Chapter 8

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Next morning....

Aurora's P.O.V.

I get up and go to the bathroom. I take a shower and brush my teeth. I change into red leather leggings, a black tight blouse and black high heel boots. I curl my hair and put on red lip stick, black eyeshadow, mascara and eye liner. I walk down to the kitchen and skip breakfast. "Not going to eat?", My mom asks. "Not hungry", I say and walk out closing the door behind me. I'm actually starving but not for that, if you know what I mean. I run to the woods. I hear a heartbeat. I look around and find a deer. My fangs come out and I run to it attacking it. I stick my fangs in its neck and suck it's blood. After that I clean myself up and run to my school. "There you are", Jonah says getting off his bike. "We went to your house but you weren't there", Jaden says. "Oh I went for a hunt", I say. They nod and we enter the school. I go to my locker and grab my things. "Hey Aurora", I hear behind me. I turn around and see a guy. "Um, we have History class together", he says. "Oh yeah, Mason right?", I ask. "It's Jason", he says. "Oh, I was close", I say. "Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight", he says. "Tonight? Sorry I can't", I say. "Oh, how about tomorrow?", he asks. I'm actually free tomorrow. He's actually cute though. Tall, light skinned, dark brown hair, hazel eyes. I never noticed him before. And he never noticed me until I became the next "it girl". Forget him. "Look, you're a good good guy but I'm not interested", I say. "Oh", he says, "okay then". He walks away. I kind of feel bad for rejected him. But he's probably an ass anyways. Like I said before, he never noticed me until now. I go to my 1st class and I hear a chores of "hey Aurora". I smile and sit down. Jonah and Jaden come in and sit down. "Sup Auri", Jaden says. "Hello", Jonah says. "Hey guys", I say. "Quiet", the teacher yells and class starts.

Skip class....

The bell rings and we get out. I go to my locker and grab my books for my next class. I close my locker and see Josh leaned against the locker next to mine. I jump, "Josh", I say. He chuckles, "didn't mean to scare you". I roll my eyes. "Hey, no rolling your eyes", he says. I smile, "just did". I turn around and start to walk away. But he straps his arm around my waist and pulls me back. "Where are you going?", he whispers in my ear. I blush. I can feel his hot breath on my neck. "Class", I say and escape his grasp. "That you have with me", he says. I walk a head and he catches up. We enter and I notice some guys give looks at Josh and others just check me out. Josh shoots a look back. I sit down and he sits next to me. Jaden and Jonah come in and Jaden gives me a "really?", look when he sees Josh in his seat. Well it was Josh's seat first. Jaden sits behind me and Jonah sits on my left. Class starts and goes by really fast. Soon the bell rings and we all get up. I go to my locker and grab my other books. "Hey Aurora", I hear a girls voice behind me. I turn around and see Jazmin. "Oh hey Jazmin", I say. Jaznin is one of the most popular girls but she doesn't hang out with Nicole and them. She has her own separate group. "Hey", Brooke says next to her. "Hey", I smile. "I love your outfit today", Jazmin says. "Yeah, you looks so pretty", Brooke says. "Thanks", I say. "Want to have lunch with us?", Jazmin asks. "Sorry, I can't", I say. "Oh come on, it's going to be fun", Brooke says. They never invited me before. They actually never bullied me but they never did anything to stop it either. Yet again, they are really nice to me. "Can't, I'm sitting with Jaden and Jonah", I say. "They can sit with us too", Brooke says. "You know what? I'll sit with you guys", I say. "Great", Jazmin say and they walk away. Hope that goes well. I go to my next class. I sit at my table with Josh. "Hey, want to go out today?", he asks. "Where to?", I ask. "I know this place where we can eat", he says. Should I? I can't get distracted. But one date won't hurt. "Sounds good", I say. He smiles. Class begins.

Skip class....(again)

