Chapter 17

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Aurora's P.O.V.

I run to the woods hunting for food. The party just finished and everyone either went home or stayed passed out somewhere. It's around 2 or 3 in the morning. I was starving so here I am. I hear an owl. I look for it and spot it. I jump on the branch knocking it down and sucking it's blood. I clean myself and stuff. It's a beautiful night. All the bright stars are shinning up the sky and the moon is so big and bright. I'm just going to walk back. I walk down the quiet road. It's all empty. Just the lamp posts. I hear voices. I stop and listen. I don't hear voices anymore but I hear breathing and heart beats. Meaning they're still here. I'm just going to run back. I hear really quiet foot steps coming behind me. They think they're so smart. I walk forward quietly. When they get close enough I turn around hitting them right in the face. The guy goes flying hitting the wall. Another guy runs to me but I stop him with my arm and then throw him. The guy then pulls out a gun and shoots but misses since I quickly get out the way. He tried to kill me. Now I'm mad. My fangs come out and I hiss. They widen their eyes. They start shooting but miss. I run to them and throw them. I grab one and slam him against the wall. I then feel a strong pain on my side. I turn around and see that the other guy stabbed me. I hiss and throw him. I take the knife out and cut the guys throat. I then cut the other guys throat. I hear all the blood pumping. I bite my lip. I can't drink human blood. I look at my side and see that it already healed. I look at my clothes and see that I don't have blood on me. Phew. I quickly clean the knife on the guys shirt and keep it. I run back to the party and see that everyone is still asleep or passed out. They are going to have a huge hangover. I'm going to have to deal with Josh. "Aurora", someone says. I jump and turn around. I see that it was just Jonah. "Oh, hey", I say. "Where did you go?", he asks. "I was hungry", I say. He comes close to me. He mumbles "I saw you kill those guys" very quietly but I can still hear him. "They attacked me", I mumble back. "I hid there bodies and cleaned up the place", he mumbles, "we can't risk it". I nod. "Now come on, let's get Josh and go back to my place", he says. I nod and he gets Josh. "Where's Noah and Jayden?", I ask. "Already there", he says. I nod and we run to his place. Jonah puts Josh on the couch. "What took ya'll so long?", Jayden asks. "We went hunting", Jonah says. He nods. "I'm going to go shower", I say. They nod. I have some clothes here already because I'm always here. I go to the bathroom and take a shower. I can't believe I killed those people. I was so mad, I couldn't control myself. They deserved it right? Ugh. I'm a murderer. I sigh. I'll get over it eventually right? I finish showering and change into some shorts and a hoodie. I get out and go back to the living room. I sit where Josh is laying. I feel tired for some reason. I can't get the picture of me killing those guys out my head. I feel so, ugh I don't know. I guess I just feel bad since it was my first time. It was so weird. I sigh. "What's wrong?", Jayden asks, "you seem off". "Just a bit tired that's all", I lie. He nods slowly. I lay my head down and soon fall asleep.

A/N- I know, short chapter. Sorry, but at least I updated right? Any who, hope ya'll liked it. I'll try to update soon and make it longer. Thanks for all the reads! Love ya'll!

So, I saw a movie and it was good. Ot was about the world ending but it was a Christian movie kind of. It had a lot of action and all but the main point is about Jesus. I can't really explain it without spoiling it but .ya'll just have to see it, it was REALLY good. There's 2 movies and they're both on Netflix. It's called "revelation road" and the 2nd one was "revelation road 2" they're really good, thought I'll just tell ya'll in case any one wants to see it. But I suggest you do watch it because it's really good and interesting. Any who, I'll try to update soon.


I'm a Christian and believe in God


"No matter how big or small, Jesus will forgive you if you let him"


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