, we should take Max", I say. "Who Max?", Brooke asks. "He's a friend that I known for a long time. He just moved here and is starting school next week", I say. "Oh, that'll be a good way to meet some people before school", Isis says. "Yeah", Brooke says. "He's a big party-er too", Noah says. "Another one to join our party squad", James says elbowing Jake. Jake laughs. "There's also a football game on Wednesday", Austin says, "ya'll have to come watch me play". "Don't we always", Jackie says. He smiles. "I'll be there", I say. "Great", he says shouldering me. I laugh. The bell rings and we all get up. "See you after school Aurora", Jackie says. "Got it", I say.

A/N- hey guys! This chapter wasn't really interesting. Just another filler. Any who, I'm on spring break so I'll probably be updating a lot, hopefully. Well, THANKS FOR ALL THE READS! REALLY APPRECIATE IT! XD

random quote

"Your life is the result of the choices you make. Don't like you life? Then it's time to make better choices"

Random fact

Sometimes I literally break down in tears

Well bye guys! LOVE YA'LL! <3

PS- I didn't check through it so there might be some mistakes or type ups. :)

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