nervous ❥

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"I don't think I can do this." Ethan sighs, slouching down in his seat.

"Ethan..." you groan, putting on your earrings. You two were getting ready to go to dinner with your parents, who Ethan was very scared to meet. "Theres really nothing to be scared of, they aren't that bad."

He laughs humorlessly, "Yeah right. There is so much to be scared of!"

"Like what?" You ask, plopping down next to him.

"Hm, let me see. There's the fact that they might hate me. No big deal..." He says sarcastically, looking at you with a worried look on his face.

"Ethan, chill. You'll be fine." You say, grabbing his hand and standing up, "Ready to go?"

"No, not really." He says simply and stands up.

You sigh and get on your tippy-toes, giving him a light kiss on the nose, "You'll be fine!" you repeat and he smiles.

"Alright, let's go." He says and you smile, taking his hand and walking out of the house and to the car.

As you drive to the restaurant, you see that he sweating a little bit and looks really tense. You lay your hand on his and he relaxes under your touch.

"Babe, calm down..." You laugh a little and intertwine your fingers so that you're holding hands.

"Sorry. I'm good. Just nervous..." He says and you roll your eyes. Your parents weren't all that bad.

When you get to the restaurant, you immediately take Ethan's hand in yours once more to assure him that you won't leave his side.

"Y/n, finally you're here." Your mom laughs happily and embraces you in a hug.

"Hey mom." You smile and hug her back.

Your mom gasps when she see's Ethan, "You must be Ethan! I've heard so much about you!"

"Mom..." You sigh and Ethan laughs nervously.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Y/L/N" Ethan flashes his award winning smile and your mother smiles back.

"You too, Follow me to the table?" Your mother suggests and we start to make our way to the table.

"Finally. I'm starving." Your dad says jokingly.

You roll your eyes, "Hello to you too."

"So your Ethan..." Your dad says, narrowing his eyes.

Ethan nods and squeezes your hand tighter, "That's me..."

"Awesome. Ready to eat?" Your dad asks with a smile and Ethan sighs in relief.

"I'm always ready to eat, sir." Ethan says seriously and you burst out laughing.

"I like you already." Your dad laughs, "Sit down, let's order."

You and Ethan sit down next to each other and order your food, your dad cracks some jokes that made Ethan laugh and you were glad they were getting along well.

Even though Ethan seemed really chill you could tell he was still really nervous. He reached his hand up and started to play with your hair absentmindedly, making you bite back a smile.

"You have a twin brother, correct?" Your dad asks with food in his mouth.

You scrunch up your nose, "Nasty."

"Hey, don't talk to me like that." He mumbled and the whole table laughed.

"Yeah, His name's Grayson." Ethan says, twirling your hair around his fingers.

"And you're Identical?" He asks and you just look at Ethan's perfect face.

"I probably look like a stalker," You think to yourself, "Oh well..."

"Yeah some things are different." He answers and you could tell he was getting more comfortable.

"Interesting." Your dad says and moves onto the next subject.

By the time the dinner was over, Ethan and your dad had basically become best friends, and that made you a happy camper.

"I'm glad we got the chance to finally meet you!" Your mom says with a warm smile, giving Ethan a hug which surprised him, but he hugged her back anyway.

"I'm glad I got to meet you too, Mrs. Y/L/N" Ethan says, smiling back, "And you too, Mr. Y/L/N" He laughs.

"It was a pleasure." Your dad laughs and shakes Ethan's hand.

"We'll see you at home then?" Your mom says and you nod with a smile on your face. "Alright. Love you!"

"Love you too." You reply. Ethan takes your hand and you walk out of the restaurant with a smile on your face.

"That wasn't bad, was it?" You ask when you get inside the car and he places his hand on your thigh.

"No.." He says, "Thanks, for helping me get through that."

"Your welcome baby!" You say, leaning towards him and giving him a quick kiss on the lips, "I love you."

He hums in response, "I love it when you say that." You smile at him and he says, "I love you too, baby girl." 

a/n -- FOLLOW MY TUMBLR // dolayn !!

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