Chapter 13

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Two weeks later......

Aurora's P.O.V.

It's been two weeks. Josh and I are great! Jayden, Jonah, Noah and I hang out all the time with Josh sometimes. I stopped dressing like a hoe and more like myself. Josh and I been going out a lot too. We have been to a few parties but I no longer get affected by the alcohol and stuff  but Josh still does. I haven't seen Nicole and them, thats good. I'm currently getting ready for school. I'm wearing cheetah print leggings with a black tee and my black boots. I put eyeliner and a little light pink lipstick. I leave my hair out. I go to the kitchen. "Good morning mom", I say. "Good morning", my mom says. I grab an apple and eat it. "That's all your going to eat?", my mom asks. I nod. "Well bye mom", I say. "Bye", she says and I walk out closing the door behind me. I went hunting earlier since I couldn't sleep, so I'm well fed right now. Josh is going to pick me up.

Josh's P.O.V.

I'm on my way to pick up Aurora. I pull up to her house and see her. I smile and she smiles back. She looks beautiful like always. How her long light brown hair flows in the slight breeze and her light flawless skin. She gets in and her beautiful bright blue eyes beam. "Hey babe", I say. "Hey", she says. I press my lips against hers and She kisses back. It's a long nice kiss. We pull away and I head to school. "You look great", I say, "like always". She blushes. I love that she blushes so easily. I got to admit, Aurora has changed. She's not as shy anymore. She stands up for herself. She seems more confident. But, other than that, she's still the Aurora I know. I park my car and we get out. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her closer. We walk by a group of guys. I hear a whistle. I stop in my tracks and turn around angrily. "Who whistled?", I ask glaring. They look at each other. "Me", a blond guy says, "got a problem?". "Yeah I got a problem, because you just whistled at my girl in front of me", I snap. "So what?", he asks, "she's hot, I would so fuck her hard". I slam him into the lockers and start punching him in the face multiple times.

Aurora's P.O.V.

Josh starts punching the guy in the face. I gasp. "Josh! Stop it!", I say grabbing his arm. He shakes my hand off and throws the guy on the ground. The guy throws a punch but misses. "Stop it! Josh!", I yell. A few guys pull Josh off. "Say something like that again! And next time I'll kill you!", Josh yells angrily. I never seen Josh like this. I cup his face with my hands. "Josh, look at me", I say. He looks in my eyes. His eyes are dark and his jaw is tighten. He looks..... Scary. But as soon as he looks at me, he immediately softens. "It's okay", I say. "It's not okay", he snaps. His eyes get dark again. I press my lips against his and he softens. His arms wrap around my waist. I pull away. "It's okay", I say. He stares in my eyes intensely. I rub my thumb on his cheek and he closes his eyes. He opens them and his eyes are lighter than ever. They're so beautiful. "I'm sorry", he whispers, "I just got really jealous". "I know", I smile. He leans his forehead against mine. He smiles and kisses me. I hear a lot of "aww"  making us pull away. I just now realized we were in the middle of the Hall way and everyone saw our little scene. I feel my cheeks grow really hot and Josh chuckles. "Let's just go", I say. He nods. We walk out and get in his car. "Let's go the park", he says. I nod. I don't care about the sun right. I can handle a little of it. He drives to the park and we get out the car. "Hop on", he says bending down. "On your back?", I ask. "Yes", he says. I sigh and jump on his back. He stands straight while holding my legs. "You're light", he says. I lay my head on his back stuffing my face in his neck. He lets out a soft moan. I giggle. I kiss his neck and then his cheek. We only been dating for about a month but it felt like we been dating since forever. I just really love him so much. Woah woah woah woah woah! Did I just say love?!?! Oh my tree trunk. I don't love Josh. I can't love Josh. It's way to early for that. Would he love me back? What if I do love him and he doesn't feel the same way? What if he gets freaked out. I feel my cheeks grow hot. Oh my gosh. I'm over reacting. I don't love Josh and he doesn't love me. We just really like each other, a lot. It's only been about a month. Just forget it Aurora. Love? That's crazy. I feel him put me down. He grabs my waist and he lays us down on the grass under a tree. Thank god, we're in the shade. He leans against the tree and I sit between his legs leaning on his chest. He lays his head on my shoulder. We sit there for a while. "You know", I say, "you're hot when you're jealous". "Aren't I always hot?", he smirks. "Yes",I say. He kisses my cheek. "It seems like it's about to rain", he says. I look up and see grey clouds. "Yeah", I say. "Let's go to my house", he says. I nod. We get up and it starts pouring. "Oh my gosh!", I laugh. He starts spinning and grabs my hand spinning me too. We laugh and soon go to the car. We get in. "We're soaked!", I say. He laughs and shrugs. "I'll change at home and let you borrow some clothes", he says. I blush and he smiles. We get to his house and get in. "No one is home", He says. "Come on, I'll get you some clothes", he says. We go up to his room. Nice. He looks in his closet and pulls out a long grey t- shirt. "Here", he says giving me the shirt. I go to the bathroom and put it on. It's long and loose. It goes to my mid thigh. I take off my legging too. They have to dry. I walk out and see Josh only in his boxers. I look at him from up and down. He has a nice body. He has six pack and everything. "Like what you see?", he smirks. I blush and look away. He chuckles and changes. "Come on", he says patting next to him on the bed. I lay next to him and he pulls me close. "What do you want to watch?", he asks. "What is there?", I ask. "Pick", he says giving me the remote. "By, the way", he says, "you look hot in my shirt". I blush and he smirks. I pick a chick flick and we watch it.

Skip movie...

"That was a nice movie", he says. I nod. He smiles and pecks me on the lips. We lay there in silence. The comfortable   silence. "I have to tell you something", he says softly all of a sudden. "What is it?", I ask. It takes him a moment to respond. "I don't know if you want to hear this yet. It might be too early but I have to tell you. I can't keep it to myself anymore", he says. I sit up and face him looking in his eyes. "Tell me", I say softly. He sits up and takes a deep breath. "I known this for a while now, but please don't freak out", he says staring at me intensely. I nod. He's scaring me. He looks at me in the eyes and says

"I love you"

A/N- OMFG HE LOVES HER! AND YAY I UPDATED! AND THANK U GUYS SOOO MUCH FOR THE 212 READS!!!!!!!! I JUST NOW NOTICED HAHA BUT THANK YOU!!!!! I LOVE YA! Any who, did ya like the chapter? I tried hard on this one and personally, I like this chapter. I found it cute and all. I will try to update again tomorrow! I'll try, okay? Okay. Any who, here's a random fact about me



Okay that will be all. THANK YOU! LOVE YA! GOODBYE!

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