Chapter 16

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Two weeks later.....

Aurora's P.O.V.

So, it's been two weeks since the day Josh and I had "it". We didn't tell no one about it because you know, that's private. Anyways, I did tell Jonah, Jayden and Noah why we skipped school that day though. Well, now, it's the weekend and I'm getting ready for a party at James house. I'm at Jazmins house, with Brooke, Jackie, and Isis. We all went shopping earlier and bought outfits for the party tonight. I'm wearing a tight black skirt that goes up to my waist where my belly button is at and goes down to my mid thigh. It had holes on the sides showing my skin a little. With a red strapless cropped shirt. There's a little space between my shirt and my skirt that shows my skin a little. I'm wearing red high heel pumps, black eyeliner, black eyeshadow and red lipstick. "Ready?", Jazmin asks. We all turn around and look at each other. Jazmin is wearing a short blue tight strapless dress that is cropped from the middle making her breast pop out with black high heel pumps. Brooke is wearing a tight pink and black short dress with spaghetti strings with pink high heels. Isis is wearing a black dress that's fluffy from the bottom and the back has holes in it showing her skin with red high heel boots. Jackie is wearing black leather bootie shorts with tights with holes in them under and a black cropped shirt that kind of looks like a bra with a black vest. "We look great", Isis says. We all agree. "So who's riding with who?"? Brooke asks. "Josh is picking me up", I say. "Austin is picking me and Isis up", Jackie says. "Brooke and I are going together", Jazmin says. Well all nod and talk while we wait. My phone beeps.

From: Josh

I'm outside

"Josh is here", I say getting up, "see ya'll at the party". "Bye", they say and I walk out. I see Josh in his car. He winks at me when he sees me. I blush and get in. "You look great babe", he says and kisses me. "You don't look so bad yourself", I say. He's wearing a red shirt that lines up his muscular body, with black jeans. We get there and get out. Josh holds my waist and kisses my cheek. "You really do look great", he says. I blush and smile. We hear the music beating loudly. We walk in and see everyone dancing. Some people are making out on the stairs while others are playing beer games and stuff. It's a pretty big house. Josh grabs my hand and starts dancing. I laugh and join him. We start dancing crazily to the music. After a while, we make our way to the kitchen and get some drinks. I see Jackie and Isis with some guys. "Hey Aurora!", I hear Isis say. I smile and walk to her. "Hey", I yell out. "She's so drunk", Jackie tells me. "I see", I say. She laughs. "Hey", one of the guys say. "Hey", I smile and turn back to Jackie. "Have you seen Austin anywhere?", Jackie says, "he left us with these guys". "no, I haven't seen him", I say. "Damn it", she says. "I'm going to go back with Josh now", I say. She nods. I make my way to Josh and see him sitting there with Austin talking. "Hey Austin", I say. "Oh, hey Aurora", he says. "Jackie is looking for you", I say. "Oh shit. I forgot about her and the guys", he says and gets up. "She's over there", I say showing him. He nods and goes. "Hey babe", Josh says and pats his lap. I laugh and sit on his lap. I drink my drink while he wraps his arms around me. I see Isis and a guy hit the dance floor. Jackie and Austin come to us and sit down. We start talking and playing around. Josh and Austin then have a race of drinking beer. Who ever finished all five beers wins. "ONE! TWO! THREE! GO!!", we yell and they start drinking. "Come on Josh! YOU CAN DO IT", I yell out. Josh goes on his last beer and chucks it down. "I WIN!", he yells out. I get up and kiss him. That was the deal. We see a group of people playing pass the card. It's when you stand in a circle and pass a card to the person next to you with your mouth by sucking on the card. Who ever drops the card loses and who ever lasts the longest wins. We go to them and play too. I see that Noah and Jonah are playing. "Hey guys!", Noah says. We say our hey's and begin playing. I stand between a guy and Josh. We're in a circle with about 10 people. The order has to be girl, boy, girl, boy. I wait until it's my turn. The guy next to me gets the card and press it to my mouth. I suck on the card and pass it to Josh, then he passes it to the girl. It goes on and on. Soon the guy next to me drops the card almost kissing me. "Damn it, I lost", he says. I laugh and he leaves. Austin, Noah, Jonah and Jackie had already lost too. It's just a guy, me, Josh and another girl. The guy passes it to me and I pass it to Josh, then he passes it to the girl and it goes on. The girl soon loses and it's just me, Josh and a guy. The guy passes it to me and I pass it to Josh but then he drops it. I laugh and he sits down. "Just you and me", the guy says. He Passes it to me and I pass it back and then he passes it to me but drops the card on purpose and kisses me. I pull away. He laughs and high fives another guy. Josh gets up and pushes the guy. Oh shit. "What's your problem", the guys asks. "You just kissed my girlfriend!", he yells. Jonah, Noah, and Austin hold Josh back while other guys hold the other guy back. They get separated. "Come on Josh", I say dragging him away. "It's okay", I say. "No it's not", he says. I press my lips to his and he calms down. He holds my waist. I pull away. "Now, are we going to dance or what?", I ask. He laughs and we go to the dance floor meeting up with Noah, Jonah, Jackie, Isis and Austin. We all dance and have fun drinking. The rest of the night passes by.

A/N- there goes chapter 16! Hope ya'll liked it! It wasn't much to it but next chapter well be better hopefully. THANKS FOR ALL THE READS!!! LOVE YA'LL!




"Be careful who you trust because the devil was once an angel"


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