mine ❥

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You and Ethan were currently at your prom, sitting at your table in the back of the room. Ethan wasn't in a very good mood and didn't feel like dancing, but you really wanted to dance.

"Can we dance?" You sigh, looking at Ethan with puppy eyes.

"Maybe later, I really have to use the bathroom." He tells you, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek and walking away towards the bathroom.

You stand alone awkwardly for a minute or two until Ethan's twin brother Grayson walks up to you with a smile.

"Hey Y/N! Where's E?" He asks and you shrug, sighing deeply.

"To be honest, I'm not sure." You reply, looking towards the bathrooms.

Suddenly your favorite song comes on, making you smile, "I love this song!"

"Oh, wanna dance?" Grayson grins and holds out his hand for you to take.

You didn't know if this was a good idea, but you knew Ethan wouldn't dance with you.

"Yeah!" You reply, taking his hand and you two begin to sway.

As you two danced, Grayson cracked a few jokes to make you laugh. You thought it was very sweet of him to cheer you up when Ethan wasn't around.

Randomly, Grayson gets pulled away from you and you see Ethan's angry face.

"Uh oh.." You think to yourself as Ethan yells at Grayson.

"What the hell do you two think you're doing?" He yells and multiple people turn to see what was going on.

"Ethan please, you're making a scene." You hiss, grabbing his hand but he harshly rips it away from you.

"No, Y/N, you were dancing with my brother when you came here with me." He looks at you with hurt filled eyes.

"Ethan, calm down bro. We were just dancing." Grayson tries to calm his brother down but fails miserably.

"I can't believe this." Ethan mumbles, walking out of the building.

"I'll handle this." You sigh, going after Ethan.

When you get outside, you feel a cold breeze hit you and see Ethan sitting on the sidewalk with his head in his hands.

"Baby..." You sigh, sitting next to him and placing your hand on the small of his back, "We were just dancing...You wouldn't dance with me and you just disappeared and he asked so I said yes..." You explain and he sighs, looking up at you.

"I'm sorry." He says, standing up, "You looked like you were having so much fun with Gray, and I wanted to be the one you'd be dancing and laughing with. Seeing you with Gray like that..."

"Ethan, you were the one refusing to dance with me." You stand up in front of him with your hands on your hips.

"I know..." He says, looking down at his feet nervously, "I just didn't want to mess it up."

"Mess what up?" You ask and he groans.

"The dance, I'm bad..." He explains and you laugh,

"That doesn't give you an excuse for being jealous of your brother."

"Your mine, Y/N. Seeing you with someone else, especially my brother, isn't something I want to see." He says and you wrap your arms around his waist, laying your head on his chest.

"I know, I'm sorry." You apologize and he lays his head on top of yours, wrapping his arms around you.

"You don't have to be sorry," He sighs, "I overreacted."

"Yeah..." You smile and he laughs.

"To tell you the truth, I was teaching myself how to dance in the bathroom," Ethan plays with his fingers nervously.

"That's adorable," You hug him tighter and laugh, "Do you still want to dance with me?" You look up at him.

"I don't know, Y/N..." He says and you drag him towards the entrance,

"Come on, I promise it's easy." You convince him and he agrees to one dance.

Before you knew it, Ethan got the hand of dancing and you spent the rest of the night dancing. Grayson and Ethan had made up and you and Ethan were one of the last people to leave.

To say at the least, it was definitely a night to remember.

a/n -- this was cute, thx for requesting!!!!!

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