elevator ❥

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You could not believe what had just happened. Of course out of all days, out of all people it had to be today, with him.

You were traveling with one of your close friends and paid for a hotel for the night because you didn't feel like driving anymore. This morning you were in a rush to get going and hit the road but before you did you decided to get some breakfast at the first floor of the hotel, but of course something had to go wrong.

You were going back up to your room in the hotel elevator, and just as the doors were about to close the person you hated most entered the elevator with you.

"Oh god, not you." You groan and put your head in your hands.

In the elevator standing next to you was Ethan Dolan, the boy who broke your heart. You had dated for a year, maybe more, when one day you caught him cheating on you with some blonde supermodel. Or at least, that's what she looked like to you.

"Hey sweetheart." He smirks and you groan once more.

"I knew I should have taken the stairs," You mumble to yourself and then look at him curiously, "What are you even doing here?" You ask and he shrugs.

"Me and Gray were just passing by." He answers and suddenly the elevator stops.

"Oh wow, of course this happens." You panic and sit own in the corner, you were a little bit claustrophobic and didn't really enjoy being in elevators. Although you had to admit they were faster than taking the stairs.

"You good?" He asks and you look up at him with an angry expression,

"No. I'm not good." You reply and he rolls his eyes,

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Of all the people I could've gotten stuck in an elevator with, it just had to be you." You say and he laughs,

"Yep. Pretty ironic." He smiles that million dollar smile that used to make you melt.

"Yeah." You say and the elevator falls silent for a few minutes, "Why are we still up here?" You sigh and he glances at you,

"Not sure. Maybe they don't know we're stuck?" He suggests and this time you shrug.

"Maybe." You say, trying to avoid having even a little bit of conversation with Ethan.

"Are you still mad at me? That was like, a year ago." He says, his eyebrows scrunched up in confusion and you laugh humorlessly.

"Seriously? You betrayed me, Ethan. Did you think I would just forget?" You ask, not wanting to talk about this right now. It just brought back all the good memories you had with him, which were crushed by what he did.

"I didn't mean for it to happen, I told you that. I called you like a million times and you avoided me, I would never intentionally hurt you, Y/N!" He yells and you roll your eyes. Ethan seemed all tough on the outside but really, he was really sensitive and emotional.

"What, did you think I would just run back to you after you cheated on me, Ethan?" You yell back and he freezes.

"I'm sorry, Okay? It meant nothing. I didn't go to her when you broke up with me, you know that. Actually, I haven't dated anyone because I still have feelings for you!" He confesses, looking a little bit angry at himself.

"Ethan..." You say, shocked at the words that came out of his mouth, "What are you trying to say?" You say, feeling really frustrated.

You still loved Ethan, even after what he did. You had been together for a long time and even though you hated him for what he did, you knew that with the right words, you'd fall for him all over again.

"I'm trying to tell you that I still love you, and that even if I said sorry a million times It wouldn't tell you how bad I feel for cheating on you. I'm an idiot, I know...I'm sorry." He tells you and you stand up, feeling really confused as to what you should do.

"You are an idiot." You say taking a step forward so that you're almost chest to chest,

"Forgive me? Please," He begs and you look away, knowing you'd give into him at any moment, "I'm not the same person without you, I need you." He says and leans in, expecting you to move away but you don't.

You couldn't wait any longer so you moved in to fill the gap, pressing your lips against his.

You knew you were weak for taking him back, but you could not resist. You two had a lot of history, and you really hoped that you made the right choice.

A beeping sound echoed through the elevator, causing you two to break apart and the elevator doors open, revealing the floor you room was on.

"Do you still have my number?" He asks, holding your hand tightly,

"Yeah," You admit, feeling your face heat up in embarrassment,

"I have yours too. I'll text you in a few, okay?" He says, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek.

"Okay." You smile, walking away with a smile on your face, happy that you had your boyfriend back.

a/n -- BECAUSE I DIDNT POST YESTERDAY but guys wow i love this...i feel like it's a lil cheesy but, it's still cuteee

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