The bell rings and we get up. I walk to the door and catch up with Jaden and Jonah. "Hey, we're sitting with Jazmin and Brooke at lunch today", I say. "You mean that other popular group?", Jaden asks. "Yeah but don't worry, these people aren't spoiled rats. They're actually really nice and plus they invited us", I say. "Whatever", they say. I smile and go to my locker. I put everything away and go to lunch. I grab some food with Jonah and Jaden following. "Aurora!", I hear, "over here!". I look around and see Jazmin waving me over there. I smile and go to her table. I sit down in between Jazmin and this guy. Jaden and Jonah sit across from me. "Hey Aurora, Jaden, Jonah", Jazmin greets. "Hey", I say. "Hey", Jonah says. "Sup", Jaden says. "Hey Brooke", I say. "Hey", Brooke smiles. "Okay so this is Jake", she says pointing to the guy in front of her. He has tanned skinned, light brown hair, brown eyes. "Hey", he says and I smile. "This is Danny", she says pointing to the guy next to Jake. He's light skinned, blue eyes, black hair. We greet. "Jackie", she says pointing to a blonde girl, light skinned and blue eyes. "Isis", she says pointing to a girl with tanned skinned, brown eyes and hair. "Austin", she points to the guy next to me. "I can introduce myself", he says. "Hi, I'm Austin", he says. He has brown hair, hazel eyes, and he's light skinned. "Hey", I smile. "And James", Jazmin says pointing to a buff guy with blue eyes, brown hair and is light skinned as well. "Well nice to meet you all, I'm Aurora", I say. They smile and nod. I then begin to eat. "So Aurora", Danny says, "you single?". Brooke hits him in his arm. "As you can see, Danny is the flirt", Jazmin says. I laugh, "well I am single". "Nice", he smirks. I roll my eyes and look away. "Are you going to eat that?", Austin asks pointing to my green beans. "Ew no", I say. He takes them and eats them. I laugh. Jaden and Jonah are talking to Jake and James. "How can you not like green beans?", Austin asks. "Their nasty", I say. "They're not", he says, "they're good". I shake my head. "So Aurora", I hear Isis say. I turn to her. "I'm having a party at my place tonight and you should come", she says. "Oh sorry, I can't, I'm busy tonight", I say. "Oh come on Aurora", Brooke says, "it'll be fun". "Yeah, it'll be fun", Austin says. "Fine, I'll see what I can do", I say. "You guys too", Isis says to Jaden and Jonah. "We'll be there", Jaden says. "Great", Isis says. "Oh Aurora, let's exchange numbers", Jazmin says. I give her my phone and she gives me hers. I add my number to her phone and she does the same to mine. Then I exchange numbers with Brooke and Austin. The bell rings and we all get up. I walk out and grab my books for my last class. "Hi Aurora", I hear Britney say. I turn around. "I thought I made myself clear yesterday", I say. "Well, you thought wrong", she snaps, "you're going to pay". "We'll see about that", I say and push pass her. I go to my next class. I sit down. "Hey Aurora", James says. "Oh hey", I say. He sits down in front of me and turns around facing me. "Coming to the party tonight?", he asks. "Yeah", I say. "You're going to have a blast", he says. I laugh. "Oh and I don't have your number", he says. "Right", I say and we exchange numbers. Jonah and Jaden sit next to me. Jonah on my left and Jaden on my right. Class soon begins.

Skip class like always....

The bell rings and we all get up. I go to my locker. "Aurora", I hear. I turn to the left and see Jackie. "Oh hey Jackie", I say. She's a locker away from mine. "We're almost locker buddies", she laughs. I laugh a long, "yeah". "I hope you can sit with us more often, we love you", she says. "Aw thanks", I say. She smiles. "And can I have your number?", She asks. I nod and we exchange numbers. She then leaves. Jaden and Jonah meet up with me in the parking lot. I hop on behind Jaden on his bike and we drive off with Jonah on his bike. Jaden drops me off. I go to my room. My mom is still working. My phone beeps and I check. It's a text from Josh.

From Josh: hey Auri, you still up for going out?

To Josh: yeah what time will you be here?

From Josh: in about 20 minutes

To Josh: okay I'll be ready

I change into black bootie shorts, a blue tank top with a black tight jacket over. I put on my black toms. I put on a little light blue eye shadow and light pink lipstick. My phone beeps again.

From Josh: I'm outside

To Josh: okay be right out

I grab my phone and walk out. Josh smiles and I get in. "You look nice", he says. I blush, "thanks. He smirks and drives.

A/N: IM BACK! SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN A WHILE! I been so busy with all these projects I have to do. So, I won't be updating so much BUT I'll try!!!! Don't hate me! Any who, here's chapter 8!!!! Hope u liked it! It's nice and long too (haha)

So I was at school, and this boy touched my butt -___- I was being tickled, which is my weakness, so I didn't really tell him off. Such a perv *shaking my head*

Any ways, I noticed I never introduced myself to you guys, so I'm going to...

So, my name is Angely, I'm Hispanic but I was born here in the U.S.A. My parents were born in Guatemala which is right next to El Savaldor if you didn't know. I'm 13, in 8th grade and single *wink wink* my birthday is on July 22 (not really important but what the hay) I LOVE One Direction AND Austin Mahone but I listen to pretty much every thing. MUSIC IS LIFE AND SO IS FOOD! WARNING: DONT EVER GET IN BETWEEN ME AND MY FOOD OKAY? GOOD

Well yeah I'm probably boring you, sorry :/ but yeah that's pretty much it. I'll try to update soon and I hope you like the rest of the story!

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