Chapter 23

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Aurora's P.O.V.

I been trying to contact Josh for hours now. I don't know what's up with him. He can't be that busy, right? Anyways, I been hanging out with the guys. We're still at Jayden's and Jonah place. Well, basically this is all the guys house since Noah and Max lives here too.

"Aurora, where's Josh?", Noah asks. "I don't know, he's not answering any of my calls or responding to any of my texts", I say. "That's weird", he says. I nod. "So, what are we going to do now?", Jayden asks. "I'm hungry", Jonah says. "Me too", I say. But I'm talking about blood thirsty not human food hungry. "Yeah, how about, Aurora and I go get some food?", Jonah suggests. "Yeah", I say and everyone else agrees. Noah and I hop on his bike and he drives to the fast food restaurant. We go in the drive through. We order and than go to the woods. "I been starving all day", Jonah says. "Yes", I say. We hunt down animals. I suck the blood of a squirrel I found and than feed off another. We than head back to the house. "We are here!", Jonah yells. "Finally", they say and we eat up. I'm guessing Noah and Jayden already went hunting since they're not thirsty for some blood. We all eat and than watch a movie.

Josh's P.O.V.

Aurora has been texting and calling me all day. I don't know why when she's been busy with that other guy I saw her with. I don't want to talk to her right now because I'm scared that I'll confront her. I want to confront her but then again I don't because then we have to break up and I don't want to lose her. Ugh, why did she have to cheat on me? Everything was perfect. Well, that's what I thought. I didn't do anything wrong, did I? I been great, right? Ugh. I'm just going to go to her house and talk to her. I get up, grab my keys and head to Aurora's house.

Aurora's P.O.V.

"Max", I say. "What?", he says. "My mom is going to freak out when she sees you", I say. "Oh yeah, your mom! I haven't seen her in years! She was like my second mom. We have to go see her now!", he rambles. I laugh, "come on then". "Guys, we're going back to my house, Max wants to see my mom", I say. They all nod and continue watching the movie. We get out and I see a black pick up truck. "Oh my god! Is this...", I start. "My dad's old truck? Yep. He gave it to me when I got my license", he says. "We have so many memories in this truck", I say getting in. "I know right", he says starting the car. We drive back to my place.

Max parks the car and we get out. "Come on!", I say grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the door. "I can't wait to see her reaction", I say looking back at him. He laughs, "me either".

Josh's P.O.V.

I park my car on the other side of the road, across Aurora's house. I see a black pick up truck parking. Aurora comes out and so does that guy I saw her with at Jayden's place. Are you kidding me?!? She's taking him to her house?!? What can they possibly do in her house? No. No. No. No. No. No! She grabs his hand and they rush to the door. I clench my jaw and ball up my fist. Anger runs inside me. I punch the staring wheel and hold my head with my hands. Why? Why does she have to do this? I thought she'll never do this? Cheat?!? This isn't her thing. Aurora is not the cheating type. Not my Aurora. That sweet innocent shy girl that I knew. Well she's not my Aurora anymore if she's someone else's. I can just imagine what's going on in there. Anger and jealousy rushes in me. I hit the staring wheel again and step on the gas. I drive back home.

A/N- *GASP* what will Josh do? What will Aurora do? What will Josh do to Max? What did ya'll think of the chapter? Did ya'll get tired of all these questions yet? IDK XD HAHA

Any who, I'll try to update soon. I might not update tomorrow, ( MIGHT) cuz I'm going to be busy. I have 3 projects due on Friday and of course my lazy ass waited for the last minute. Oops. Anyways, THANKS FOR ALL THE READS! I HOPE YA'LL LIKE THE STORY! LOVE YA'LL

Random fact

When I wake up in the morning for school which is at 6:30am. I sit there for 10 minutes and then start getting ready.

Random quote

"The greater your storm, the brighter your rainbow"


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