too much, pt 2 ❥

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It was a really gloomy day today. It was raining and you could hear it from inside your room as you lay on the bed and stare up at your ceiling, just thinking. Particularly about Ethan.

You felt lonely, almost empty without him. You guessed that the reason you were thinking and crying about him so much was because you two had been together for a pretty long time, but you never expected that it would hit you as hard as it did.

It had only been two days without him and you were already sad, and everyone could tell the difference in your attitude.

Your parents would occasionally go into your room to check on you because you'd be in there for so long, and each time they came in you were in the same position, staring at the same spot on the ceiling. You'd just wave them off and tell them you were fine, but really you weren't.

You were the one to leave him, which is why you were so confused. You thought that space would solve the problem for you, that it would help you calm down and regain your energy but all you could see when you closed your eyes was the image of Ethan crying, begging you to stay with him.

You felt horrible. You wanted to be with Ethan so bad, you wanted to march right into his house and jump on him to give him a million kisses but you were too stubborn to be the one to say sorry.

You missed Ethan terribly and everyone, including your best friend and your mom, tried to convince you to just go to him and tell him how you were feeling but you just couldn't. You were feeling weak and vulnerable and you did not want to leave the spot on your bed.

"Y/N," You hear your mother knock on the door lightly and you mentally roll your eyes, continuing to stare at the ceiling. Everyone was treating you like a fragile piece of glass that would shatter with the slightest movement or sound. You hated that feeling, but in some way it was true. One wrong move or word and you would break down crying. Almost everything reminded you of Ethan, "Me and your father are going out to eat, would you like to join us?" She asks hesitantly and you think for a moment,

"No," You croak and she sighs,

"I'll see you when I get back then." She gives up and shuts the door. You hear her go down the stairs and then the front door open and shut. That meant you were all alone in the house now.

ding dong,

The annoying sound of the doorbell rang throughout the house and you almost scream for no reason. Any little thing could make you angry, and that made you even more angry.

The sound continued every minute or so, when suddenly your phone begins to buzz beside you and you groan at the object interrupting your thinking. You grab it quickly and answer it, sniffling a little, "Hello?" You say into the phone.

"Y/N," Your heart stops as the person on the phone said your name, it was Ethan, "Let me in, Y/N." He sighs and you shoot up from your position, Hanging up the phone.

You get up without hesitation and look in your mirror. You looked terrible, but you could care less. Right there, you decided you were going to say sorry, it didn't matter if it made you seem weak. At least you wouldn't feel the way you were feeling now, and you would have your boyfriend back.

You walk down the stairs slowly, taking deep breaths to prepare yourself to see his beautifully sculpted face again finally.

When you get down, you fling open the door to reveal a tear-stained face Ethan. You wanted nothing more than to reach your hand out and soothe out the lines in his face that formed his frown and wipe away his tears, but you knew you couldn't do that just yet.

"Y/N, I can't do this anymore, I nee-" You cut him off quickly,

"I'm sorry." You blurt out and his looks at you with wide eyes. Ethan knew better than anyone else that you resented saying sorry, "It's my fault. I left. I shouldn't have, I miss you. Everything about you. I'm sorry." You say again, feeling relieved that you said it but knowing full well it would not be that easy.

"You did leave." He looks down at his feet and you finally notice the rain pouring down behind him, and how he was soaking wet, "You left and I was broken." He admits and your heart breaks a little, He looks up and suddenly his eyes were filled with two emotions, sadness and anger.

"Ethan," You try to explain but he cuts you off, and you knew this would turn into yet another fight.

"No, you left." He repeats to himself, "And I should be so mad at you for that! I asked you to stay but you left." He says, more to himself than to you, "But what's bad is that i'm not mad at you, I'm not mad at all at you, that's how whipped I am." He laughs humorlessly.

His eyes move up to yours and you make eye contact, silence filling the room for a moment.

He runs a hand through his hair in frustration and turns around unexpectedly, walking away from you into the rain.

You refused to let him go so you jog after him, getting yourself soaked in the rain. You grab his wrist and pull him to a stop.

"I'm sorry." You yell and Ethan groans,

"God, I can't do this anymore." He mumbles and pulls your body closer to his, pressing his lips to your roughly. You could both feel the desperation in the kiss, and you felt better immediately. You feel him sigh into the kiss and you found yourself never wanting it to end. The rain was coming down harshly and you both were drenched, and then you realized you needed air.

"Let's never fight again," You say breathlessly as you press your forehead against his,

"Never again." He agrees and you laugh, your lips colliding with his once again.

a/n -- LOL the kiss in the rain omg i was in the shower when I thought of this im so clever (not really) but sorry if this was trash. I kinda like it tho. hope you guys liked thiiss!!!

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